Killer Honda thumper for sale

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by JRJTZ, Mar 19, 2002.

  1. Pneumatico Delle Vittorie

    Pneumatico Delle Vittorie Retired "Tire" Guy

    Wait is this Charles Buse?
  2. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    Nope, wrong Charles.
    Charlie Buse has just retired and is living the good life. I haven't talked to him for a couple of years, but he is still living in Madison.
  3. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Brother Ken:

    I am dumbfounded, and almost struck speechless, by your admission that you utilize incantations to attempt to ward off your obvious attraction to the two-stroke racing machine....which beckons you in the form of that DT-1 motor which, strangely enough, is "sitting on the bench" in your garage! A far better use for that two-stroke delight is in your next racing machine. It beckons, and sooner or later, you will arise out of your mechanical slumber and finish the project, which will once again afford you the sheer unadulterated pleasure of the powerplant you now disinherit. Shame, shame, Sir, have you no shame?
    TLR67 likes this.
  4. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    DT-1 engine? I'm sure he has plans to use it in the proper application: yard or farm implement, or perhaps a water pump driver, or an insect repellent generator, or as the Italians are so fond of at Mugello: a noise maker.


  5. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Dave, please...the DT-1 engine is far too powerful to be used in lieu of a proper four-stroke in such applications as you have detailed above. I would suggest that to create the monstrous implements (as given above) with the magnitude of power provided by the DT-1 engine would lead to a fearful public outcry and soon thereafter, the commensurate 'torts' so beloved by our legal brethren.
  6. KawH1R

    KawH1R Well-Known Member

    Charles..... Is that you? I thought something happened to you. WTH, you have not posted anything in months and there with one post you get barrister Rutherford all stirred up.
  7. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Dave's an excitable boy....and yes, it is I, once again stirring the proverbial pot...has something happened to me you ask? Yes, it all went pear-shaped when I was in the third grade in Belfast.

    Is that triple still running?
  8. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    Bro Chuck,
    Don't I have any shame? Of course I have shame and it is a DT-1. That infernal contraption is just sitting there staring at me. Fortunately, I am able to spend 9 months of the year 4000 miles away from that oil drooling monstrosity. But I feel, nope, I know that there is pure unadulterated evil lurking within those cases. I have been there and have tried to repent from those sins as I have been slammed to the pavement before. I have had an RD400 go up in flames. I have had an RZ350 lock a transmission solid. I know that the DT-1 is all ready to run like a fine tuned watch right up until it sticks its piston to the cylinder wall and sends me over the high side.
    So I will persevere and right now the DT is number 13 on the list of bikes to finish and I only have 7 bikes I am working on. So you just keep your colored perils far away from me. Nobody wants your bean oil, boxes of fouled plugs, coffee can full of various jets and nasty premixed fuel. Those are the sign of evil upon us. A pox on all of them. Keep it up and you will be talking to my attorney.

    Your true pal,

    P.S. That DT-1 will be such a light good handling snappy little bike. I have a nice front end to put on it and I am working on some rear shocks. It will be sweet and I have some plans for it.
    I hate it!!!
    Dave, how much for a retainer to fight the good fight?

  9. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    For this crowd and the issue is smokers . . . ?

    $1.00. Credit is extended. You're signed up. Cams, valve trains, and push rods are righteous and will prevail. The carbon footprint these misguided souls have foisted upon us is beyond anything imaginable. The brief period during which smokers were briefly considered as viable for some aspect of transportation contributed more to greenhouse gas emissions than the entirety of the rest of the Industrial Revolution to present. Were it not for the 1st Amendment, and the constant distraction of the current administration, these destroyers of Mother Earth would be publicly flailed and burned at the stake.

    Waaaaay back, I had a DT-1. It tried to kill me. I sent it along its way and replaced it with a BSA B50. The rest is history.


  10. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Bros Ken:

    Ah, the passage of time, and probably the cold weather you endure, have worked together to reduce your capacity to think ahead of the curve to modernize. You are stuck with the concept of ancient 2-strokers, perhaps conjuring horrifying images of early BSA Bantams and 1930's Kraut military Zundapps. Come in out of the cold, out of the closet, so to speak, and embrace your DT-1 fate! There are no two-stroke evils awaiting, no need for prayer wheels or smoke lodges to exorcise the devil!!! All you need is faith in today's modern two-stroke lubricants, some common sense in measurement and assembly, and some rational thinking! Yes, "a light good handling snappy little bike." That is what your fate holds in store...once again, Brother Ken, I implore you to come to your senses. Man up and do the right thing! Oh, and stay away from the 'Tort Artists' and their fiendish form of insanity, the 'billable hours" scam. Forgive them, they know not what they do.

    Your friend in two-stroke smoke,

    Brother Charles
  11. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Barrister Dave:

    Just the mere mention of "cams, valve trains, and push rods" is enough to make anyone stir crazy. Oh the angry-sounding gnashing and grinding of those aforementioned parts! The mental torture! The 'not knowing' when the chain oiler will stop slobbering gunky crud all over the primary chain slapping on those cheap pig-iron BSA cases! And this is not enough for you, you couldn't stop, could you, you had to 'j'accuse' the mighty Two-Stroke of fouling the earth, destroying our lovely planet, adding to the burden of all mankind. I am saddened by this spectacle of a P.T. Barnum display of con-artistry! Consider this my last warning!
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You old people are so cute :crackup:
    JBall likes this.
  13. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Just remember...the young are strong, the old are vicious.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Meh, I've been vicious and a curmudgeon all my life, I'm good :D

    Just waiting to see if I make it long enough to go from creepy to cute.
  15. charles

    charles The Transporter

    It's a skill, it requires practice.....
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I definitely practice the creepy bit... :crackup:
  17. KawH1R

    KawH1R Well-Known Member

    Old age and treachery will always beat youth and enthusiasm.
    Brother Charles, the triple is on the bench in preparation for 2019. Are you going to roll out the RZ?
    BTW, What are cams?
  18. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Indeed I am planning to roll out the RZ.

    As far as 'cams' are concerned, it's a mystery...Cam Newton of the Panthers? Or maybe... Common Area Maintenance? Customer Asset Management? Computer-Aided Manufacturing? The new horror movie by Dan Goldhaber?
  19. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member


    3 letters. Obviously too complex for you simpletons. That's why you stop at 2 strokes - 4 is beyond comprehension. The idea of mechanical devices working in harmony, synchronisity and precision timing to provide fuel efficiency and optimum power coupled with that elusive component, torque, is beyond your comprehension. It is a beautiful thing, and much like art, if it requires significant explanation (I've been trying for years), you'll never get it.

    BTW - Mongo and cute in the same sentence . . . ? To quote Col. Kurtz from Apocalypse Now: Oh the horror.


  20. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    You are no spring chicken, yourself, buddy.
    You remember the back in the day stuff, too.

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