Student loan forgiveness

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Pittenger5, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    It would have been better to let them fail. Period. When there is no penalty for shitty behavior then no one changes their behavior. Car companies are still behaving like car companies. Auto loans are now stretching into the 84 month territory. Anyone want to guess where this ends up heading.
    cav115 and crashman like this.
  2. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

  3. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Not sure where you're getting your numbers, How are you figuring 4K/mth after taxes. I'm looking at my paystub and for $64K/yr I:
    GROSS $2,461.54 - single and claim zero deductions/dependants and
    $524.89 in Taxes which is 340.07 in federal, 149.79 in SS, and 35.03 in medicare
    $460.65 in deductions which includes 48.46 in med, dental and extra vision coverage. The big thing is 393.84 for 401K and stuff.
    NET $1,476.00 x 26 = $38,376 or $3,200- ish a month

    Somehow with that I pay
    Mortgage/Escrow 1500
    Car note 850 (although I don't pay for fuel)
    Insurance on car, truck, rv 250
    Health insurance - already included
    Food maybe $100, no clue where you're getting $400 for a single person
    Gas - free through work but kind of included in that $850 car payment
    Phone $75
    Utilities $100-250

    So I'm right around $3,000/mth on a 3,200 take home. Does it suck not being able to do random shit when I want? Not really because I know I could take back that 16% going to my retirement/investments and have an extra $800/mth to fuck around with, but I decided to invest in myself. Take out the 10% of my gross check the company puts towards my stock plan and keep deducting the 147.69 that goes to 401K and I'm at $3,600/mth take home. I'm wanting to make this London trip and I'm planning close to $3k for it. I'll can either cut everything out of my life or more likely take on a gig job to cover the expenses.

    Point is 70K or 64K in my example is a shit ton of money I didn't need a 4bed house, I didn't need a Tesla or an F250, so that right there could cut a shit ton of money downsizing my house and vehicles. I just filed my taxes and made last year 19K due to unemployment, in 2017 I made 38K fully employed and still had all those bills for both of those years, and obviously I lucked out with a job paying 70% more than I was making. This shit about 60, 70, 80K doesn't go very far is just that, shit. I'm putting away 16% or over 10K in retirement and investments I could easily cancel and live a lavish lifestyle. Rich or poor is all relative
    Yzasserina and sheepofblue like this.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'd be totally fine with prime +1. Good rate and the money they spent gets paid back plus some for those who haven't had use of that moeny this entire time.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Because the idiots are going to do something one way or another sadly.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Dunno about that. It is part of it, and government grants/guaranteed loans/politicians pushing college for all definitely contrbute but the core fault still lies with the schools themselves. They're the ones advertising all grads get jobs, they're the ones putting in stupid amounts of middle management that truly do absolutely nothing with regard to educating students. And you cannot ignore stupid parents pushing kids into college and accepting the kid choosing a degree with no remote chance of success. It all adds up - but the core fault still lies with the student who chose badly.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've yet to meet someone being crushed by student loan debt. I've yet to see an interview with someone being crushed by student loan debt. I've seen lots of them with people spouting off huge numbers for docs or the like (duh, takes a lot of school but you have a degree that will get you good money). I've seen lots of people who are stupid and got bad degrees, but even they can pay it off while living with roommates and driving crap cars and all the other things poor people do to pay their bills...
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yes and no. One huge business goes under, that directly affects thousands of people and indirectly tens of thousands more. One barista goes bankrupt and well, that barely affects one person.
  9. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    The problem is the government is buying enough votes by giving away free shit that the contributors are almost outnumbered by the leeches.

    That is actually a major issue that needs to be addressed. I have had some knock down drag out fights with HR over hiring people that I know will do a good job because some vapid twit of a recruiter can not check off all of the boxes of irrelevance on their form and says that the person is not qualified. I have also had some pretty good battles because all of the boxes were checked off and had the right skin tone and/or plumbing. Alot of jobs do not need that 4 years of partying and indoctrination and it is fucking stupid to insist that they do. IMO, those HR policies are costing companies a shitload of money no matter how they massage the numbers to make it look reasonable...
    ryoung57 likes this.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm not seeing a problem at all with your budget other than you can do a lot of the basics much cheaper if need be. And you're low on health insurance by half... Hell, looking at your budget I see you're living in a nice area driving a nice new car and all sorts of things that poor people shouldn't be doing if you're trying to say 70k isn't enough...
  11. TX Joose

    TX Joose Well-Known Member

    This isn't *my* budget. Mine looks nothing like that especially nowadays. I was Just making an example . $70k should be plenty for most people. A $400 car note is NOT a nice new car. I'll let you google new car prices and do the math. I don't wanna slice and dice everything I listed but it's all realistic. To @Trunxgp1224 I used a paycheck calculator and rounded for ease of math. Also I used to work in PA so I know first hand.

    Well all know it's about choices. Not everyone is learns the right things before incurring debts and obligations. That list of bills can easily be much more lengthy. Credit cards.. Kids..additional insurance..medical bills ..whatever. Hell a lot of us learn from experience or the hard way. And some people want the govt to bail out those people out. (FWIW, I'd like my student loans forgiven, but I'm not dumb enough to think it'll actually happen)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    $400 absolutely a nice new Civic or cheaper.
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Yep...just because it doesn't have carbon fiber, ass massagers or Apple car play and doesn't clip 200 mph in 12 seconds doesn't mean it's not a nice car.
  14. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I’ve yet to see anyone crushed by student loan debt either. What I have seen are peeps stuck with a payment on top of several other payments with the major difference being the student loan payment is for a past intangible product. They don’t have a material object like an auto, house or any other hard asset that they can currently equate it with. So they feel it’s not worth it or somehow they shouldn’t be held accountable and no fear of losing any loan collateral.
    Boo Hoo. It’s ok for them not pay for it but somehow it’s ok for me and the rest of the taxpayers to pay for it.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's as idiotic as all the people who walked away from their homes because they weren't worth what they owed on them - so they let them go to foreclosure. Not that they couldn't afford the payment, I'm talking those who could, still had same income, still could pay their bills, all good. But as soon as the value of the home dropped below what they owed they walked. WTF???
  16. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

  17. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

  18. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    The wife's XC60 and the IS-F don't have or do any of those things. I wouldn't call them shit boxes.
  19. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    In 2006 my wife and I were clearing a little over 6 figures (combined) and were looking at houses to buy. We went to a mortgage broker and they came back saying we were approved for $460,000. I told him he was fucking crazy. People bought into that shit, and they have no one to blame but themselves. As for the people walking away, I get it, I just don't agree with it.
  20. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Objection. Personal bias.

    code3ryder likes this.

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