Mueller report is out....kind of

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Motofun352, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Tell that to Flynn. Time to take the gloves off and destroy these assholes.
    BHP41 likes this.
  2. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    He hasn't been sentenced yet right?
    I smell his case getting dismissed.
  3. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    He plead guilty, they have deferred sentencing since he cooperated with Mueller.
  4. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    He should get a full pardon and never set foot inside a jail cell unless it's to stop by and taunt Hillary and Obozo.
    kangasj likes this.
  5. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    They broke him financially didn't they?
  6. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if there's a guy that deserves reparations, it's General Flynn. He got fucked. A pardon isn't enough in my eyes. I'd rather see his case overturned and him being able to sue to recover his financial losses.
    In my opinion, anyone that was only guilty of process crimes in the course of this bogus investigation should be cleared. Manafort falls outside of this likely.
    kangasj likes this.
  7. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Yup. He was basically blackmailed into the plea deal because he couldn't afford the legal fees. Plus the rumor mill was if he didn't plea, Mueller would go after his son.
    kangasj likes this.
  8. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    General Flynn deserves a pardon and should be the next head of the DHS.
    kangasj likes this.
  9. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    That dude folded right after then 2nd meeting lol
  10. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's hilarious. /sarc
  11. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    You can laugh all you want doesn't change the facts that he did.
    Resigned Feb. 13, 2017
    Ask for Immunity March 30, 2017 lol

  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So you're cool with people being run over by the man so long as they do something you think is against Trump? Huh.
    kangasj likes this.
  13. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    And then it turned out he didn't do anything wrong?
  14. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Laughing at an innocent mans life getting ruined is just so edgy.
    stk0308 and kangasj like this.
  15. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    If you think that's funny, you are a complete shitbag of a human being. He did nothing wrong, got strong armed by a corrupt DOJ out to get the president in order to give the illusion there was any inkling of collusion with Russia. If you are cool with a decorated general, who has served his country honorably, having his life ruined by a political hack investigation in order to try to throw power back to the left, you and everyone like you deserves the same fate.
    Just fucking wow...
  16. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    It's OK because Flynn is white.
    And handicapped is a racist piece of shit.
    BHP41 and kangasj like this.
  17. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Damned synchro, jam it in third.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Does this mean we get to gloat when one of the donks gets cancer?
  19. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    When didn't we?
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I mean openly :D
    kangasj likes this.

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