Am I Crazy For Considering Moving to Los Angeles?

Discussion in 'General' started by Razr, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. L8RSK8R

    L8RSK8R Well-Known Member

    JBraun are you in OB?
  2. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback, it's good to hear opinions of people that live there, and have chosen the same path I'm considering. I will say I'm about 50/50 on moving. I have a pretty good deal where I'm at. Make decent money, it's clean, safe, and I have a huge family here. My daughter goes to a private university here, my wife gets a 50% discount on her tuition, was $42k, now $20k. My business has a constant flow of referrals and repeat customers. I'm not getting wealthy, but we eat good, but I do everything to keep the business going. I will admit, I'm probably a little burnt out where I'm at. A new job, location, and lifestyle sounds intriguing to me. It would be nice to get paid for what I know, not so much for what I can do. I still like the physical work, but I'm in my mid 50s, and that has to slow down at some point.
    L8RSK8R and Boman Forklift like this.
  3. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    be careful with western Montana… Its been Californiacated. Have a look at Red Lodge. It is a very special and magical place.
  4. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    I’d be careful in Red Lodge, there’s some Uccio ball washer that haunts that place riding Royal Enfields around. :D
    Sabre699, Phl218 and motion like this.
  5. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    Can you afford to stay in LA if the job goes away?
  6. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    I think you own your business, do you have people in place at your existing business that can run it while you check out this opportunity, or are you just going to close it down?

    I would try to look at it as a small stop on your way to retirement. Maybe it's only 3 years, maybe 10, but it sounds like you could save a bunch with the huge pay increase and enjoy a change. Regarding your daughter, if you move, it's like many kids who move away to go to college, yours just worked backwards. :)

    As you and @JBraun said, it probably doesn't make sense to buy a house out here with current values, but that could be a very stupid statement if things keep rolling for another 5 years. Having said that housing costs are so much more than the norm, it seems like it will have to go flat or even retreat here pretty soon. Last time things were this high was around 05-06 and after the recession my house dropped about 50% from the previous peak. I'm just now getting back to the 05 peak.

    Good Luck on your decision. On another note, is there a chance you come out and try it and your wife stays in Indiana? You work for 6-12 months and make sure it is what you want without uprooting her or your daughter, I would think that could help take out the sting of possibly making a wrong decision. You get a trail run and make sure it works and your wife can fly out every month or other month and see what she thinks, while you also see if you like S.Cal and the company. My father-in-law was a college professor and did that a few times throughout his career.
  7. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Yeah but 120k at that point in time was probably more like 2-3kk like you said. For a 22 year old.... whooo boy. I’d have been in serious trouble. :D
  8. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Gotta decide what you want. Money doesn’t buy happiness. It sounds like you own your own business. Hire a business coach and figure out what it takes to get paid as its most valuable employee and the guy who owns it. As the biz owner you wear multiple hats. What is stopping you from doing the job they want to hire you for where you already are? It’s probably a lot easier to double your income where you are than to move across the country for the triple you mention.

    Get that business to work FOR YOU so that you can do what you want to do. Just because you own a business it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to take a month off to go surfing or ride cross country. It’s not something that will happen from one day to the next but it’s possible over time.
    Razr likes this.
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's why you make sure it also comes with LESS WINTER!
    SuddenBraking, JBraun and Razr like this.
  10. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    I agree. I won't even go back to see my parents for Christmas any more. I will go in the summer, they can come see us at Christmas and get the benefit of the fantastic weather.
    Razr likes this.
  11. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    There is absolutely no fucking way in hell I’d move to California.

    Just No.

    I’m just waiting 3100 more days til my son is 18 and graduated. The it’s off to TN or NC.
    wsmc42, CRA_Fizzer and YamahaRick like this.
  12. zamboiv

    zamboiv Well-Known Member

    Came 15 years ago, only left for a short stint and came back to HQ when they called me back. I ain’t going no where. Surfed the other morning before catching a flight. Uncle texted me yesterday to go cycling(in Pittsburgh so couldn’t make that one). Having bbq for super bowl. Yes the weather tax sucks, but so do other taxes elsewhere and winter blows, especially when it’s not winter enough to enjoy it.

    give it a run, what’s the worst thing that happens?

    PM me with questions. I’m in HB, just up the road from Rob. Hell come out and let’s all grab a beer, we can ride beach cruisers from bar to bar one afternoon by the beach, you’ll surely want to leave after that. It’s cold in The winter so better bring a long sleeve T-shirt for when the sun goes down!
  13. Jaketheone46

    Jaketheone46 Well-Known Member

    I just said this a few post back, one day I’ll be living retired in TN,NC OR GA
    Boman Forklift and Razr like this.
  14. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    rob seems to be giving you pretty good advice. I moved here 03 before that I lived in ga for 2 yrs and NC for 1, as well as maine - besides my home in cape Breton Canada. living here downsides - obviously cost...I missed the housing crash so I rent and my rent is...ummm...high lol. for awhile I lived in a much cheaper - and therefore much more dangerous area...the violence was a bit too much. where youre looking at working (and I am guessing living) that's not so much an issue...perhaps the biggest issue I have here, and most frustrating is traffic. yeah theres allot to do...but when you leave your place on a beautiful day expecting a 45min drive and it turns into get a bit sour. this is regardless of day or can be 3am and you might end up in traffic.

    riding here in that traffic helps, because you can lane split, BUT you better be watching...that traffic is deadly too. other thing that is unique here, don't let your veh registration lapse, they NEED to be registered even if youre not driving it (you can list it as non op though). as was mentioned earlier registration is costly - each year.

    theres a few tracks within a few hours drive of you, good mountain roads, ski hills about 90min from you in LA as well. I would do it and have your business run itself there if you can...a working vacation...its how I got here and didn't leave lol.
    Boman Forklift and Razr like this.
  15. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    I love a lot of things about Los Angeles. The cost of living is insane though. I want to leave at some point because I can make similar money elsewhere for a lower cost of living. If I had a bunch of money and didn't GAF I wouldn't go anywhere.

    Keep in mind that taxes, insurance etc. are crazy out here. I wouldn't move here to advance my career unless it was an opportunity unavailable elsewhere and paid at least 250k. Which would also put you in the worst possible tax bracket and eliminate many deductions depending on if you're married and her income.

    Also think about what it's going to take to duplicate the lifestyle you want here. If you want to ride dirty bikes, you'll need a truck. That truck will cost 1000+ a year to register. The parking and storagel space to store that truck and those bikes will cost too.

    Also as important as your financials: Think about where you'd live and work and what your commute will be. A 10 mile commute in Los Angeles can take 1 hour+, or a 30 mile commute can take 30 minutes. Just depends. If you're spending 2 hours each day commuting you will hate life no matter the job or pay. So make sure you research commute times and you're willing to pay what it takes to have a short commute.

    If the finances and commute time will work for you, I say go for it. The outdoor recreational opportunities are ridiculous. There's a decent number of tracks within 5 hours. Tons of places to ride road or dirty in general. The diversity and quality of cuisine is amazing. Anything you could ever possibly want to do you can find here.

    I would consider hiring a good local accountant to get a handle on the numbers before you even seriously consider it.

    That said, it sounds like a huge opportunity. You don't have to stay here. Once you take this position it should open up doors nation and worldwide.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
    j cal and Razr like this.
  16. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    And I'm agreeing with you 100 percent. ;-)

    Every time I go to Raleigh for training, I don't want to come back here in MD.
  17. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    This, exactly! My wife and I are so fed up here, she is taking a $20k hit in base pay and I am walking away from a business I have spent 24 years building. I have not advertised in well over 10 years or had to chase work. Past customers and word of mouth keeps me plenty busy here. But, with the ways things have turned out here, we are not happy anymore and are leaving without hesitation.

    To the OP, your results may vary. You may like it here or be able to tolerate it long enough to stash some cash and then get out. Best of luck to you. I can understand the stress you are going through since I just did this myself.
    Razr likes this.
  18. g maloney

    g maloney Well-Known Member

    don’t forget “the thermal club” and plenty of kart tracks for smaller two wheel stuff too

    plenty of sites, attractions, opportunities and fun to be had if you keep a positive attitude and take time to explore

    Good luck with your next chapter in life
    Razr and Boman Forklift like this.
  19. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    Got the sticker and everything.
    L8RSK8R likes this.
  20. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    What business are you stepping away from? There are plenty of guys out there, just like I was, 40 years old and fed up with the corporate deal and want to do my own thing.

    I would encourage you to sell your business. I bought mine with some savings, some equity out of the house and a big SBA loan.

    No reason for you to walk away with nothing if your deal is profitable and someone could take it over. I was a software salesman, but was mechanical, and understood financials from helping businesses with the software I sold them. So I bought a forklift company, and had never even driven one until I took over.

    SBA gave me a huge loan, and I probably overpaid, but I’m still having fun sometimes :D
    nd4spd likes this.

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