Connecticut School Shooting

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Correct. Not simply going to a range and shooting at targets (not saying that is what police do), but also include heavy reactionary training on moving targets and learn to operate around possible innocents. When, where and how to shoot should the event arise.
  2. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    It's the 'rats in a cage' analogy: At a certain level, they all get along fine and are healthy. As you add more and more rats, they begin to turn on each other and the overall health of the population deteriorates - even if you increase food and water supplies proportionately.
  3. novice201

    novice201 "I'm a robot chicken!"

    I just heard it, something like "it's time for significant action". I'm paraphrasing.

    Edit: "Time for meaningful action, regardless of politics."
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  4. gaitherb

    gaitherb Well-Known Member

    I'm not suggesting make guns illegal; I believe Americans clearly have a right to guns -- hell, I own guns.

    The premise is this: in a country that's free and open, in a country that values its citizens' rights to have firearms for whatever reasons (e.g. protection, recreation...), in that environment, can you fashion a rule/law that reduces the number of people killed in a mass shooting?
  5. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    I work with a team that ponders this very thing and how to react from both a crisis and tactical standpoint. The general consensus has been these situations will continue more frequently.

    Here is an excellent foundation that assists school districts with devising and coordinating response plans. For you parents out there, inquire with your districts to ensure they have appropriate protocols in place for such situations.

    Prayers for the families affected by this tragedy.
  6. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I can think of at least a dozen ways to start fixing the problem but they will all be about a popular as the mass shootings themselves.
  7. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Again, you're going on the assumption that those were HIS guns. I have a suspicion they weren't. I believe I also heard the shooting in Oregon last week involved stolen guns.

    This is a complex problem, there is no doubt about that. But many of the times violent crimes are committed with guns, the weapons weren't obtained legally. Beyond that, look at the crimes committed by McVey (sp) and such. The damage done by those with, I believe, all legally purchased items.
  8. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known


    1 reason. The people that do this type of thing have already broken so many laws that adding more laws to 'help prevent' it from happening wont matter. It will only handcuff those that are doing things legally.

    Do you think he cares that he killed X number of kids? No. Did he break a law? Yes, probably many.

    It doesnt make a difference.
  9. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    Everything that's being done is already illegal. It's illegal to commit murder.

    Penalties can be made more severe, but that will only deter someone afraid of them. An individual who places no value on their own life or the life of others will not be affected by laws. Only those who abide by the laws will be affected.
  10. InvisibleSaddle

    InvisibleSaddle Well-Known Member

    I assume more ppl will go out and buy guns to feel better about themselves. If citizens were not allowed to have guns aside to make a living or purely for hunting. I wonder if things would be different.
  11. ductune

    ductune Well-Known Member

    We had some local murders recently by young kids using synthetic drugs called Spice and K2. This stuff was being sold to teenagers at gas stations. Michigan banned it a few months ago. According to the news the teenagers involved in these murders were just normal kids.

    The mental hospital in Pontiac that shut down had a ward that housed people that were classified as high risk due to violence and some had murdered but were found not guilty by reason of insanity. Don't remember what happened to them but the ones that were OK as long as they stayed on their drugs were released, some without the means to support themselves or the income to buy the drugs to control their illness. I guess there are different root causes for different people.

    I agree parents are a big part of it but I've known kids from bad parents that grew up fine and kids from great parents that grew up bad.
  12. shakazulu12

    shakazulu12 Well-Known Member

    I see what you are saying, but I don't think so currently. Even worse than the number of guns on the street that are untraceable are the amount of hi-cap magazines, ammunition etc. Simply isn't a way to track all of that stuff down and enforce anything. Bullets control wont work IMHO, too costly and too easy to make your own, plus you are back to the black market thing I alluded to earlier.

    Basically we are stuck with something that is too big to control for such a specific circumstance as what happened today. All IMHO.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I am not a gun person, but no one I know that is bought them to feel better about themselves.

    Responsible, sane gun owners are not the problem. Criminals are.
  14. shakazulu12

    shakazulu12 Well-Known Member

    Yup, the rifle in question was stollen from one of his friends just prior to the shooting.
  15. GRH

    GRH Well-Known Member

    The Chicago/NYC model has been so successful so let's double down.
  16. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    Right. :rolleyes: The individuals involved in these shootings have clearly shown their respect for the law.
  17. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Very doubtful. The city of Kennesaw had a REQUIREMENT for every home to have a firearm and for many, many years had a 0% crime rate.
  18. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Took all of 3 posts for you guys to turn this into a gun control debate. Unbelievable :down:

    I'm sick to my stomach at this point. Ironically I volunteered at my sons school today and heard the news during the drive there. My heart goes out to the victims, their family and the rest of the children. I hope that no one from this community has family effected.

  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Quite simply no you cannot. You can make smaller magazines - they'll reload more often just as the shooter in the movie theater did with no issues. You could go to blackpowder single shot but then you'll have the whackos making bombs instead.

    The middle east is actually good example - even with access to all sorts of arms, the nutjobs just go to IED's for more effect. Sooner or later the local whackos will do the same (although I guess technically they already did in OKC).
  20. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Officers - yes. Logistically and financially this would be difficult. IMO woth it, but difficult.

    A single officer would be (and I hate to say this) nothing but a speed bump.

    The only thing that armed officers would provide is a reduction in casualties, IMO it will not eliminate it.

    It is next to impossible to prevent someone from killing you. You can only attempt to make it more difficult.

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