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HIgh Blood Pressure

Discussion in 'General' started by Greg S, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Greg S

    Greg S Well-Known Member

    so looks like i have full blown hypertension. 30 years old 150lbs 6'0 and do not use tobacco. frequent bp checks show 95/150. not really in the mood to take medication the rest of my life. anyone here struggle with BP? wat do you do to lower it? i have been reading about the DASH diet and going to give it a go but figured i would ask the all knowing beeb for any advise first.
  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Avoid the medicine if you can. It only masks the problem. Diet is key. What kinds of things do you eat/drink daily?

    and: advice ;)
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  4. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    It's stress.

    Come to the Dungeon and relieve yourself. ;)
  5. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    You mean 150/95? When I found out I had it it was 165/112. Problem with mine is it runs in both sides of the family.
  6. used2Bfast

    used2Bfast Still healing

    I used to have crazy high BP. Even on 2 diff meds, I'd see numbers like 114 over 170 or even higher. My doc would ask me at a checkup.."do you feel it right now:eek:". Heart rate would be 70-75ish bpm. Also had some Gout problems.

    Stopped drinking(and other chit. was drinking way too much), and got 'bicycle racing' fit, starting in late 02. It all amazingly went away, almost immediately. BP would be 118 over 78. HRM would be high 30s if I checked it immediately after awakening. 43-45 at a doc visit.

    Lost some of that in late 2012, after my bad crash, and was kept from doing anything for about 6 months(broken back, neck, ribs, punctured both lungs, lac kidney and liver, etc). Took 2 yrs to get most of that back now.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  7. Kelbor

    Kelbor Well-Known Member

  8. noobinacan

    noobinacan Well-Known Member

    What's; your diet ?
    how much soda do you drink ?

    Fix the source - diet
    go Veggie...or Vegan if you can. but make sure you get complex carbs. potatoes, bananas, rice/noodles etc or you will feel hungry and give it up.

    drink green tea

    don't eat anything that was not grown naturally.
    gum, soda, candy, .....you get the point.
  9. MGarrett50

    MGarrett50 Ready. Set. Go.

    My father had it, my older brother has it, and now i have it. Diet and exercise are big factors, but stress is/was my biggest problem. Pills did a great job of bringing the BP down, but they also brought me down. Instead of lowering the dosage like i asked, my then-doctor prescribed an anti-depressant to counteract the BP med. :rolleyes: My solution . . . ate a little smarter, walked a little more, cut the BP pill in half, moved to the country and got a dog. BP is fine.

    PS Question EVERYTHING your doctor tells you. Make him earn the pedestal he thinks he deserves to be on.
    PPS Get a pet. Seriously. The difference is amazing.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    A daily hot Vicks enema will fix you right up.
  11. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Nope :)
  12. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    I have severe Hypertension (165/95 on a good day) complicated by kidney failure and Type 2 Diabeeetus. All of the above caused in part by a genetic blood disorder.

    The best way I have found to keep my BP at non defcon 3 levels is with diet and exercise.

    Avoid soft drinks, replace with water and green tea.
    Limit protein intake
    Limit potassium intake
    limit fatty foods
    Watch the carbs

    Following these guidelines I have ben able to keep my BP in line with what my doctors want while minimizing the amount of drugs I have to take daily.

    I check my BP daily and adjust my meds accordingly but as long as I behave myself I don't have to take a large enough dose to affect the way I feel.

    In 2005 my doctors estimated that I had at best 10 years left before disability or death. Last year I ran a few 5k runs, stay more active than most guys my age, and generally feel pretty good. I was taken off the kidney transplant list in 2011 and so far I feel pretty good.

    My doctors and I credit most of my recovery to my diet and the fact that I pay attention to my health pretty closely.
  13. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    Cut out pop, booze, caffeine, and red meat and cheese.

  14. deathwagon

    deathwagon Well-Known Member

    Sometimes there's nothing you can do to lower your BP.

    I'm a vegan, eat no bad cholesterol, low sodium, almost nothing fried, no refined sugar, no soda, no caffeine. I do 30 minutes of cardio and circuit weights 5 days a week (as much as I have the energy to do these days). And I'm still at 141/94 while taking BP meds, with a resting heart rate of 94.

    Genetics are a very powerful thing and I'm pretty sure my ticker is gonna pop soon no matter what I do.
  15. Mick6R

    Mick6R Well-Known Member

    Diet, exercise, maybe even that cayenne pepper stuff, figure out how to lower stress level, but as was said, if it's genetic, you're f@cked. I d!cked around until my BP was up around 180/220 more often than not. Headaches, lack of sleep, always on the edge of going off on somebody. Was at local CVS looking for more "natural" crap to try, when pharmacist had me try out the little BP tester chair. Made me test 3X to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Told me to get to doc soon before I stroked out. Went to doc, tried diet, more exercise, even stepped down from management position at my job, but still not much of an improvement. Been taking one pill for high cholesterol before bed and one pill for BP after breakfast for past 5 years. I visit doc twice a year to keep an eye on things. All has been well.
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I promise not to poke fun at your choice of online monikers...

    I'm not a registered dietician, my degree isn't in biological chemistry, so take this with whatever grain of potassium-based salt you feel appropriate.

    I realize you're vegan, and don't care why, but consider at least looking into the paleo diet. Energy from proteins and fats, minimal carbs, and while difficult (and expensive) to do vegan, it can be done, and the results have been encouraging for those opposed to eating animal based diets to control hypertension/cholesterol.
  17. motomadman217

    motomadman217 Well-Known Member

    I was boarder line a few months ago and got it in control by myself. The thing you have to remember is everyone is different. What i found made the most impact for me was i cut out all sugar, and caffeine. Then problem solved. I did the dash diet for awhile with no real changes.
  18. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    I've had problems with high BP, especially when I'm not running regularily. The good thing about the medicine is it's cheap. My doc has me on Lisinopril. It's only $10.00 for a 3 months supply. Keeps it in the 1(teens)/80's.
  19. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Wow, those are some high numbers for someone so young....holy cow.

    I just started the meds. least dose possible.

    Sodium.....one of the nurses stated an interesting tid-bit....she said if I reduce my sodium substantially, I probably wouldn't need the meds.

    She also said the 3 most common sodium sources in a common diet are:

    1. Canned soup
    2. Frozen dinners
    3. Lunch meat

    I said "FACK!...there goes my lunch every day!"

    I'm just getting started in this too, so good luck to you sir.
  20. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Most canned soups are horrible as far as salt content. When my wife started paying attention to it a couple years ago she was like :eek::wow:

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