09 R6 transmission problem

Discussion in 'Tech' started by alex127, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. alex127

    alex127 Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,
    I think that I have a bent shift fork in my 09 R6 transmission and I was wondering if I needed to remove the engine from the frame and then split the cases to fix it? What is the easiest way to do the repair? I think that the problem is a bent shift fork because I have now difficulties to put it in first gear...

    Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    Yes unfortunately you will need to remove the engine and split the cases. Replace all of the forks. Also check 2nd gear.
  3. alex127

    alex127 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the answer. Will I also need to replace bearings?
  4. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    No. but if your going to open it up, you might as well refresh it. New bearings, rings, pistons, exhaust valves. Depends on how much money you want to toss at it. Minimum 3 shift forks and gaskets.
  5. JeffroJ

    JeffroJ 3 Ninjas and a Mexican

    Why do you say all 3 shift forks? Or is it just a "while you're in there" kind of deal?
  6. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    There are 3 of them. It's incredibly difficult to tell which one is bent, therefor you replace all of them
  7. pscook

    pscook Well-Known Member

    Since the issue is isolated to a single function (hard to shift into first), why not just replace the shift fork that engages first gear? I would agree that if it was a hard shifting in all gears problem to replace every fork, but I would at least inspect the rest of the shift forks.

    I would also question the drum, as the slots may be damaged and causing the shift fork to hang or mis-shift.

    Inspect everything before you start replacing parts, as it may not even be internal to the shift forks or drum; rather it could be the shift star is damaged or even loose shift linkage.
  8. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    I would agree on just replacing the problem fork, but it's incredibly hard to tell which one is bent. Plus if your going to go through all the work to pull the motor, dissemble it, split the cases, and only replace 1 to save yourself $60, only to find out it still isn't right. I'd be angry at myself for doing that.

    Agree with everything thing else said. Drums, star, etc. inspect every part starting external.
  9. drop

    drop Well-Known Member

    I have a very nice transmission for sell if you have problems with yours. Mine was polished, and hard coated.

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