State of the Union

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by kangasj, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Those dems wearing white sent a powerful, Democratic party message.

  2. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    I'm with ya. 20 years ago when someone supported a more moderate democratic point of view, I figured that was their choice. The modern Democratic party is downright anti American. I can't support that or the people that support their veiws.
    Sorry, but it's become us or them and I sure ass shit don't ever want to see this country turned into Venezuela via a failed ideology that the Dems fully support.
    People point to Trump and say he's divisive. That's bullshit. The Dems call for socialism is divisive. Trump is trying to make the country better, not burn it to the ground.
    blkduc, K51000 and kangasj like this.
  3. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    And to whoever wants to bash his speech, even left leaning polls show it had a 76% approval. That means his base loved it and half the democrats and independents did as well...or at least liked it.
    That said, get ready for Buzzfeed, CNN or some other shitbag excuse for a news outlet to drop a "Bombshell" to take the shine off any love the Orange guy got last night. It'll be quickly debunked as false and the one line retraction printed on the bottom of their website a week from now.
    XFBO, K51000 and kangasj like this.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I didn't watch, hate the speeches, but what has finesse ever accomplished in DC?
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Made some bean soup from a supposed House chefs recipe, good stuff but yeah, it'll make ya gassy :D
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So after the Democrat Governor in VA just got busted for a KKK picture did they really think it was smart to dress in white for this speech?
    Rebel635, TurboBlew, kangasj and 3 others like this.
  7. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Just curious...some of you with more, uh, extreme views; how do you feel about Ann Coulter?
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Just another crazy ass attention ho?
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    JACAH - woohoo a new acronym to use :D
    Fencer likes this.
  10. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I was curious because I saw a headline where she bashed the Pres for his speech. All I've ever seen of her is that she seems to be the most depressed individual on the planet. She seems to hate everyone and everything.
    StaccatoFan and tawzx12r like this.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That's her schtick. Like a lot of the talking heads. Can't stand any of them and truly floored people can listen to that shit even if they believe the same things. I hear a couple sentences out of Limbaugh and can't hit a mute button quick enough.
    kangasj likes this.
  12. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    She is a complete moron and not a single word she says is worth listening to, ever.

    Same thing for the blowhard Hannity and his tick-tock crap.

    Pundits suck.
    stk0308 likes this.
  13. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Damn dude...we have something in common:D See how easy partisanship is:beer:
    Fonda Dix likes this.
  14. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump’s wonky red tie and Tiffany Trump’s outfit all caused a stir.
    And look at the picture they used. That is literally the first artcile on CNN about the SOTU, nothing about the actual speech.
    K51000 likes this.
  15. drop

    drop Well-Known Member

    Did anyone see the Cortez interview on NBC afterward. She kept insisting that socialism is needed. Her bug eyed ass is in way over her head. Even leftist NBC was asking her questions that she was having a hard time giving a good answer.

    Fantastic speech from MY president of the USA.

    Democrats made complete and utter asses of themselves last night, but the news media's will say it was a Democrat win.

    And boy o boy, the abortion talks killed the white vests.

    Lastly Pelosi is an absolute wack job. Nut case at best. Trump handed her that paperwork as soon as he got to the podium. She looked at the same ones at least a dozen times, when he was speaking about something she didn't want to hear about. The scowl on her face is epic.
    K51000 and kangasj like this.
  16. drop

    drop Well-Known Member

    Throw Lester Holt is here also.
  17. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    I fully expected all the news outlets to nitpick the speech itself. I'm more expecting some false bullshit bombshell about Russia or how his impeachment is imminent and just around the corner. It's still early yet...
    K51000 likes this.
  18. GRH

    GRH Well-Known Member

    His radio show is on when I drive home from work, tried listening to him but couldn't, found not turning the radio on at all much more enjoyable.
    drop likes this.
  19. drop

    drop Well-Known Member

    I'm not a rush fan myself.....
  20. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Handing a printed copy of the speech to the President of the Senate (VP) and Speaker of the house right before the speech starts is standard protocol for the State of the Union. My guess is she was looking to see where President Trump was going off script or previewing what was coming up. Not a good look either way.

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