President Trump

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by wsmcrobert, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. bigtime

    bigtime Well-Known Member

    So, you're saying I'm wrong in him playing to the crazy rights, and he's actually playing to true Republicans and they believe the false bull he's saying? If so, this country is even more fucked then I thought.[/QUOTE]

    Nope, I'm saying that anyone who believes anything that any person spews from their mouth ( particularly someone with a reality TV show or a politician) without checking things out for themselves is naive. Not saying you are but you were making a blanket statement and generalities.

    And for the record, I am a conservative, and couldnt stomach voting for him. Could you imagine a Trump/Palin ticket? The extremes from both parties do not do any good in my opinion.
  2. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Great idea! Wealthy businessmen have already had a profound effect on the USA. The guys from Lehman Bros, Goldman Sachs, Citibank...
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  4. vance

    vance *

    Yes, they do. Which is why every major news program is praying that he will run.

    see above.
    Yes, they have. I had to scroll down 5 links to find a site you would approve of :D:

    IIRC, BO, Hilary and McCain each got waaaayyyyy over 1 million each in 2008 from Goldman Sachs. Things were headed in this direction regardless of who was in the driver's seat.
    To use a popular analogy of the car going into the ditch, the president has a hold of the fake kiddie wheel in the passenger seat, and his feet don't even reach the pedals.....
  5. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    I don't even need to click that link to say lewis black is right. Dude speaks more truth than both politcal parties combined. A trump/palin ticket? Shit why don't we just go full retard and have hulk hogan / snookie run against them. At least our last days would be entertaining.
  6. Alter Ego

    Alter Ego Registered User

    Don't forget Bernie Madoff.
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!


    Are you going through some kind of identity crisis? You usually use this one in smaller bursts. But he seems to have been out for days now. :D
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
  9. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    You know that Obama already kicked off his 2012 campaign right? There probably won't be any challengers to him in the primaries. Even if you want Obama to win then you should know that Trump is the only candidate that beats Obama in polling (last I heard).
  10. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Hillary beat Obama in polling as well. We saw how well that worked out.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Trump sucks, he's getting attention, he'd have less clue on governing or running a business than Obama.
  12. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    Sure, I remember Fred Thompson flirting around with a run also. He polled really well. But he waited too long to make the commitment to run and I think people lost interest. Same thing could happen to Trump if he flirts around too much and seems non-committal.
  13. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    Trump might suck but he's already running businesses and to my knowledge Obama has never run a business.
  14. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    There's so much dirt that could possibly be dug up on Trump, it'd be better for him to not run and I'm sure he knows it. The chances of running and not winning are too great, and not winning would destroy him.
  15. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Running a business doesn't mean one has the ability to run any political office, or even run a business well.

    Look at the new governor of FL. You don't get the honor of having the two largest medicare fraud cases in history by running your business well.
  16. vance

    vance *

    Guilty or not, the fine for Scott will be pennies on the dollar. So if the goal was to make money, I'd say Scott did a pretty fair job at running his business.
    Same goes for Trump. The guy is worth millions, but joked in an interview once that he had a few hundred bucks in his wallet. He knows how to play the game. He's making money off of this crap right now. Run or not, he'll come out better in the end.
  17. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Pretty fair job at running a business? :crackup:

    By your standards, does doing a good job at running a business involve fucking tax paying citizens out of money so that the owner can make his pockets fatter, and then change the ownership to his wife so that "it's not a conflict of interest" and then do it all over again after he's taken a political office?
  18. vance

    vance *

    My standards, huh?:rolleyes:
    It must really suck to think that the thief's replacement will save the day...
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Have we digressed to the point where we are arguing the relative ethics of Trump vs any politician? It's worse than I thought.
  20. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Trump is ghey...

    I've been telling you people for years, vote me in and I will do what is needed. All you need to do is write my name in and then stand back while I clean house. It will be messy. And it won't be on TV.

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