Marine Women in Combat

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Jedb, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Howlie2

    Howlie2 In middle-dodging traffic

    The military has long been a social experiment. The results of this experimentation definitely impact the combat zone.
  2. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    I like your viewpoint. I think that the overall experiment was an interesting step for the Marines in that it was voluntary, not mandated. I also think that it would be more interesting if they detailed out what happened to each soldier that dropped (both male and female)

    I wonder what an aggregation of data about those that dropped and those that went through to the end would show?
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The numbers are skewed because idiots like YOU won't let them into combat.
  4. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    I advocated putting women in combat roles in post #6.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And you bitch about it being a social experiment in other posts.
  6. Why? Fonda's not welcome at your Klan meetings? :D
  7. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Funny thing about the liberals wanting to do the righteous thing and provide "equality" to women by breaking down the barriers that prevent them from going into combat is that those discussions are very rarely led by women who would actually go into combat. Most, not all, but the vast majority of women who I worked with during my military career had absolutely no desire to go into a a combat unit or role. So, it's not really "equality", it is just a feel good moment for a liberal that is driving this.

    The woman who I mentioned earlier who was wounded and worked her back into a full duty status and was promoted to Chief (E-7) recently. Is completely against women in certain combat positions. I understand the desire of some to do more, but we cannot break a whole system to accommodate the desires of a few. Especially for those who never had and never will have any skin in the game (liberals).

    I am a strong advocate of women in many roles in the military, including combat roles. I just want to be smart about where and how. Mission success and accomplishment should be the primary focus, not someones personal agenda.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's going to take a long long time to get men to quit being morons and women to understand they are capable of being on combat if they choose to be. Gotta start somewhere.

    And I agree the majority of those pushing for it are full of shit.
  9. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Darekineval or however its spelled is right. Semper Fidelis brother! I'm just a reservist puke, but I haven't been in some social experiment or any wook WM unit either.

    All it takes is fighting in an infantry battalion to know it just does not work... It will not, and never will. Those who push this crap have no idea the realities of any kind of fight. These "front lines are a blur" folks are out of their minds. Taking a ride in an up armored 7 ton to a fob to screw around doing who knows what (female marines in psyops or some crap) and loading up and going home is not "there are no front lines." You took a ride a few miles and came back, amazing. No women can sustain the fight required for what is required by our young and not so young men these days. None. Quit pretending, this is just a social experiment that will end horribly.
  10. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    This is the result of a pussified America thinking everything is equal and fair, when we all know reality does not agree. It is no different in war: War will eat women if given the chance. It is a meat grinder of proportions we don't want to acknowledge... Why would we ever subject our beautiful, bright young women to this monstrocity of human nature? Shame one those who want this "equality" bullshit in the military.
    Shame on you.
    Leave this to men who drool at the chance of killing the enemy with his K-Bar, this ain't some pride parade or girls locker room.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  11. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    So sending our beautiful, bright young men off to play bullet sponge is somehow noble?

  12. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    More noble than sending our women, yes.
  13. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Apparently young men are expendable.
  14. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Men are replaceable, come on this is pretty basic if we want to take it back centuries.
  15. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Of course we are. There is a reason us men sign up for selective service. Wow are gender lines this blurred?
  16. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Men signed up to fight Al-Quada and the Taliban. Men took up arms, men went and fought, and died. Yes some women did as well, and this is unfortunate. I blame the politicians and the weak leadership in the military that allowed politics to get involved with the military. Women don't belong around the fighting, end of story.
  17. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Anyone on this forum who has fought will not disagree with me.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Sorry, I just got through putting my daughter to bed. See, we had a little thunderstorm and she gets scared, so I had to lay with her until the thunder stopped and she went to sleep.

    Sarah's in bed, too. This pregnancy had been rough for her.

    And anyone who is a parent will not disagree with me. My children are not replaceable nor are they expendable.

    That may change when she reaches puberty.
  19. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Is there a point there?
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    None that you'd get

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