Is a RS125 still worth it?

Discussion in '2-Stroke Machines' started by definitely not a cat, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    How old is your kid?
  2. RTD

    RTD Well-Known Member

    13, we’ve worked our way of through all of the mini’s with the exception of a GP bike with an 85, a 125 is the next step. I still may look at re-powering with an 85 if it’s too big of a step
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  3. gpracer15

    gpracer15 Built to Ride

    125's are the shiznit! I have had many and you will learn how to ride on a 125. People think since they are 125's they are slow.
    They are 165 pounds with about 43-44 horsepower! At Road Atlanta mine would power wheelie out of 5 and under the bridge!

    Had a blast setting up a pass in the draft especially if the rider in front was on a bigger CC bike! Nothing like passing a guy on a
    1000 and he never come back around lol...

    I remember racing John and Chris Ulrich, Kevin Murray, Mike Himelsbach, and several others back in the 90's. I was like a current MOTO3 race!
    Trent, racer_11, RTD and 1 other person like this.
  4. definitely not a cat

    definitely not a cat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the advice but I’m going pass. I don’t know if I can afford to keep up with the maintenance that long days at the track would call for. Really cool bikes but just a touch out of my league right now.
    For what it’s worth this is the bike I was considering
  5. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    Have you had a seat on one before? They're really, really small.

    I'd love to go down the 125 route at some point. Wish more folks raced them.
  6. definitely not a cat

    definitely not a cat Well-Known Member

    I haven’t. I assumed I’d fit fine since I’m 5’8” at best and about 155lbs.
  7. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    I think he will be fine. My 9yr old is currently riding a rs powered with 80 in. It has been really awesome learning tool for him. It has gave him so much confidence. Teaching him corner speed and I couldnt be happier with putting him on it. Any questions let me know. I'm still learning but will help out if I can.
    RTD likes this.
  8. matt2491

    matt2491 Well-Known Member

    I'm 6'0" at 170lbs and fit fine. If I was any bigger I might not fit so well though.

    You will not find an easier bike to work on. It's scientifically impossible.

    You won't care about any additional maintenance it requires because you'll be having so much fun on the thing that you'll want to spend time wrenching on it and getting it ready for the next track day. They're fun to ride and fun to work on.

    You can also transport them in all kinds of ways you can't with big bikes. For example, sideways in a van:


    Or on top of an ex cop car:

  9. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Well-Known Member

    They do look great on cop cars

    expat and definitely not a cat like this.
  10. punchsponge

    punchsponge Well-Known Member

    GP bikes are cool. If you don't want to blow the big money on an NSF, Moriwaki MD250 might be something to consider. I love mine.
  11. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    Those bikes won’t hardly run at anything less than on the pipe. Track day or race if it is being ridden the mileage suggestions still need to be followed or it will cost you in the long run.
  12. RTD

    RTD Well-Known Member

    Thanks, looking forward to it, I’ve kept him on 2t’s whenever possible in anticipation of getting a 125 at some point.
  13. gpracer15

    gpracer15 Built to Ride

    My last GP bike I had, I miss it! Finished 2nd overall in 2002 WERA National 125 GP series. What a great group of people to race with!

    Attached Files:

  14. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    I'm running a 415 chain. Where can I find front sprockets at?
  15. AssClown

    AssClown Well-Known Member

    Stewart at has helped me a ton with my 125. They usually have any part I need and should have them.

    Also there is TSO, or WebBikeJapan.
  16. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    I have a couple laying in the toolbox. Send me a address and I’ll send em too ya.
  17. fossil

    fossil Well-Known Member

    Only real problem with a well-set-up RS125 is that it will spoil you for bigger, heavier bikes. When I raced my 1996, I was 5'11" and weighed 165lbs.
    I was very close to being too big for it. I was racing with AHRMA at the time, and they sent the RS125's out in the fastest practice group. Dive-bombing
    big Ducks at the shorter tracks was more than enough reward for the maintenance required.
    Just as a point of reference, I could put a piston and ring in it in about 30 minutes. The real issue was getting jetted. When it was right, it ran really well.
    Too rich, pokey and unresponsive. Too lean, get the tools and spares out.
    Heisenberg likes this.
  18. expat

    expat Active Member

    Remember the maintenance schedule was written by Honda for racing, at trackdays, you can easily extend the service schedule by 30% without any major worries. This is not saying ignore inspections after every event but I am regularly getting 400 miles from pistons and about 2500 from cranks... when I was racing I rebuilt every season regardless which was often less than 1800 miles as recommended by Honda for the crank.
    As per a previous poster, I only use cast pistons, HRC or Vertex.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    Seriously there are two or more?!? Ya’ll are killing me with this repurposed cop car as tiny bike toy haulers!
  20. joec

    joec brace yourself

    I posted a pic of you guys passing through Baltimore just down the street..I think in transit to/from homestead this past spring. I couldn't believe it.. Lol.

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