Trading cards?

Discussion in 'General' started by assjuice cyrus, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Guys at work got to talking about sports then sports cards. I remeber collecting sports cards and having the beckett magazines to tell ya the value of the cards. Do they still have those out and does anybody collect them still?

    Maybe I will have to get my boy involed in them. I remeber the fun have getting new cards,checking prices, and going shows and trading them as a kid.
  2. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    I think the kids do it online these days... There is an ap for that.
  3. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Theres an app to price trading cards?
  4. SVbadguy

    SVbadguy I survived the Mt Course

    The card market is ridiculous now or at least it had been. Over 20 twenty years it was getting too expensive (for a kid) to just collect the cards of just a single player because companies kept coming out with all sorts of different series and 'premium' and 'limited' cards. Some brands have gone out of business/bankrupt since then. For regular cards now, you get like half as many for three times the price.
  5. nikk777

    nikk777 Well-Known Member

    So you're saying I could have some money stashed away in the shoe box full of cards? Got a certain app to recommend? What about garbage pail kids? Or hot wheels?(I still collect these!)

    Lol...I went to wally world today to buy 10 barbies and 10 5-packs of hot wheels for the toys for tots drive at work. Ended up buying 8 individual hot wheels for myself.
  6. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort. :eek:
  7. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Where do you even buy packs of cards these days? Do they still sell them in gas stations and pony kegs? Is there still gum in them? :D
  8. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    I still buy them for my kids. Mom and Pop stores and Dick's Sporting Goods.

    Last week I saw a NIB complete set of Topps 1986 for sale at the Messican flea market. 15 bucks. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not buying it.

    What's an 86 Cal Ripken or Jose Conseco worth?
  9. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    I've still got some hotwheels and matchbox cars, although they're in my kids possesion.:D

    Oh, and i've got a box full of cards and six boxes full of comics I'm just waiting to cash in.:clap:
  10. Montoya

    Montoya Well-Known Member

    The comics might be worth a quarter per box now… that markets been decimated for years.

    You might have something with the old hot wheels and matchbox cars though!
  11. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Nothing of value to add here, but my old man has a box full of old Matchbox cars, the made in England ones. Some are in boxes, some are loose. I remember looking into it many years ago and at that time they were worth quite a bit. No clue now.
  12. My scumbag cousin stole and sold my good cards when he was living with my parents. :mad: I had a Rickey Henderson rookie. A couple Barry Bonds and Bobby Bonilla rookies. Lots of good cards from 80s. Probably would have worth some money. The Henderson was worth hundreds even back then.
  13. darylbowden

    darylbowden Well-Known Member

    I remember somebody telling me that the Garbage Pail kids were worth some good money today because nobody gave a shit about them, stuck them on everything and never thought they would be worth anything since they were a joke. So, since there a few left in good condition, i guess they actually fetch a decent price.

    Of course, this is all hearsay, so who knows.
  14. I was a huge collector of baseball cards. Basically have every complete set from 90-94. Not worth much now. If you look at a Beckett guide they list 2-5 cards for each set. It went from a kids hobby to business and pretty much killed it. Went from $.50 a pack to $2.00 a pack in a few years.
  15. Don't feel too bad. Last time I looked a bonds rookie card was worth less than a dollar.
  16. SVbadguy

    SVbadguy I survived the Mt Course

    Yep, the market crashed. I've got a '67 Mantle that was valued around $400 20-25 years ago. On ebay they are $50-100 now.
  17. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    I collected some when I was younger. Stashed em away some years ago and just recently remembered them. I had separated the valuable cards out before I stored em and recently bought the latest Beckett mag to see what they were all worth and maybe pick up a little extra cash. I remember having a few that were worth up to $50ish at the time. Now most of them aren't even in the mag and after looking on ebay and a few other places the most any of them bring is $3-4. Not even worth the time to sell em these days.
  18. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Off topic, but related. Anyone know where to get some cards made? I think it would be cool to make some of my daughter racing.
  19. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Man, thats a neat idea. Ill have to remeber that. Let me know if you find anything.
  20. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    I wonder what 88-90 complete baseball sets of Topps cards are worth nowadays ..

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