Neighbors complaining - advice requested

Discussion in 'General' started by Walter Hong, Oct 10, 2020.

  1. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    WTF?! on a random Tuesday in October @ 11pm? You live next to Bam Margera from Jackass or something?
  2. evakat

    evakat Well-Known Member

    LOL...yes. just a random night he will set off a few to 10 huge fireworks at late at night... I actually hear the launch sound from my bed.
  3. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    This MUST be a troll post.

    i mean I’ve done some stupid shit but riding a bike at midnight? Go get some cbd gummies bro

    even if I owned a V4SL with open akras on it there’d be nothing that’d get me to go ride a bike after 10 PM.

    unless I want to piss of my neighbors. But 3 AM is a better suited time for that
    Razr and 418 like this.
  4. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    It's better to keep the peace with the neighbors. You may need them to cover your flank when sideways it goes, in late November.
    notbostrom, Phl218 and Photo like this.
  5. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    This can't be overstated.

    Even for far simpler things. I've had issues with my well pump from time to time and my neighbor never bats an eye when I've asked if I can hookup a line to his outside hose so I can get water to my house until it was fixed.
    Pixelator and jrsamples like this.
  6. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    What’s their phone number? Maybe we can all call them, you know, as friendly ambassadors of motorcycling...
    Razr likes this.
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    We all get along pretty well in our hood. When weather comes through all the guys head out to clear fallen trees and make sure emergency services can get down the street. Most of the neighbors are 60+ years of age with a few exceptions so we make sure our older crew gets looked after. We've hunted for lost dogs for hours on end, fought a fire that threatened several house that got started when a neighrbor was welding to make a repair on his dock. We've got an alzhiemer's patient that some times believes she is being held hostage and stages an escape. For some reason she only like's to talk to my wife so there have been a couple times when we've spent an hour on the side of the road getting her back in a car to take her home. It's a pretty good crew around here. I've got one neighbor that loves to cook as her retirement hobby. I get fresh bread about 2 or 3 times a month and she picks a house at random on occassion and does a ring and dash leaving behind a complete dinner on your door step. We've got great neighbors so we do our best to try and be a great neighbor. Even with my personality deficit it seems we manage to pull it off.
    VFR#52, BigBird, Pixelator and 5 others like this.
  8. OldSchlPunk

    OldSchlPunk Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I don't get home from work until after 10:30. On those occasions I try to keep the revs as low as possible and the idle time a little as I can just to be courteous.

    OTOH, there's some azzwipe that comes through the neighborhood occasionally before 6 AM with a straight-piped Hardley running near redline. I'm pretty sure I know where he's going and one day I may just follow him to voice my displeasure. Maybe suggest I ride past his house some night after 11 the same way...

    Come to think of it, he hasn't been by in several weeks...maybe my neighbor, who commented on him to me, has had a talk with him...
  9. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    Neighbor 2 down has a motocross track, neighbor between us has a loud ass Harley he likes to ride on the weekends at the ass crack of dawn. MOVE. :D

    Between those guys, and the non stop dirt bike and atv traffic heading into the Ganaraska forest (switches to sleds in the winter) then add in the distant sounds coming from Mosport and it's a gear heads musical paradise. There are a few horse Karens around that just non stop bitch about it on facebook, but aside from that it's all cool. Every once in a while it's calm and silent enough to hear nature :D
    Phl218 likes this.
  10. Fuckinhell this shit keeps making me laugh. :crackup:

    And the application in this thread is fucking perfect. :crackup:

    Well played. :D
  11. bigtime

    bigtime Well-Known Member

    Being a dick is having a personality

    BigBird likes this.
  12. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I'd rather hear a bike for what? 10 or 15 seconds? My next door neighbor has a yappy little shit Yorkie. They have a doggie door and fenced in back yard so this little shit can be out whenever it wants. It yaps at everything. Sometimes is yaps at nothing. I swear the only time the little shit is quiet is when THEY want to sleep. Our houses are very close in the neighborhood. It's not as bad when they are home in the evening but I tend to stay up late and then sleep in. This little shit has woken me up MANY times in the morning after they have left for work. But, technically they are doing nothing wrong so I keep quiet about my dislike for their little yappy dog
    turner38 and motoboy like this.
  13. Bloodhound

    Bloodhound Well-Known Member

    I work 6pm to 6am on a 2-2-3 schedule so I AM the neighborhood vampire...

    You can do things at night rather stealthily if needed but riding up and down the street on either a track bike or big single lunged sumo reverberating exhaust pulses between neighbors windows is a shit idea...start up, not warm up, idle out of the neighborhood, and then go for your night ride in your fuzzy footed pajamas... When your happy, try to idle back through the neighborhood as quietly as possible.
  14. JCW

    JCW Well-Known Member

    A BMW R1200 something pulled up beside me at a stoplight the other day.
    I swear it sounded like a sewing machine running it was so quiet. I couldn't believe it.
    If you want to ride at night and pleasing the neighbors is important, maybe think about getting a nice quiet bike.
  15. walt415

    walt415 Active Member

    Hi Guys,

    Thank you for all the input. I didn't expect my post to generate so much traffic, but it's all appreciated.

    I admit that riding my motorcycle at midnight is odd, but have you heard there are people who ride motorcycles around a track at speeds that could be fatal? And they pay to do it! :D

    I won't be riding my track bike up and down the street at midnight anymore. That was a dick move.

    My neighbor texted me back and said her husband goes to bed at 9:30 or 10 PM, so could I finish my motorcycling by then. She then texted me back and said a little after 10 is ok. I texted her back and said I'd finish my motorcycling by 10 PM.

    What I still can do (and was doing, on alternate nights) is ride my bike through the neighborhood at midnight. I know it sounds creepy, but when the moon is out and I'm pedaling through the streets and the wind is rushing by, I don't have a care in the world.

    Thanks again for all the advice. I read and considered every reply.

    VFR#52 and Razr like this.
  16. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Now that's a loud bicycle! You put cards in the spokes?
    VFR#52 and R Acree like this.
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I had a roommate decades ago that turn on a hair dryer, direct the flow under his sheets and then go out for a 5 minute ride (NC in January). When he got back, he would run jump in the nice warm bed. It worked for him...the rest of us thought it strange. I must admit he has been consistently strange, more often than not, for the last 45 years
  18. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    How'd you get him to quit that? But 45 years, now that's a solid roommate.
    SundaySocial, Phl218 and auminer like this.
  19. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey


    .22 and a suppressor...

    Problem solved.


    Pixelator and 50Joe like this.
  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    There's no reason to shoot himself. :D
    fastfreddie, 50Joe and RRP like this.

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