Defend Freedom Defeat Jihad

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by eric hunter, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Pamela Geller is a blogger and the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and a stumper for Freedom of Speech, in NYC that is trying to get her ad campaign posters on the City buses. It's already won 1 court case and she had them posted on some subway shelters. She is promoting anti-jihad not just for America and Christians, but "“I wanted to demonstrate the global character of the jihad — that it is against non-Muslims of different faiths and perspectives, all over the globe,” Geller said of her decision to diversify the new ads."

    Her ads seem quite effective:
    “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man
    Defend Freedom - Defeat Jihad”

    "“In any war between the civilized man and the savage,
    support the civilized man,
    ” Defend America - Defeat Jihad"

    "“In any war between the civilized man and the savage,
    support the civilized man,
    Defend Israel - Defeat Jihad"

    I like it. Too bad she's probably got a target on her back if this goes anything like the Dutch cartoons or "the Video" that sparked the embassy riots (yeh, right, POTUS). I think it's totally the wrong thing to aquiese to Islam and Mohammed just cause some wild indians threaten violence and riots. Hell, just this past Saturday thousands of Bangladeshi Muslims angry over an alleged derogatory photo of the Quran (burned) on Facebook set fire to at least 10 Buddhist temples and 40 homes near the southern border with Myanmar. Peaceful religion my ass. So we have to apologise to Islamists if we "defame" them or the prophet - no capitalization of The Prophet or the Prophet Mohammed as our suck up media use. Hell, it's even incorrect in Islam to use "The Prophet Mohammed" - idiots. Where is the uproar of the Christians being abused, arrested murdered in Egypt or Nigeria. What about the urine soaked cross on display in a NYC art gallery ? How about a little righteous Jesus Christ - Son of God in your Islamic face ? Christianity! Wanna fight about it ?

    Rant over. :Pop:
  2. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Geller is a true nut bag, and probably suffers from dementia, but she has a right to spew her hatred.
  3. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    How about we simply educate the savage so that they are not savage?

    1. You will never eradicate fundamentalism with weapons. Continuing to go to their countries and spreading our imperialism only compounds their hate for us.

    2. The best way to make atheists is to make them read the whole, in this case, Quran. The problem is most of these people can't read, so you have to start with education. Empower them. Do so WITHOUT CONDITIONS AND ULTERIOR MOTIVES. Do it because they deserve the opportunity to be higher functioning humans.

    I realize these are lofty ideals, but what we're doing is not working.
  4. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    2XITB :D
  5. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    Also, this. Declaring a holy war against a holy war is more than a little ironic and redundant. So who's the savage?

    It's like the white man coming to the Americas, slaughtering the natives, and having the audacity to call them savages. Come on now.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Blah blah blah, all I wanna know is if she's hot.
  7. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    She's old and skeletor-ish. There's a pic if you click through to the article.

    A slightly less freaky Bachmann imo.
  8. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

    I don't know anything about this lady, and I don't care to. However, as far as the ads go I agree that the jihadists are savages, that jihad is as barbaric as honor killings, that it should be defeated, and that we should support Israel.

    I don't know if that's a Hank Williams-style comparison or a real one, but seems like you're saying the Israelis have slaughtered the Arabs.
  9. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    No, I don't really have any commentary on Israelis and I wasn't speaking to any particular incidents or actions involving Israelis. I actually wasn't thinking of or referring to Israelis at all. I was speaking specifically to these "savage" groups of people who are quite commonly lumped with the radicals and our incursions into their countries. Since you brought up Israelis, there are fundamentalist idiots and there are moderate, secular Israelis just as there are with every other religion/country. I won't lump them all together as like-minded anymore than I will Muslims or Christians or Hindus. (yes, there are Israeli nutters calling for a similar "Jihad")

    I don't see any need to support Israel. Their firepower and know-how is far superior to that of any threat they're likely to encounter in the near future and I trust them to do what they need to do. Let them stand on their own instead of treating them like a man who won't move out of his parents house.
  10. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    she kinda looks like a young Daisy Duke if you squint

    ...and i'd drive it hard'ern the General Lee in hot pursuit by Rosco P. Coltrain.
  11. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    I stopped there.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Now if I was Sarah Michelle Gellar, making out with some nutbag chick, maybe I'd be interested.

    But not likely. :(
  13. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Simply? After reading your two talking points, I'm having a tough time understanding in what areas this education lesson should begin?

    That aside, how do you educate those who have already graduated from OUR universities when they're joining some terror extremist group?

    Beat me to it. LOL!

    Never missing a beat to insult a republican, at least you're consistent.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
  14. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I don't think it's inconceivable to think that their might be a war at some point in the future between Islam and the rest of the world. I'm no expert, and whether it's meant to be or not, there are enough followers that believe that it's a religion destined to spread throughout the world via any means necessary, extreme violence included.

    The thing that a lot of people don't realize is that a Muslim is a Muslim first, and a Saudi, Palestinian, Egyptian, etc, etc, etc second. We base our entire foreign policy on nation to nation, and they don't.
  15. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    Try starting with reading, writing, and arithmetic. You know that these countries we've invaded and leaned on over the years have huge chunks of illiterate masses, right? You expect first world behavior from these people with third world educations, but fail to see the unreasonable gap those expectations. Or maybe you prefer to keep bombing them into staying in the stone age and give the extremist groups continued recruitment material?

    Nice try throwing in that educated extremist red herring. Education is not a catch-all, but then perhaps you think that the utterly insignificant number of attacks and extremists originating from the educated (used loosely referring to the general public) and prosperous first world is just a coincidence. Try again.

    I am a Republican, brainiac. Ugly has no more party affiliation than stupid; unless you think Bachmann is intelligent and attractive, at which point I'd say you just have poor taste.

    Your blind support of idiots simply for the fact that they have an "R" next to their name makes you a sheep and a simpleton. I'm not surprised your rosy goggles have only allowed you to see me putting down Republicans, so I can only suggest you go back through my old posts and see that I'm an equal opportunity hater.
  16. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Very good on your post here...XFBO also thinks I'm only interested in putting down Repubs.

    A problem, however, in your scheme of things is this: the concept of education in various Muslim societies around the world is much different from our own, although it most peculiar that the 'upper crust' (wealthy and connected) of said societies is usually adequately educated in western (UK-US-Europe) universities. How would you change the educational scheme of things for the masses in, let's say, Saudi Arabia, without running into strong resistance deriving from cultural and religious practices?
  17. charles

    charles The Transporter

    i'm not quite as certain as you that, for example, all of the Egyptians who happen to be Muslims see themselves the same as Libyans, Yemenis, or Malaysians...same religion, but not the same cultures or worldview.

    As far as propagating Islam with violence, perhaps the Muslims have something else in mind; read through talks, non-Muslims walk.
  18. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Or maybe she's just another of the many thousands of Americans that are damn tired of the stupidity of a religion like Islam that goes off the deep end when their tender feelings are hurt. At least she says something about it loud enough for others to hear. :up:
  19. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Chuck, how do you propose we do that? We've been sending missionaries as teachers and spiritual leaders to the Middle East for decades with very apparently very little success. If the people over there start getting too smart then they're punished by the Clerics and other Islamic leaders. At the rate of advancement in that part of the world it's gonna take another 500 years to bring them to the point of winning a spelling bee.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You think sending missionaries over is the same as teaching them to read? You truly think missionaries don't have ulterior motives?


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