SV 650 Help

Discussion in 'General' started by Razors Edge, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    It reminds me of me being me with a head injury:crackup: Pretty hard to tell the diff with me though
  2. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

  3. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Lol you mean a post by an ex employee that is now under investigation for fraudulent documents and loan applications while working for us?

    The same one who was convicted of writing bad checks and stealing checks out of mailboxes?

    The same David who also calls himself a "Christian friend" to you?

    Would this be the same Davo that has already has been reprimanded at his new job?

    Lol yup I'm a bully because I call a spade a spade;)
  4. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    Has anyone noticed that anybody that says anything regarding Rob other than positive is automatically a liar . Davo's not under investigation for anything . You however have a permanent restraining order on you for behavior such has been displayed on this thread not to mention other offences. I think your criminal record speaks for its self. And YES, you've been caught in so many lies people lost count. Bottom line is this. You don't like me and I don't like you. Walk off ! Stay away from each other. STOP with the attacks, accusations and lies. Go our separate ways. Thank you for your understanding.
  5. El Cubano

    El Cubano Truth Bomber

    Dude,you just got caught in a lie and you avoided it like it never even happened...lmao
  6. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    Id say the thread is turning better than grasshoppers SS SV! :D
  7. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Clarence, you win.

    I'm giving Papa full authority to ban me for a week if I come back and post anything at all.

    Seriously. I'm done.

    All I ask is that you post one instance where I've lied.
    Just a single time.

    Don't say "you've lied more than anyone can count"

    Just one single lie is all I need to hear/see.

    Don't even respond with anything else.
    Don't Facebook my ex girlfriend, don't attempt to contact any of my friends.

    Just post one lie. At least give me that as I leave your thread looking for SV help.

    go fuck yourself you crazy old bastard!
  8. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

    Did this make the "Best of" thread?? :)
  9. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Not yet but there is new hope. The last thread did though!
  10. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    Dude ! We don't like each other. Its obvious. Lets both walk away as gentlemen. PLEASE . Thank you for your understanding.
  11. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    This is code for "I don't understand English or the concept of dealing in realistic 'facts'" I think.

    Point - Robby.
  12. El Cubano

    El Cubano Truth Bomber


    This is what we are dealing with...he really just sent that to JD...
  13. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Damn. A character reference from Davo. Was Bernie Madoff to busy to write you one?
  14. El Cubano

    El Cubano Truth Bomber

    Awesome haha
  15. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    . yea here's what we're dealing with. Made up lies between you and Rob that you sent to my mechanic .

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
  16. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    . More-

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  17. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    Ok, this could go on all night . My apologies to everyone. Let's go our seperate ways in peace . If there's anything I said or done that offended you in any way I apologize . Be safe racing . Thank you for your understanding . My apologies to you also Mongo .
  18. El Cubano

    El Cubano Truth Bomber

    Take my name off of those and show me the number...I have NEVER referred to Jim as "James" try again dipshit
  19. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    I have no dog in this fight. I know neither party. Or the others involved. But I do want to respond to this statement for a moment if I may....

    To the statement writer:

    Let's start with complaint #1: He (Rob) slandered Him (Clarence) on some internet bike forums. Boo hoo. Wah. Wah wah wah. The internet is stupid. If you can't navigate it and get around without getting into shit then stay the hell off it. NEVER publicly call someone out. You will lose just from the trollers having fun at your expense. Confront parties face to face. Again...face to face.

    Complaint #2: This is where it would have ended. You say that He (Rob, your boss) accessed your private accounts and impersonated you. Did you not confront him face to face? If so, did he admit it? And if he did admit it, what the hell did you do? Sounds to me you just kept hanging around. Jesus dude, if some other dude did that shit to me I'd have ended it right then with a punch THROUGH the head. THEN I would've called the cops. THEN I would have quit.

  20. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Davo is a bit different. He once posted on Facebook that it would be fine if the president were assassinated as long as it was God's will. He unfriended me when I told him that didn't really seem like a Christian sort of statement.

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