
Discussion in 'General' started by Metalhead, May 4, 2020.

  1. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    For those of you that suffer from frequent migraines, I'm truly sorry and feel for you. They are NOT a joke. I've had 3 in my life, and those were in a 2 year span back in the 90s. I remember the pain vividly.
    But that all changed today. Got up about 4 with an average headache. No biggie. Popped a couple advil and went on about my day. Once the sun got up I couldn't stand the light and the headache was worse. By 9am I was on the couch with my head wrapped in ice begging to die. At noon the puking started. Gahdammit I literally wanted to die.
    It's fading now though. Just at regular headache level. But damn if whole body ain't completely exhausted.

    I NEVER want to go through that again.
    Rebel635 likes this.
  2. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I started getting them several years ago for some reason. Still haven't figured out a trigger. Haven't had one for several months now luckily. There's several different types I guess, I don't get sensitive to light or noise. I get woke up after a couple hours sleep usually, right side of my head usually hurts the worst and I'll start sweating like a pig. Stand there naked and sweat so bad I have to keep toweling off, can't do much much suffer thru it. I usually throw up multiple times and start to slowly feel better after I do. Usually not able to begin to fall back asleep until it's time to get up. It completely kicks my ass so now I just drag myself out to the shop, stick a note on the door and turn the answering machine on and go back to bed till noon or so then try to open up in the afternoon.
    Metalhead likes this.
  3. acorn27

    acorn27 4 out of 3 people in the world struggle with math

    Weekly occurrence for me. I don't have the "want to die" reaction but it makes life suck big time. Get a doctor to prescribe you Immitrex (sumatriptan) or something else in the Triptan family. When I feel the stabbing coming on in my right eye and back of my skull, I'll pop one of those. Usually takes care of it in an hour or so. It's taken years but triggers for me generally are: lack of sleep, stress, too much sugar and unfortunately alcohol.

    Last year I started trying CBD oil and it does seem to help. I thought it might just be a placebo effect but I stopped and started the CBD and it really seems to have an effect. If I don't drink at all (hard as hell) and do the CBD, I can be down to 1-2 per month.
    trussdude likes this.
  4. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    I’ve struggled with them most of my life.

    About five years ago I read a book called “heal your headache” that taught me about triggers. I learned that it was all in my diet.

    I cut out some things and have been migraine free with a few isolated exceptions since.
  5. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    You sure it’s just a migraine?
  6. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    I've hurt myself a bunch of ways including knocking a hole in my leg that needed surgery etcetc
    But the worst pain I've had was a cluster migraine. Fuck that shit, it felt like someone was drilling into my head and I couldn't move or speak until I finally threw up.
    I hope what's left of your brain feels better Richie haha
  7. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Exactly the same for me. Right eye, back of skull. This is only the fourth one in 56 years. I never want to go through it again.
  8. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Lol kiss it. Haha
  9. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    I got 3 letters for you guys that may change the future of your migraines...CBD.

    My wife suffered them weekly/bi weekly for the first few years of our marriage until I purchased a bottle on the recommendation of a friend. It worked. She doesn’t need to take Imitrex anymore which is nasty stuff.

    Told our Dr. about it and he gave us a Medical Mary Jane card and now she takes 1/4 of the dose she was taking of the internet brand and gets the same relief.

    Just my .02

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Metalhead likes this.
  10. lee955i

    lee955i The Traveling Gnome

    Man, it's been a while but got them semi regularly. Always fun. You can feel it coming and if your lucky enough to get your stomach and bowels (which for some reason, turns in to some bizarre acidic liquid before coming out) emptied before you find yourself in the dark, in the fetal position with your head wrapped in cold towels, you're doing well. Always the same routine. After the above, about 5 hours sleep, up and eat something, feel it starting to come back, so back to bed for another 5 or so hours. Only way I could get rid of them...:(. As I said, though, it's been a while..
    Metalhead likes this.
  11. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Heard that. I puked 5 times today and it was just bile. Weird as hell.
  12. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Magnesium and excedrin migraine. Two of each.

    Be careful with the magnesium as it can have an interesting effect on your digestive tract.
    DmanSlam likes this.
  13. Scott S.

    Scott S. Well-Known Member

    This is weird. Since my stroke a year ago November I sporadically get a sudden very sharp pain top left side of my head and down through the inner ear to jaw and neck.
    I can usually tell on the onset as I feel a bit nauseous.
    I suddenly get really sleepy and either fall asleep or pass out. Can't really tell which. After about 20 minutes I wake up and it's over.
    Also on the onset of nausea at times my vision will go double with the right side only tilts to starboard. Covering one eye works but the right eye appears to make things look further away than the left. After about 10 to 15 minutes all is slowly right again.
    I know area of the stroke, left lobe upper and deep.
    I just try minimise any stress and eat right. No alcohol or soft drinks, salt, etc.
    Excited about collecting some retirement bennies beginning in July. Any neurosurgeons in the house?

    Kinda sucks cause I was looking forward to some vintage roadracing soon. Can't see anything responsible about being out there with this.

    If your having migraines please get a snap shot. Nothing to fool around with.
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  14. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    had them a few times. im very light sensitive all the time, but much worse when im having an episode. i usually get pretty confused as well and have a hard time differentiating reality from whatever is goin on in my head. . oddly enough i had one just 2 weeks ago, throwing up and all...miserable.
  15. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    You made sure that it wasn't a fork in your skull, right?
  16. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    That is scary....almost like you’re smoking that K2 lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. OGs750

    OGs750 Well-Known Member

    I get them fairly regularly although less now than in the past. Similar effects as others - splitting headaches, sensitivity to light, nausea, etc. I’ve found that dehydration is my primary trigger, but overheating, and exhaustion are factors too.

    I've found that caffeine works well (counter intuitive to the dehydration) and, if you can get some, Excedrin works wonders. Aspirin and coffee is a good substitute in a pinch.

    The worst is waking up and feeling one brewing and not catching it in time. I had one last summer that came on while I was at work. It was so bad I needed to sit in my car with the AC blasting while I tried to sleep it off.
  18. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    He tried to look, but the damn fork was blocking his view. :D
  19. 2MM

    2MM Well-Known Member

    Suspicious signs of seizure activity here; you may want to let your doc/neurologist know.
    noles19 likes this.
  20. ClemsonsR6

    ClemsonsR6 Well-Known Member

    I used to never have them, but on February 18, 2012 I started to get them.
    Sabre699 likes this.

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