Go Karting

Discussion in 'General' started by josh7owens, May 25, 2017.

  1. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I think he needs to stop half assing it and over dub some condescending remarks about how those people shouldn't even be allowed on track with him.
    Ghost of Casby likes this.
  2. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

  3. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

    I can't believe this. I make the subtle suggestion based on sophisticated track timing data that the once great Josh Owens might have lost the edge and be embarking on a downward slide to rock bottom and he tells me to fuck off.

    Nice Josh. Real nice.
    bleacht and condon66 like this.
  4. pawpawrc

    pawpawrc Well-Known Member

    But he's just joking. Ha. Ha.
  5. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    'josh7owens' can lose all four of the races that are on tap for the "showdown" day for all I care, if 'Robby-Bobby' doesn't beat that lap time, he has to hand over the $1000. Remember, it was 'Robby-Bobby' who enthusiastically embraced the "lap time" wager. Are you implying that 'josh7owens' set a trap and got the best of 'Robby-Bobby'?
  6. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Washed up, has been racers are usually pretty bitter.
    Ghost of Casby likes this.
  7. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Theres a Ricky Bobby in 14th and a Ricky Pauly 13th.
    Its destiny that another Bobby make it onto this family tree
    of racers.
    All this bobby,robby,hobbie lobby makin my head hurt.
    How n hell we suppose to read the leader board with names like that?
  8. caferace

    caferace No.

    With you or at you. Worlds apart. JADP.

    auminer likes this.
  9. caferace

    caferace No.

    It's that old school advice. Pretend you don't care, then knock on his hotel room at midnight. He'll take you.

    badmoon692008 likes this.
  10. josh7owens

    josh7owens E-Kart Champ

    Well tonight was a complete shit show!

    1st time out 20.177
    Second time out 20.174

    This put me third because the 15 year old kid edged out a 20.169 and this employee that ran with us hand picked his kart and picked the hot kart and ran a 20.067.

    During the race I quickly moved to second place two turns in and was reeling in the employee that was in first. I got within two karts of him and the other asshole employee that was behind me cut the corner short (off race line) and t-boned me. This gapped be away from the first place guy by about 6 karts. After that I closed the gap back to about a kart but couldn't get around him before the race was over. After passing the finish line I put him in the wall. I'd say another two laps and I would of got by him and won but me getting tboned gave him back all the distance that was made up but then the clock ran out and the race was over. During the race I ran a 20.197 and the guy that won couldn't break a 20.3. Which makes sense considering the only reason he was on pole was because of the hot kart he hand picked to do qualifying in.

    I took home a smooth $100 and everyone was pissed at everyone after the race was over due to bumping and dirty driving. I'll post the video tonight or in the morning.
    SuddenBraking and terminus est like this.
  11. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    Awesome. Just. Awesome.
  12. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    He played the employee and the hot kart cards.

    If the glove don't fit you must aquit
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    That's what you do boys when you are the king on your way down. You make all kinds of excuses about why you didn't win.
    Ghost of Casby and badmoon692008 like this.
  14. josh7owens

    josh7owens E-Kart Champ

    Here the video of the race

    terminus est likes this.
  15. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's best you stick to running with kiddies in electric carts, you aren't ready for real racing.
  16. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Serious question.

    Can you just lodge a protest or appeal that the employee knew which was the hot kart?

    Seems to me they basically took $60 and bragging rights out of your pocket.

    Unless the manager was in on it also...
  17. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    It also sounded like your kart wasn't turning as many rpm as the the guy in front of you.

    Do you think they turned yours down a few hundred rpm?

    Something is fishy.
  18. Every hero has an off day. Don't worry. Next week you'll crush them .
  19. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Not mention the ...chirp...lost time....chirp....lost time....chirp...scrubbed speed....chip....

    Someone installed the flexible powerbands in his kart.
    Ghost of Casby and badmoon692008 like this.
  20. bleacht

    bleacht Well-Known Member

    :crackup:This can't be real. Can it? :confused:
    ToofPic likes this.

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