Explosion at Japanese nuclear plant

Discussion in 'General' started by RichB, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. crazymofo

    crazymofo Then i was like...Braaap!

    hope this is inaccurate, or it doesnt progress further...

    1.50pm Radiation is spewing from damaged reactors. The Prime Minister has warned residents to stay inside or risk getting radiation sickness from the particles in the smoke rising from the reactor. A government spokesman says radiation emanating from the plant is high enough in nearby areas to damage health

    Read more:

  2. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    They don't say just how much radiation is leaking, and if it's only to the point where people are being told to stay indoors, can't be much. If it was a lethal amount or an amount that could cause serious illness or death if not treated, I would believe they would be telling people to evacuate and the people testing the areas would be wearing more than a dust mask.
  3. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Yeah, just checked what the government is reporting. 3.13mSv/hour, which is absolutely nothing. The FDA reports that the average dosage from a cat scan is 5mSv/hour to 60mSv/hour depending on if it's a full body or not.

    You'd probably get higher doses of radiation a day by sitting next to a smoke detector.
  4. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?


    "Japanese authorities also today informed the IAEA at 04:50 CET that the spent fuel storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is on fire and radioactivity is being released directly into the atmosphere."
  5. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    That place is f**ked.
  6. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Somewhat different numbers here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/inte...uake-update-15-march-1125-utc/201923359837458

    ....""A person’s radiation exposure due to all natural sources amounts on average to about 2.4 millisievert (mSv) per year. A sievert (Sv) is a unit of effective dose of radiation. Depending on geographical location, this figure can vary by several hundred percent.
    Since one sievert is a large quantity, radiation doses are typically expressed in millisievert (mSv) or microsievert (µSv), which is one-thousandth or one millionth of a sievert. For example, one chest X-ray will give about 0.1 mSv of radiation dose.""...

    The article also states that at one point in time, at Fukushima Daiichi between units 3 and 4, a reading of 400mSv was observed, but imply that that level has dropped since then, although they do not mention specifics of further readings in that exact location.
  7. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    Not sure if this has been discussed, but I heard today there are no reports of looting in Japan and shop owners are actually DISCOUNTING items to people in need. :up:

    Man, they make Americans look like crap............
  8. Motomfg

    Motomfg Well-Known Member

    My brother is in the navy and lived in Japan for 2 years. He really liked there country and the people. He said that if you left your wallet on a park bench it would still be there 2 days later.

    He really misses it because now he is in hawaii and says they are racist pricks toward mainlanders.
  9. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because there they are talking about absorbed doses of radiation, not how much radiation is leaking. Even if there was say 10 mSv/hour of radiation leaking, you're not going to absorb 240 mSv of radiation over the period of one day. Even then, that will only just make you slightly ill.

    Radiation numbers are down all over the world because there honestly isn't a vast amount of radioactivity that will harm humans. 10 mSv is the same as 1 rem. I'm not 100% sure here, but I believe it's doses of 100 rem or more per hour of absorbed radiation for at least 5 hours (so 500 rem absorbed). Chernobyl was pumping out over 5 rem per second!

    Really, Japan is keeping the reactor issue under control and it's nowhere near as bad as people think.
  10. BR549

    BR549 Well-Known Member

    I just overheard a report on MSNBC that crews at the most damaged plant are using helicopters to dump water onto something that is getting very hot and is kept in an exposed "pond". What the hell could that be?
  11. derby369

    derby369 Well-Known Member


  12. GSXR311

    GSXR311 Well-Known Member

  13. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

  14. caferace

    caferace No.

    In the greater scheme of things who gives a shit, but the Japanese GP at Motegi scheduled for April 24th has now been re-scheduled to October 2nd at the request of the promoters.

  15. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    You been reading to many Tom Clancy books Plarp.
  16. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    10,000 dead people and their families prolly give a shit.
  17. Game

    Game zip tie master

    Wow STFU
  18. caferace

    caferace No.

    Not sure how you guys are taking what I posted as a slight. As I said, it's inconsequential that the GP has been moved. But since we're talking about news in Japan based on what is obviously a horrible disaster, and this is a racing site I gave it one line.

  19. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Reading comprehension is not a strong point some. That comma thing must have escaped them. I had to read it twice myself.
  20. TrackStar

    TrackStar www.trackstar1.com

    I think they read it wrong (as I did). Misplaced comma made it sound as if you didnt give a shit about what happened in Japan... rather than the race.

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