2020 Schedule Changes

Discussion in 'General' started by Mongo, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    i'm guessing it would be rescheduled because that event is huge for them. it's a 3 day event and gets a ton of entries
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hope that can happen.
  3. bugeye

    bugeye Well-Known Member

    Governor says we open on May 18th is the way I read it. CCS race is 23,24,25
  4. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    I believe it’s being handled as a per-county for opening things and Summit Point is still in a higher risk county.

    I could be wrong, just passing along what I’m hearing today.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    @Mongo CCS memorial weekend at Summit has been cancelled. We just received emails. I'm hoping the WERA one in June can happen, was looking forward to it.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Me too. Going to have to dig more into the county and state regs this week.
    DBConz likes this.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wow. Another state that went full retard :(
  8. grady anderson

    grady anderson Well-Known Member

    The way it stands now there will be a five person limit for Motor sports events. So enough for any class I race. Though you may have to bump up entry fees.....:rolleyes:
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That's what I saw but haven't found the actual wording about that anywhere. Like I said earlier, we're at groups of 6 and so on but all of that is specifically for the interiors of businesses.
  10. grady anderson

    grady anderson Well-Known Member

    I got my information today from Roger Lyle who has a track day scheduled May 31/June 1. Not gonna happen with a five person limit.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I understand all that - still trying to find Jefferson County and/or the states actual regulations. The 5 person limit for outdoor stuff doesn't make sense or work with the other outdoor type activities they are allowing in WV - dunno of that county has more restrictions. Always easier if I can read what the people making the regs have written out.
  12. grady anderson

    grady anderson Well-Known Member

    I'll give it a shot at finding it.
    In the meantime I just printed the membership renewal form and will mail it today as a show of support for WERA.
    And I will race whenever you can make it happen at Summit. Thanks for trying.
  13. cyclocrossfool

    cyclocrossfool Well-Known Member

    governor.wv.gov gives a outline for openings, unless it hasnt been updated? 5/21/20 outdoor motorsport racing - no spectators
  14. kruizen

    kruizen Well-Known Member

  15. kruizen

    kruizen Well-Known Member

  16. JBowen33

    JBowen33 Only fast on Facebook

    @Mongo so i am assuming since everything is up in the air for Summit beginning of June is why it’s not showing up on MAPS for preentry?
  17. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Protest the politicians not the businesses trying to earn a living IMO.
    tawzx12r likes this.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Thank you and all the others who have donated and sent in memberships during all this for the support!
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Saw it but they don't have anything about the 5 person limit where I can find it.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

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