?? for racers that travel alone

Discussion in 'Information For New Racers' started by jackel151, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. jackel151

    jackel151 Well-Known Member

    I am looking forwards to running WERA this year and will be going to most events by myself. So I have a few ? for other racers that travel solo.
    Besides the danger of getting hurt and having no one to load your gear,get it home etc. How do you deal with the small things that need to be done.

    I guess the first thing that comes to mind. How do you get your bike and all your gear thru tech and still make first call. I assume there are 2 lines at tech 1 for bikes and 1 for gear. Is there time to take 2 trips back and forth to your pit. Or do you do some balancing act with all your gear and a bike stand all piled on the bike (sounds like a good way to drop my sh*t before I ever seen the track)

    How about loading and unloading bikes from a truck. I normally try to find a curb or hill that I can drop the angle of the ramp and do it by myself. But from what I remember most pits are flat.
  2. SV Ray

    SV Ray Grandpa Ray

    For tech get there early and take 2 trips. Get a Baxley sport chock to ride your bike on when you return from the track so you can easily put it on the stands yourself. Usually other guys at the track will help you. "We are all in this together" mentality usually prevails and most people help each other out.
  3. John LegionST

    John LegionST Well-Known Member

    I used to just put my suit and boots on, and my gloves and helmet on tank. One line.

    Get there early, when you get back immediately get your bike up on warmers, THEN put your lower on, then prep yourself for first practice. It seems like you'll never make it but there is time. you might have to go out with the tires not quite up to temp yet but it shouldn't be a big deal cause you shouldn't be pushing the first session out anyway.

    As far as help getting bike in and out, your neighbor will usually help you, WERA is like a big family. If Tally is your first going to be your first round you are more than welcome to park near me and I'll help ya through the day.
  4. sowega

    sowega #710

    This doucher is right on all counts; park near people, and they'll almost always give you a hand.
  5. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    You know if something happens to you, we all are gonna go through your stuff :Poke:
    JK....like others already said...you show up by yourself, you probably won't even have to ask for help, people with just come over to help you. Nobody minds being asked questions either...great bunch of folks.
  6. jon686

    jon686 Well-Known Member

    The Beeb can be somewhat harsh, but it's generally all in fun. The track and paddock are different-most times you don't even have to ask, most people see the need and step up to help before you even know you need it. Everyone started somewhere and have been in the same boat. Great place to hang out, even if you aren' t racing. Everyone is in it together and most are there for the same reasons. Overall a great Org and bunch of guys and gals. Don't worry. It will go smooth and if you have questions, ASK.
  7. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    I can't remember if WERA tech ever checked my leathers. I usually just bring my helmet.
  8. John LegionST

    John LegionST Well-Known Member

    I used to bring everything when I was a PN and for my first half a year or so... now I've been to enough races that the boys in tech know my gear I guess and I just bring my helmet. If they asked to see them (and the rest of my gear) I would have no problem bringing it down to them, but if I was pressed for time I would ask if I could just stop thru on my way out for practice
  9. Bunghole

    Bunghole Well-Known Member

    We only check your bike and helmet at tech. Bring all your paperwork you get from registration. Make sure you get your tech form filled out correctly and fully (even the vin at the top most new peeps miss) and the belly pan off the bike. We will get your helmet and bike at the same time (one trip). We're not here to make your life hard, we just want everyone to be safe.

    I too travel alone, it isn't that bad once you get used to it. I work tech and still find time to practice, I'm sure you will too. Make sure your bike is ready to go before you leave your house. Get there the night before, unload and set up. go over the bike one more time. I do the small things the night before. Bring extra beer (make more friends that way :up: )
  10. tracaddict

    tracaddict Well-Known Member

    I would really be concerned with traveling to a race alone, try and bring a friend to help you out. You will meet people and make friends really fast at the wera races. That being said my first year I went to a few races alone, one weekend last minute I got the GF to come with me, I ended up crashing and knocking myself out, luckily she was able to drive my vehicle home and take me to the hospital at home (3.5 hr drive). I would have been really screwed if I was alone, (didn't know where I as at)
  11. foster

    foster Well-Known Member

    I traveled to most of my races alone last season. I had no problems getting things done in time for morning practice because I'd show up the night before or early morning. One tip though is to get organized beforehand so you're not searching for tools, safety wire ect...and scrambling around sucks. The advice I'm glad I heeded was from an experienced racer who pre-printed his tech forms ahead of time. Filled in all the stuff that stays the same from race to race and left the date, track, signature blank and just made copies. That was a huge help. Also pre-registering makes things go faster in the morning and you get a discount too.

    Buy my biggest fear was getting knocked out and no one knowing who the hell I was or where I was pitted. My advice is make a point to introduce yourself to your neighbors and through conversation it will come up that your solo.
  12. Baird

    Baird Well-Known Member

    Even if you hurt yourself and your at the track alone you can usually get people to help you. The first weekend I met that homo 2fer, he broke his ankle and I ended up driving him and his truck from Jennings to Atlanta so he could get home.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    On leathers to tech - we alternate what we require, usually do leathers a lot in the beginning of the season just to make sure people are good for the year. Helmets and bike are every weekend no matter what.
  14. chcknugget

    chcknugget Well-Known Member

    What do you check for when inspecting the leathers? Would scuffs or abrasions cause a fail?
  15. jackel151

    jackel151 Well-Known Member

    Does that mean that boots, gloves and back protecter are not checked? or are they included with leathers?
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Including those in the leathers part of things (as far as this conversation is concerned at least)
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Depends on the abrasion but on the whole no they won't.

    As stupid as it seems, we'll have rider try to run leathers with gaping holes in them and the like, or held together with duct tape when the stitching has failed.
  18. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    I'd be leery of going to a race alone especially if it's more than a few hours drive if someone had to come pick you up. I actually don't go to races if I can't get somebody to tag a long.

    Everybody helps everybody out for getting ready and whatever comes up during the day.
  19. Karl_L

    Karl_L Well-Known Member

    You will see the same people at all of the different rounds and it is hard to avoid making friends with a lot of people. You might come to your first event feeling all alone but when you pull into the pits for your second event it will feel like home.

    I do like to make sure that someone at the track has my contact info and knows how to unlock my phone, and where my keys, wallet and insurance card are kept while I'm on the track.
  20. RossK6

    RossK6 Grid Filler

    I'll be going to Tally by myself in February for the racers school and hopefully a couple of races. One thing I will make sure if is to have emergency contact and medical information printed and posted in my pit. Still trying to figure out if I'll try some kind of arranged meet up with someone to pit up with. At 47 years, this internet dating thing is kinda new to me...

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