used suit for big guy

Discussion in 'General' started by racerdude413, May 11, 2015.

  1. racerdude413

    racerdude413 Well-Known Member

    Hey guys i am looking for a used suit, i am 5'10 and 280 . My old suit doesnt fit me and a new custom suit is not in the budget right now. Can anyone help
  2. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill


    your best bet may be letting the old suit out. if you can still get into it put it on but don't try to zip it up. instead measure the gap between the two zipper halves. that will tell your leather how much to let it out. the shoulders , arms and thighs will let out proportionately to those measures. I see you're in canada. better to find someone locally. hope that helps . bill and darethea
  3. TSC_113

    TSC_113 Look At me!!!

    Check with John Bickle at Bickle Racing He might be able to make your current suit fit you better.
  4. racerdude413

    racerdude413 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Alan, i have been in touch with Bickle already, he actually covers our race events, he is just a little overbooked right now./.
  5. cha0s#242

    cha0s#242 Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand

    Or, you could use the cheapest solution : get on that mountain bike in your garage and push on those pedals :D
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    How much room do you need? It would be cheapest to lose the weight.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hush up skinny people :D
  8. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Don't you have a pie to eat or something?
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sadly no, could explain me being grumpy :D
  10. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

  11. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Reggie put you on a no pie diet? :D
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Huh? Reggie has no input on my choice in much of anything :D
  13. buzz-06

    buzz-06 Well-Known Member

    I've got an old alpinestars sp-1 hanging in the closet. It's a 48/58 but fits like a 50/60. I had the legs and arms adjusted a little for me, I'm 5'9 and 235, I was 260 and wearing that suit. If you think it'll fit or at the very least cost you little to get it to fit, you can have it for the cost of shipping. Let me know
  14. rocalotopus

    rocalotopus thick member

    if anything, buy an even smaller suit and cut until it fits. anybody hooking you up with a "fat pants" suit isn't doing you any favors :moon: :p
  15. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    This is what I did. Got a new Axo suit that was too small and started trying to lose weight till I could get into it. I still have more to go, but the first time I got it on and zipped was AWESOME.
  16. rocalotopus

    rocalotopus thick member

    :clap: :cool: :up:

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