Weird Al Franken...?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sharkattack, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wait a sec - a woman who has gone from Hooters waitress to Palyboy nude model was objectified? The horror!!!!
  3. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    In that picture, which is apparently her only recollection of it, he isn't even touching her. Wow, they are going to start arresting every person in the world.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
    Pixelator, TurboBlew and dtalbott like this.
  4. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    not exactly.

    >>>When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

    On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

    He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

    He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

    I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

    I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

    I felt disgusted and violated.<<<
  5. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Ah yes, Franken is yet another example of how the left protects their own. As long as you have a D after your name...anything goes. Franken is a fucking monster. He has a long history of degrading women and joking about raping women. He even joked about raping a reporter. But it's all good...he's a Democrat!
    ToofPic likes this.
  6. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about the picture. That is what she said about the picture.

    She's an actress doing a skit. He shouldn't have french kissed her, but is that really enough to disparage him now and try to ruin his career? I'm not a Franken fan, this just seems like a stretch to me. I actually don't know anything about him, except he was on SNL.

    Edit- didn't know he is a Democrat either and I lean more to the right.
  7. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Ha. I can still remember her at Pikes Peak screaming and yelling while throwing gestures towards Mladin and the Yosh team on hot pit after the infamous blocking Bostrom while qualifying fiasco. I also remember the horrified expression on BBoz face. :crackup:
    Mot Okstef and 5axis like this.
  8. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    You bet your ass it is. Live by the sword of shame, die by the sword of shame. He deserves the same mercy he has shown, which is none.
    XFBO and wsmc42 like this.
  9. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    If she was a Stripper, Prostitute, Pharmacist, Lawyer, it does not give him the right to assault her.
    stk0308, noles19, wsmc42 and 3 others like this.
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Franken has a history of being a give-no-quarter accuser, so if he is held to the sort of ridiculous standards he has demanded of others, it's just karma.
    Or just karma.
    Britt likes this.
  11. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Ya no shit. I'm shocked. Well you know how it is these days, you're either the victim or the perp. Things do not look well for me because I haven't been feeling victimized.....hmmm......wonder when the shoe will drop....
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The grabbing her and holding her while he kissed her I could see as assault if it's true. The picture is not. My point about her past is she's an attention whore which leads me to not necessarily believe what she is saying.
    Mot Okstef likes this.
  13. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Took tongue from that tool? Should've taken that to the grave.
    ToofPic likes this.
  14. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I liked her on Body Shaping.
    joec likes this.
  15. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Interesting silence on the "king" of all abusers...WJC. I mean, come on, The prez and an intern? I'm not at all surprised that ugly men in a position of power use it to get nooky...been happening... in like...forever. The problem is the women who submit to it. Now if there is intimidation or assault, that's another matter. In most cases the women figure they will get something out of it that they otherwise couldn't get. After the fact they are all victimized and sh*t. Didn't work out the way you figured???? Better luck next time. Choose wisely!
    I can't wait for this current fad to run its course.
  16. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So this clown just had a lapse of good judgment?... thinking the photo was funny.. yet we should trust his judgment to be good enough to run the country....
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    He's a comedian, one I've never found to be all that funny so using your criteria all his jokes are a lapse in good judgment and therefore he shouldn't be a part of running the country. Personally I don't give a shit about that at all, I totally disagree with his thinking on most every subject and that is why I think he shouldn't be a part of running the country. I don't care a bit about a stupid photo.
    ToofPic likes this.
  18. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So if it was your daughter, you wouldn't give a shit.. about some jackass either acting like he was grabbing her boobs or he actually did it.. who really knows?

    Personally, I don't think it was any lapse.. I think he is an asshole, who acts like an asshole and is use to getting away with it under the shelter of "I'm a Comedian"
    Pixelator and Orvis like this.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nope, wouldn't care a bit. I'd never have a daughter that fragile or easily offended. Now, she might have kicked him in the nuts for the picture but so be it.

    I never said it was a lapse, you did. I never said he used good judgment in anything, again, your words. I think he is an asshole and probably does get away with shit because he's famous. All I've said is I don't see the picture as any sort of assault or even anything that is a remotely big deal.
  20. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    If you want to see delusion, go check the thread on reddit. All the liberals calling this a political move, but all of the republicans are legit claims. Its so sad people are blinded by partisan politics. No wonder nothing ever gets accomplished.
    t500racer and jase like this.

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