Chicago hate crime

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robby-Bobby, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Could be right as I am just guessing? They knew the camera was pointed in the wrong direction at the assault but they did look at others such as apt lobby and searching for the bros with the letter. I am assuming it’s not like the movies and they can just fastforward to a specified timeframe. Maybe they used the racist facial identification software.

    As 2blue mentioned, there was national media attention and results were required.
  2. BigBird

    BigBird blah

  3. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    You must have luckily/forunately worked in a better enviroment than me.

    I had the unfortunate life to be blue-collar, and work in a tactical gunshop, lotta christians/babtists, lotta prepper/psychos. All workers and lotsa customers were upfront homophobes, and closet rasicts.
    When the local Fergusen thing happened, that's when the 'masks' were removed, then it was OK to speak their truths.......N word coming outta everyones mouths, workers and customers alike.....even customers i had previously respected, people i never would have guessed in a million years, saying racists mind was blown, my heart was broken, but lesson learned.
    The vibe I got from everyone was they liked black people as long as they acted like white people. There is definately unseen rascm feelings in the suburbs.
    This was suburban bluecollar enviroment/workers/customers......i doubt i would have heard the same rascisms in an educated enviroment (dr's/scholars/etc). I dont know for sure.

    I lived in the city, gay/multicultural area.....that rasism/homophobia did not exist there, even during fergusen.

    Funniest argument I ever been in, at that shit-shop (customers/workers vs me)........
    I was straight, but openly supporter of LGBT, They would always go on and on how only less than 4% of people were gay, and 4% of population shouldnt have any right to get things/laws passed in theri behalf. I said, haha!
    4%.....I used the prison system as my argument......what is the % of inmates having gay sex?
    They went crazy and said what happens in prison doesnt count, cause there are no women in prison, so as long as you not have sex w/ a man when you get out, you not gay, Hahaha. You have sex in prison, you gay, lol.
    I never forget that argument, me vs like 10 delusional homophobes, haha

    Rasism/homophobia is real.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It absolutely is real but a ton of what I hear that is racist/homophobic slurs is people either trying to look cool or people just using whatever insult happens to come to mind and they don't actually feel that people of other races or sexual orientations are lesser people. Same thing as calling people of the same race whatever insulting thing you can come up with at the time. Hell, I use all sorts of insults when driving that have nothing remotely to do with the other persons race/sex/sexuality/upbringing or anything really, just whatever fun words seem to flow right at the time. Some of the words are sexist, some racist, none really homophobic though as those are boring as hell.

    That's why I think hate crimes are bullshit. Overwhelming majority are just plain old crimes, people using words while doing them that the bad guys feel will intimidate their victims doesn't make it a hate crime. Calling someone a stupid fucking cracker doesn't mean you're only robbing them because they're white.
    cav115 and SpeedyE like this.
  5. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Apparently, blaming others for his screw-ups is a common pattern of behavior for ol' Jussie
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
    SpeedyE likes this.
  6. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    He was just acting.
    BigBird and SpeedyE like this.
  7. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    I agree 100%.....a crime is a crime. Motive is unimportant, the crime is important.
  8. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Heard on the radio JS lawyer called the DA before the brothers went to testify before the grand jury. Apparently someone is scared of what will be said...
    SpeedyE likes this.
  9. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

  10. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    SpeedyE likes this.
  11. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

  12. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that I live in racist Alabama and people get along pretty well. Except nerdish engineers...everyone likes to make fun of them......because they are funny :D

    Admittedly I agree with the prison thing. Some of that is like rape. More violence and dominance than sexual.
    SpeedyE likes this.
  13. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    :) :) :)

    I worked side-by-side w/ an engineer....he couldnt think out of the box.....'the numbers dont add will be impossible' he couldnt take the lid off the box to problem solve, lol. He was super low-key racist, no matter what the conversation/debate was, eventually he would bring up race.

    Agree 100%, rape is rape. These idiots were arguing concensual male/male sex was not gay, cause no females around in prison, though, lol. Which is fine, but i was trying to say it's not just 4%. They all had the attitude "Gay people go to Hell when they die" type of crowd.

  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Well he's getting the publicity he so desperately craved. :crackup:
    BigBird and SpeedyE like this.
  15. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

  16. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Chicago PD now calling him a suspect,
    I just saw a video of the brothers buying the
    materials used in the incident, including a red ballcap.
    SpeedyE likes this.
  17. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I need two volunteers.
    SpeedyE and MachineR1 like this.
  18. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    That clerk had to know those guys were up to no good with everything they were buying. Surely there is a text message with a matching shopping list that should be all the police need.

    Also saw the brothers were seen heading into the grand jury room this afternoon so an indictment should be imminent.
  19. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    the one question I want asked...What the Hell kind of name is Jussie anyway?
  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

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