Best ways to look for an engineering job statewide?

Discussion in 'General' started by pashlit, May 22, 2014.

  1. pashlit

    pashlit Well-Known Member

    Hello folks,

    After lots of pains and sufferings from going back to school I can finally say I made it and got my BS degree in ECE (Electrical and Computer Engineering). The school is decent and well recognized, my GPA is high, life is good. So I need to land a job now. I would not like to limit myself to local postings only, so what is actually the best way to look for an engineering jobs for a fresh graduate? I post my Resume on different web sites, like Monster, Indeed, etc. But I am not sure what to put on my CV in case I want to apply for a job in a different state since they probably favor local grads. I rent a place, have no property, so basically nothing holds me here.
    Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy this

    On your CV- "Willing to relocate"
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Which school? If you say DeVry or ITT you're facing an uphill battle.
  4. JeffroJ

    JeffroJ 3 Ninjas and a Mexican

    Research companies that you want to work for, contact them.
  5. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I'd hit LinkedIn also. I don't think there is a local preference for engineers. Engineers willing to locate (and cheap to relocate) is a great thing. Headhunters aren't a bad thing either. I used Peak Technical and worked as a contractor for awhile. I think if I were single and open to living anywhere that would be a great fit. Having some diverse employment history is also something we like.

    Recent resumes we've favored have internships and hobby information. I always laughed at that stuff but we get so little info on an applicant that hobbies, clubs, and even things like family situation (married, kids, etc) give a sense of them.
  6. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    what kinda position are you looking for? i've got something in Detroit ...
  7. gluvnaa

    gluvnaa Well-Known Member

    What are your skills? Commercial or DoD? Clearance?

    Where are you located in NJ?
  8. pashlit

    pashlit Well-Known Member

    Nooooo. No DeVry, ITT, Phenix or similar.
    I graduated from Rutgers University with highest honors. Seems to be in top 50th (if ranking means anything). So, I think its a decent school. Lots of research going on here and tons of developments. It is definatelly not a diploma mill. I liked it and it was tough. My GPA is 3.66 if it is helpful.

    I used to work in construction at the very beginning, then as a financial analyst and did IT/Accounting support till I found out I should do something I love. When I was a kid I messed with circuits a lot. So my work history is very diverse. Too long to list.:up:
    I do have internship also and interests listed. Besides bikes I like (and can do) lots of other stuff )).

    I dont have clearance. But I am a US citizen and have clean record. I dont need any work visas or sponsorship. Right now I live in Hamilton/Princeton area.

    Basically I can do lots of things. I can take a bike apart and put it together or I can program Sudoku solving algorithm in C++/Python or perform spectral analysis of your favorite song. If I dont have a particular skill its just a matter of time to pick it up.
  9. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Want to move to Guadalajara MX? We are growing and will be looking for engineers.
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I wish I had something open. A good EE is worth his wait in churros. :)

    JTW, what do you do again?
  11. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    List all that stuff! That's great work diversity and gives a good impression.
  12. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    With your skills and flexibility you should have no problem finding something. Personally, I would pick a region of the country you would like to live in and start your research there. Research local companies and contact them directly and try to find contacts at that company through Linkedin. Also, find a local headhunter and put him to work for you as well. If you have the time and money, find out if there are any chamber of commerce meetings in that region and just show up ready to share your information. Have a 30 second pitch on yourself prepared. There will be decision makers at the Chamber meetings and your initiative to show up will not go unnoticed. You can also research professional organizations in your field and see if they have a local chapter where you want to live. Contacts through organizations such as those can be excellent.

    I would also add, have many cheap thumb drives loaded with your resume, references, etc. on it ready to give to those decision makers. Most of them will not like carrying a piece of paper around (I know I wouldn't) but having a thumb drive I slip into my pocket and look at later would be cool.

    Oh yea, one last thing. When you are talking with a prospective employer or executive be very direct, know what you want and efficient in conversation. Don't be like, hey, I can do anything, I just want to get to work. Research the job you are applying for and tailor the resume to target that job. When I was job hunting I had several versions of my resume at the ready.
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  13. This is great advice.
  14. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    I work for the company that makes the most powerful processors in the world so that people can surf the net and look at pron and cat videos on youtube :D

    Seriously though if you're willing to relocate to Guadalajara i can help.
  15. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Ok so you went to a prominent university. Can you corner low?
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Me? I have to head down there at some point but I'm sure as f@ck coming back. Unless I get kidnapped and held for a ransom of 4 tacos and a large drink. :D
  17. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Sorry i was referring to the OP. You should come down. I'll take you to Lucha Libre...they're always in need of extra midgets to toss around :D
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I will let you know when I'm heading down. I've got a day ot two worth of meetings but a lot of time to kill. Waiting on some feedback on the whens and wheres.
  19. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    If you're interested in defense contracting in Orlando send me a resume to bjrosacker @ gmail. I've got a buddy who's a manger there who said he'd forward it around.
  20. Big T

    Big T Well-Known Member

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