Here come the Dems newest gun control bill.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Steeltoe, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. shakazulu12

    shakazulu12 Well-Known Member

    Nope. There are five "mass shootings" in Oregon history according to Wiki. Two in the past 6 years. One of which was stopped by an armed citizen. Obviously none is the desired goal, but Oregon is not really a place with a lot of gun violence. The other instances were one in the late 90's and two in the 80's. Cops tend to have itchy trigger fingers more than anything. However, it appears that it's been identified as an anti-gunner battleground because the new governor has been getting a lot of money from Bloomberg and some other anti-gun groups from out of state.
  2. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Eating the 2nd Amendment Elephant one State at a time.
    jrsamples likes this.
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    That’s the biggest difference in my mind between a democrat and a republican. Republicans, for the most part, align themselves with the people they represent. Democrats feel they’re somehow “better than us” and place themselves above the rest as some sort of ruling class that will lead the rest of us to utopia.
    XFBO likes this.
  4. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member

    That’s hilarious.
    sheepofblue likes this.
  5. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So you'd rather be drinking beer with Lizzy Warren and Maxine Waters over Any Republicans??
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I mean, they’re not Libertarians, but republicans are a whole lot more grounded and in touch with real people the the current crop of dems will ever be. Most of those fools are from a whole other planet.
  7. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member

    I wasn’t giving Democrats any more or less credit than Republicans. Both say what they will to get elected and stay elected. Typically that has more to do with aligning their views with donors, not constituents.
    SpeedyE and Britt like this.
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Not really, it's sad actually....I just saw a headline that Alderman (iirc) from Chicago, he had OVER 23 weapons seized from his Office.....this is the guy who helped build Barry Obama, another anti-gunner who AGAIN clearly feels he's more special, wanna bet he barely had any problems buying each of those guns?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  9. superdino

    superdino Naturally aspirated twin-turbo

    Stars and Stripes of Corruption. Good song.
  10. The

    The Baddest Mofo in Town

    How many gun shop owners are secretly hoping universal background checks are implemented? Probably most would see a healthy flow of private sale transfer fees from the law abiders.
  11. Timothy Landon

    Timothy Landon Well-Known Member

    All of them. What about the millions of guns that have already changed owners without background checks(private sales)? It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to enforce any laws concerning private sales.
  12. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Which is why it has been ignored in WA state since it passed and law enforcement said it was unenforceable.
    Murcielago311 likes this.
  13. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The problem here is that it isn't unenforceable, it's just that it will only be enforced when it serves a purpose.
    It's an opportunity for shenanigans.
    sheepofblue and Orvis like this.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, same as the Clinton era ban on mods that were nothing more than cosmetic. It looks good to the portion of the public that likes freaking out and does nothing.
  15. badmoon692008

    badmoon692008 Well-Known Member

    This is one of my biggest points of opposition against universal background checks... If you give me a way to complete it for free online I could much more easily be talked into it. But if you're going to force me to patronize a business with an FFL and spend extra money to facilitate a private sale of a legal good then you can go fuck yourself.
  16. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I love Oregon's gun ban proposal including a 5rd limit and no grandfather clause. Yeah, your Colt saa revolver has to be destroyed. Along with your lever action. Wtf Oregon? I heard the Pacific NW was full of chowder heads I guess they are determined to prove it.

    I used to give liberals a chance but they continue to prove themselves as complete morons time and again. How can you begin to have a conversation with people who come up with this sort of bullshit? And they are serious about it!

  17. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    I exempts lever actions..
    It is the WORST ignorantly worded pile of excrement law I think I have ever read.
  18. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

  19. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Pitt, it's an interesting circle that we watch when it comes to gun laws. Ignorant ass voters, that do not understand much, if any, about gun crime, raise hell with their congress persons, and that ignorant ass congress person submits ignorant ass legislation that will do nothing to solve any known problem so it becomes an exercise in dumbass actions. If we do not fight against these legislative attempts then those dumbass congress people will, and do, take that as an admission that they've done something good and will increase their efforts at dumbass actions. That is the game that we must play because we have no choice.
  20. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Democrat poll tax in another form.

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