The book burning censorship by the left.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Lanceabillion, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Lanceabillion

    Lanceabillion Registered Abuser

    Serious question, what can be done by the increase of the left's censorship of all things they don't like. I know this topic is touched on by sporadic threads here already, but this is more about the online aspects. This includes social media platforms that have complete unethical d-bags in the form of Zuckerberg and Dorsey that flat out operate their platforms with a liberal bias and a moving set of double standards. As the left controls 90% of the mainstream media, nearly 100% of the education and almost 100% of the social media platforms, its a wonder that there is anyone remaining that has ethical and moral conservative values of God, family, and country.

    Should they be labeled as publishers now instead of platforms, then subject to first Amendment laws? Should they be considered public utilities, and broken up as monopolies? They sure as hell can't police themselves. They have proven that.....<cough, cough, Cambridge Analytica>

    Couple of things, as they are free apps, a lot of people, and I am sure there will be a ton on here, that say, "just don't play" or "it's their sandbox, build your own if you don't like it". Is that feasible and viable? We will see how Dr. Jordan Peterson's new platform will do, that promises no censorship and free flowing ideas. When you click on the terms of service for social media sites, or any software, you either have to agree to every word and sentence, or you are out completely. Their legalese is sure as heck not slanted towards the user........

    YouTube has decided that a bunch of conservative sites now should be banned or demonetized. Some 14 year old kid with a channel showing him just doing yardwork gets $10K a month, because kids not doing their own yard work watch him do his. Yet, for example, Stephen Crowder was defunded. And he puts out content that he can support with his backed opinion. he offers up the other side to discuss topics with him, versus the ham-fisted lecture and beatings the left gives out to anyone not thinking in lockstep with them. The incestuous nature of those platforms is telling. They all own each other.

    Now it's been stated that there are leaks at Google, where Google has decided there is no way in hell that they will allow Trump to win again in 2020 by censoring and twisting content. Again, other platforms are available, but when Google is as synonymous as Kleenex or Xerox for an item/service, the sheeple won't know that their strings are being pulled by a puppet master. What duty do these services and platforms have to the public? if they can't play fair, especially on apolitical aspects, should they have the power and clout they have?

    I just am interested in seeing a conversation about this. Crowd-sourcing responses helps me form a better, more supported, opinion.
    Rebel635 likes this.
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Doesn't make a bit of difference in the real world. Both sides of everything have always censored where they can. As long as the government doesn't do it I don't care what people post or allow on their own sites/publications/whatever.

    It absolutely IS their sandbox and they can do as they see fit. There are alternatives no matter how popular others may be that is no reason to try and get the government involved. If they go too far then people leave. If they push their own agenda too much people leave. Same thing has always happened with print media.

    How is google going to prevent someone from being elected anyway? They ban anything good about Trump showing in searches it'll come out and they'll lose users.

    It's like people freaking over Bernie and his paying off all loans. It's silly to worry about the influence that will have. It'll get him votes from idiots with loans but cost him votes of all those without and those who are paying theirs off and especially those who already paid theirs off. Net effect will be a huge loss of votes for him.

    Overall it's nothing to worry about.
    SGVRider and code3ryder like this.
  3. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    What is this, care to share?
  4. Lanceabillion

    Lanceabillion Registered Abuser

    blkduc likes this.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What, the BBS doesn't count as a place to share all sorts of opinions?
    Knotcher likes this.
  6. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Wow Mongo, you certainly have a delusional side. Some of these sites are being used by educational institutions and pushed as legit sources of info.....this is a legit concern, take the freaking blinders off already.
    Lanceabillion and Rebel635 like this.
  7. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    That is a problem with the educational institutions, not the social media sites.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No, you're giving them way more credit than they deserve. I am not remotely blind to any of it.

    Just because you are choosing to freak out over the same old shit that has been happening forever albeit in different formats is not a reason for the sane among us to do so.
  9. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    And how's that change the outcome??? Are they not in bed with one another? Do they not have the same goal?

    Sean and his ilk actually do NOT believe hardcore indoctrination is a is!
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And they've been doing the same silly shit forever. Yeah some students get out in the real world and stay the same. The vast majority however get in the real world and get with reality.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Okay - show me proof.

    I'm curious, did you go to college?
  12. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Google, facebook etc are getting to big and will start to fail soon IMO. They have lost there advantage of being innovators and now just buy others. This has occurred before and will again. As to the influence the left had a look on TV media and talk radio came along. Then the internet channels. Truth has a way of finding daylight just like lies shun it.
    SGVRider likes this.
  13. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    :crackup: I'd be willing to bet some Jew(s) somewhere in Germany played down the actions of Hitler/Nazi's very early in their days too. SMDH!
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What is the same in the US right now as it was in Germany post WWI?

    I'm not downplaying anything. I'm giving everything the true concern it deserves.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Myspace and Ask Jeeves will never fail! Nor will AOL, they are the rulers of the internet! :D
    sheepofblue likes this.
  16. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    They are all run by the same people.
  17. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I don't have any sources to back up my suspicion but I'd say their (Liberal) attempt to control information and history to a point.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So you have not one single tiny bit of proof of any of your doomsday theories? Then how in the world can you come to such conclusions?
  19. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    That could be but it changes the correct point to focus on. If the educational institution is getting government funding, then that is a possible argument to make that the government is involved in the censorship of ideas.

    Facebook, Twitter, et. al. are not getting Federal funding last time I checked. They are private companies and can do as they wish. I don't want the government in the business of telling them what they do and do not have to allow on their sites. That is the problem we are trying to avoid in the long run.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Schools do at least pay lip service to being balanced overall, there are conservative groups on campuses. They don't get coverage usually unless they do something truly stupid because well, they're boring overall. The liberal weirdos get you more hits.
    Orvis likes this.

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