track do you have fun, lol

Discussion in 'General' started by lil' bitch bob, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. i sold my race bike after the roebling challenge series this year - partly for financial reasons and partly because i wasn't having fun anymore...i put undue pressure on myself to do well and therefore i'm eating hardly anything at the track (drinking tons of gatoraide) and taking craps constantly, lol

    i just converted my 675 to race and went to vintage days at mid-ohio...i was calmer cuz hey i've never raced this bike before, lol...

    i was 5 seconds off my best time there from 2 yrs ago on my 05 cbr 600 (i don't get out much) :)

    so this weekend come grattan..been 2 yrs since i've been there i'm really hoping i'll have fun ...
  2. Paint Shaker

    Paint Shaker Tractor Motor Racer

    Step 1, Don't crash. :up:
  3. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    ^^^ This

    Step two: don't give a crap about your times so much and try to have fun. The more fun you have the more your times will drop

    On a side note... How ya been Bob? Good to see ya on here again :up:
  4. thanks guys crashing is not my problem i never go fast enough to do that, lol

    but yeah i love reading the posts on here...bunch of witty racers :)...i'm trying to assimilate
  5. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Bob... have you tried racing a full weekend without being hungover? :D
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sell the 675 and get a Ninja 250.
  7. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Forgot to ask... when'd you get a 675 Bob? Liking it?
  8. Vstate60

    Vstate60 Jaspon&Armas, PA

    Step 3: Get a Pit-Strap

    What? You say you already have a bungee cord that you use? What? You say it does the exact same thing and costs nothing since you already use them to strap stuff down in your trailer?

    You still owe me for the idea. Please make out a check payable to me for $29.99.

    You're welcome.
  9. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Don't go to grid with a massive turd about ready to pop.
  10. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    ^^^ I like this idea better
  11. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

  12. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Prairie Doggin' at pit out will certainly make the race no fun.
  13. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Thought it made you move faster with your concentration on a whole different level.
  14. this is no doubt an issue
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I can't get loose on the bike when I trying not to ruin my underoos.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2013
  16. this would be hilarious if i knew what you were talking about! lol
  17. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member

    I love racing my 600, but I have more fun racing my xr100. 1) I can do 10 rounds on the mini for the cost of 2 rounds on the 600, and 2) there are significantly fewer and less severe consequences for crashing the 100.

    I will always try to race the "big" bikes, but the mini keeps things really fun, and (at least in my head) makes me faster on the big bike.
  18. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Use other people's stuff. Best time ever!
  19. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    It's a "racer's belt" used to hold your suit around your waste when you pull the arms off. Costs $20, works the same as a $2 bungee cord.
  20. awww lol...going to the shitter in your suit...i'm all caught up now :)

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