need a good gym workout.

Discussion in 'General' started by tito, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    so i am trying to get back into the gymafter a few years of not going, the problem is I need a workout plan, and I just can't find any I like.
    I had a couple back when I was going all the time but they are all 4 or five days a week plans ( I was single then) and now my schedule now does not allow that. I am looking to lose weight, but do it as quick as possible in the gym. so ware are some good exercises that tax the entire body, or upper half and lower half.
  2. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

  3. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

  4. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    cardio warm up on the bike or treadmill or whatever, for like 5-10 minutes. I lift 3-4 times a week, and each day I do one of these as the foundation: bench, squats, dead lift.

    If I do bench, I will do a lil warm up and stretch, then do 3 sets of 8-12 reps of flat bench, same for incline, and same for decline. I will do some dumb bell flies, and skull crushers, and then kinda just float around, maybe do some curls, or calf raises (I love calf raises) then finish with about 20-30 minutes on the bike, or doing some sort of interval cardio.

    If I do squats, I stretch a bunch, do a warm up set, then 2-3 more sets. then will do leg presses, extension, lunges, and of course calf raises, then finish with some cardio.

    same goes for back, I will do my dead lifts, then rows. pull downs, etc.. after my core workout is done, I kinda just float around and do whatever sounds good, or is open.

    I ALWAYS end my gym time with the jacuzzi and sauna.
  5. egomezent

    egomezent Well-Known Member

    rowing machine (sp?)
  6. What is your goal?
  7. Vanzan

    Vanzan Active Member

    read about it and start slow. You can do it in your yard or garage with some basic stuff. If you do it in a 'big box' gym...prepared yourself for a lot of strange looks.

    Functional strength and metabolic conditioning. Their Rx is 3 on 1 off, but just doing 2 or 3 WODs a week with some added cardio will do amazing things. Working up to handle full Rx 6 times a week and you will be an animal.

    3, 2, 1...GO!
  8. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Elliptical. Followed by low weight, high reps on the med x stuff. Every morning.

    (Disclaimer- this is what I did when I was in shape. I am now a fat ass cheese grit eating alcoholic who drinks coffee and huffs Goody's Powder each morning.) :D
  9. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    My goal is to lose weight.

    tuna sounds like more of what I am looking for. and Dits, I hit the cardio everytime I am at the gym, it is a good half hour or so of readign time for me, at least till my gym gets free wifi, then I can watch netflix on my phone.
  10. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    I think the biggest thing with the regimen I explained was that it seemed to give me more energy and less appetite through the day. It made me smoke less too. I stayed at a level 165 at 6' tall.

    I'm gonna start doing it again cause I guess I'm riding endurance in a few months. :eek:
  11. Chip

    Chip Registered

    What he said....crossfit rules!
  12. Winst. and Clen. :D
  13. farva03r

    farva03r Well-Known Member

    If you decide to lift I suggest muscle confusion. One week go with heavy weight and low reps. The next week use lower weight with high reps.

    I'll lift then do cardio for 30 min, when I still have something left.

    Other days I'll just run a few miles. Other days I'll jog, drop and do some push ups then jog again, then drop and do sit ups. Jog and do some steps. Mix it up.

    Recently I've heard that interval training is some good stuff. just follow the link:
  14. jimraynor21

    jimraynor21 Well-Known Member

    Youtube Randy Couture workout(first result). He explains the reps/intervals somewhere in there but if you just want to get to the meat skip to 1:20.

    Its basically 8 reps of each exercise, followed by 30sec rest, repeat 6-8 cycles I think. I modified it a bit because I couldnt get through them all.

    If your not in such great shape try it with just a 45lb bar and work your way up...if you think your a badass then TRY to do all the sets with 135lbs. Absolutely annhilates you, but more importantly it is cardio driven and works your entire body to the limit.

    I especially like it in the aspect of riding/racing because it works your muscles on an endurance level, not a strength level.
  15. gixxer357

    gixxer357 Well-Known Member

    Crossfit is the shyt, but if you decide its not for you then my suggestion is to get on a rower and have at it.
  16. Dizzle

    Dizzle Well-Known Member

    Push-ups, sit-ups, and run.
  17. charles

    charles The Transporter

    The best question to ask!
  18. charles

    charles The Transporter

    'Lose weight'- I suspect you mean 'lose unwanted bodyfat,' right? You definitely don't want to lose healthy muscle mass, but at the same time, you don't want to gain muscle mass (bodybuilder type?). Each person is different, it is hard to generate a protocol based on someone else's bodytype and physiology.

    If you want to save the trip to the gym (and the cost in time and money), at this juncture in your life, yet you want a full body workout, may I suggest the 'P90X' system? Minimum of equipment, no wasted time going to the gym and back, and I assure you, you will feel this workout and see results if you stay with it and follow the diet plan that is included. You could finish each day's 'P90X' workout and then go outside to run (if that is possible where you live). Vary your runs with short periodic bursts of speed, gradually, as you do both long slow distance runs and shorter quicker runs...take a mandatory day of rest each week. I am confident you will not only feel stronger, you will see bodyfat reduction and muscular development, albeit not muscular bulk.

    Good Luck!
  19. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    I've never tried P90X but a lot of my friends have and have had great results. I went from pushing a 34" waist down to a 31" / 32" waist in a few months by regular excercise and good food intake along with a protein supplement. I tried to keep my caloric intake ~ 1,200 to 1,500 a day and I did heavy lifting. Great results from doing that and I didn't lose, but gained lean muscle. I guess it was kinda sorta like an extended relaxed cutting phase. And I had one or two cheat days a week.

    Remember, what you eat is just as important as exercise. Especially cutting out sugar will help you lose weight. Especially in your gut.
  20. Brian Van

    Brian Van Track Gear Retailer

    If you are overweight the first thing you need to do is to look at what you eat and how much you eat. The bottom line is if you take in too many calories and eat too much junk lacking proper nutrients you will get fat.

    Go to the gym at least three days a week. Do 30 to 45 minutes of cardio (depends on how much weight you need to lose) and hit a simple weight circuit. If you need to do the 45 at first just do some real basic movements like push ups, pull ups etc...

    Keep it simple and realistic so it can become a lifestyle without taking over your life.

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