Question for the great Beeb

Discussion in 'General' started by flygirl, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    This has Nothing to do w me or any of my experiences, just cool local info, I share.

    The original Exorcist movie was about a kid from St Louis, 20 miles away from us.
    8435 Roanoke Drive, St Louis MO
    (Ronnie & his father) Widman Motorcycle Sales (Historic Suzuki/HD Dealer, Flatrackers/Roadracers/WERA/GNF) was like a 1/2 block from the hospital it all went down at. The floor of the hospital was closed off after it happened, forever. I knew a Nurse that worked there. Bunch of obscure documentaries/videos about it all. Lot of folklore/stories about it, when we were in our late-teens/early-20's.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
    flygirl likes this.
  2. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    What the heck are you two talking about. English please
  3. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    Now that was one scary movie
    SpeedyE likes this.
  4. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    I just snorted fruit snacks - and checked to see if he was under my bed.

    I have missed the heck out of that guy.
    flygirl, joec and SpeedyE like this.
  5. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Get a dog to either scare the ghost or solve the mystery:D Sorry,was heat exhausted building the new half pipe and getting goofy.
    SpeedyE likes this.
  6. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    I think that there are people who are more sensitive to the paranormal than others. I have no sensitivity at all and have never had anything that resembles a ghostly experience. My wife, on the other hand, is much more attuned to such things and has experienced some things that are unexplained.
    Look at Ritchie and Speedy, they are a couple of sensitive guys and Ritchie has a haint and Speedy has everything else.

    Alicia, are you sensitive to the paranormal, too?
    SpeedyE likes this.
  7. Yzasserina

    Yzasserina sound it out

    SpeedyE likes this.
  8. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    I believe this to be 100% true <3
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Need more info on the fan - remote control? Dimmer switch? Pull string only?

    No, not everything moves as easily as other things.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Growing up with a crazy mother I was sensitive to it all too - then I realized I just tended to observe things differently than others and could work stuff out quickly they couldn't. It was how my brain is wired not some spirits giving me answers.
  11. 10-15

    10-15 Well-Known Member

    About 18 years ago I had gone to bed early as I needed to be up and out of the house (built new in 2000) at 3 am for work. I fell asleep and started dreaming and in my dream I was walking toward my walk in closet. The dream continued, I reached in to turn the light on and before I could reach the switch someone or something grabbed my right arm and tried to pull me into the dark. I fought back and awoke to find myself still in bed covered up. A few seconds later I heard a thundering crash come from my closet. I'm like, WTF, I jumped out of bed and went directly to the closet and flicked on the light switch. I found a large plastic storage box that contained my winter clothes lying on the closet floor. It was sitting on the top shelf of my closet and I hadn't touched it since the previous winter. My wife heard the noise from the front of the house and came back to where I was. She asked what the hell had happened. I pointed to the large plastic container on the floor and told her exactly what I had experienced. Coincidence, maybe.

    I never have walked in my sleep. This was the first and last time something like this has happened in our house and I have never had another dream like that. I'm not a spooky person, but I was a little rattled for the next couple of nights.
    flygirl and SpeedyE like this.
  12. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    I don’t know but with what is going on in here right now I think so
  13. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    There is no pull string. It simply has a remote for low ,medium, high and off button It’s a beautiful high end type fan that looks brand new . It’s a pretty powerful fan and loud when it’s on high. Think of a fan that many of us use at the track outside only it’s up attached to the ceiling and classy looking with remote.
  14. DmanSlam

    DmanSlam Well-Known Member

    I think @flygirl just offended us track fan users. I'll be adding a 'classy' ceiling fan as another requirement in my enclosed trailer search.
    flygirl likes this.
  15. DmanSlam

    DmanSlam Well-Known Member

    Thought this was a fitting response since you have cats. :D

  16. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    The Cats are wiping there asses all over the dishes ...they need more cats , 5 is not enough. My neighbor has 7 :rolleyes:
    DmanSlam likes this.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Well there ya go, someone elses remote is on the same channel. That's an easy one.
    DmanSlam likes this.
  18. DmanSlam

    DmanSlam Well-Known Member

    Domesticated pets. You wash, they dry. :cool:
  19. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    People coming over with paranormal equipment Sunday. This should be fun
    Wingnut likes this.
  20. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    About this chair...

    Hurricane building? So, I take it you're on a coast with hurricane potential, which likely means you have tidal changes. The tidal changes are making the Earth undulate.
    Top floor? You're at the tip of the pendulum that is your building and your building is riding the wave.
    Can you feel the tide change? No.
    Can you see results of it changing? Yes.

    You need NASA or NOAA, not ghost busters, to solve this.
    Why? Cuz they don't deal with instrument readings as psuedo-scientists.

    Here's a short story about military laser guidance development technicians in Quantico that fell prey to what they didn't understand. NASA Langley got wind of it and straightened 'em out with one simple question - "How long are you waiting between the final test calibration/set-up and the actual test?"
    Arrogantly, naively or whatever, their answer was "What does that have to do with it?"
    Well, it had everything to do with it. The techs would set everything up all through the morning, have the "weapon" zeroed on the target quite some distance away, then break for lunch. Some time after lunch, they would conduct the actual test. Over and over, day in and day out, they would fail to hit their target. They'd re-run calculations, calibrations, set-ups, etc. and, to no avail, fail again at the next attempt while becoming furtherly frustrated.
    As it turns out, the time they took between set-up, lunch, power up and fire was enough for the tide in the Chesapeake Bay to change. The added or subtracted weight of the water was enough to make the surrounding landmasses rise or fall, moving the target from its known position. When looking for pinpoint accuracy, inches may as well be miles.

    ...there's a logical answer.
    YamahaRick and sdg like this.

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