Any barbers here?

Discussion in 'General' started by styles, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    I thought that looked like a free cut. :D
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sam's cousin's husband is a barber. He digs it but it's tough, you have to be damn good to even make poverty level cash.
  3. joec

    joec brace yourself


    i gotta tatted up hottie whos also a local roller girl who does my shape up.

    pretty rad
  4. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    My dad hired a couple of tatted up rockabilly chicks to help bring in business. Didn't work out so well. Jealous violent ex-boyfriends, coming in with fresh black eyes, and wanting to tell my dad all their problems....
  5. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    My best buddy is a barber.

    He did it in the 80s then was a cop for about 15 years and went back to barbering. He loves it. Old school, straight razor, fishing and hunting magazines barber shop. No titty chicks or silly gimmicks.
  6. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    thats the kinda place I like.
    somewhere you can sit and talk sports, politics (we never talk shop though) and get a good shave.

    We have one here that is pretty famous among the locals. but it doesnt feel right to me...because its not MY barbershop so I drive an hour to get to my shop and I love it when there is a long wait. lets me conversate even more!
  7. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill

    old time barbers

    those shops have been gone from here a long time. everything is "salon" type these days and a simple haircut for a kid is 10 bucks . I'm NOT a barber but I have been cuttiing almost all the kids ( boys) hair in the family for over a decade but maybe it might be that I don't charge anyone ? on saturdays the kids that are waiting go around beside the shop and shoot daisy's and wait their turn. kinda cool and I know it helps the parents out too. I'd go to barber school if I could find the time. I do have a straight razor but I don't pack it in my sock anymore . Id say go for it. it's a renewable resource too. save the hair . they make OIl absorbent booms out of it. all the ebst bill and darethea
  8. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill


    you know the difference between one of my free cuts and a 12.00 salon cut? about 2 weeks. all the best bill and darethea
  9. Why would somebody make a trip to the Barber just to shave?

    When I shave, my face is smooth as a baby's ass. Why would i drive somewhere to pay somebody to shave me, when it can't get any smoother?

    Most of all, unless these barbers have 6' arms, they would have to be all in your grill the whole time. I wouldn't want some dude all in my bubble.
  10. But real men go let other dude's shave them?

    Next you are going to say real men go get massages from dudes. Let me guess, you enjoy you a good manssage dontcha?

  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I used to go to a vietnamese barber shop where they spoke no engrish (or next to none). I'd point at the picture on the wall of the haircut I wanted and they'd do it. Worked great until they shaved my head down to a number 2.
    Went to a fake barbershop for awhile but it was a hassle, now I go to one of those chains. Good enough $16 cut.

    Sam bought me one of those uber expensive cuts and a shave once and it was probably $100. I got free beer and it was worth every cent of the $100. Didn't know it was possible but it made me even better looking. :D
  12. I always go to Sport Clips.

    It is only 3min from my house.

    It is women cutting hair, but it is for guys only. No women gossiping, none of those big ass hair drying machines, no peticures or shit like that. They wear referee outfits, ESPN is always on the TV, they keep their equipment in lockers like a gym, etc.

    But most of all, they don't talk to me. For some reason, somebody cutting your hair is like somebody sitting beside you on the plane...they always feel like they HAVE to talk to you, like it is required.

    It isn't.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2013
  13. MrOgle

    MrOgle I love college!

    Have you ever noticed how barber's have a full head of hair?
  14. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    LOL, I almost just spit out my coffee.
  15. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Same place that I go to for the exact reasons you spelled out.
  16. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    You're missing out.

    The REAL barbershop social scene is great.

    We sit around and talk guy stuff. Usually fishing, guns and hunting (in that order) and crack jokes. It's a good time. When a newcomer walks in, we'll get him engaged in the joke cracking and fish stories. Then they keep coming back. That's good for business.

    When I retire from lawyering, maybe I'll go cut hair with him.
  17. :D
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Dits, places like that don't exist where I live anymore. The Mom and Pops are gone the way of the dodo. Bars, restaurants, barber shops, butchers, mongers, all the cool shit that rules.
  19. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    In Korea, it's not out of the norm to get a blow job while getting your hair cut. I tried to go in there once, but was shoooed away. Apparently they don want the military in there. Probably a good thing anyway, since I'd look like a tiger mauled my head after climax.
  20. I miss Wise Guys when I lived in Detroit. Free beer and a mens only place.

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