Queen Meg : Job Creater for undocumented worker.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by gothicbeast, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. gothicbeast

    gothicbeast Back by court order

    Well eBay Queen Meg is a bit angry that a "smear" campaign alleging her possibly employing an undocumented worker as a house keeper for 9 years.

    ... This all broke around the 29th of September, but it's crickets in the dungeon... This is great, it has all the best dungeon subjects. Illegal immigration, Queen Meg of eBay fame, Lawyer Gloria Allred, Lie detector tests, and much more... why did we not bring up this fun earlier... Maybe FauxNEWS did not do a big enough story on it.

    Some fun reading from NPR ...
    Meg Whitman Has Undocumented-Worker Eruption
    Meg Whitman Blames Jerry Brown For Housekeeper 'Smear'
    Meg Whitman Gets Lie-Detector Offer From Journalist
  2. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    It appears that he house keeper was not a direct hired but went through a company.

    It appears that the illegal had fake documentation.

    It appears that the illegal was fired shortly after her status was known.

    It appears that the illegal was taking away a descent paying wage that should have gone to a legal resident or citizen.

    It appears that there are still some unanswered question.

    I guess it would be ridiculous to consider the timing?
  3. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Right..but if this was someone on the left the RWN's would be having a F-ing field day throwing insults and innuendo at it.

    It appears and I guess to the above.
  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    You may be right.

    If she knew, no excuse.

    I don't think this is the first time this happens. I don't recall the specifics but I have a vague recollection that some politician in recent history was in hot water over similar accusations (and I believe guilty).

    In the end, this is a CA issue. The voters there will decide.

    BTW the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican employing an illegal is that one is showing compassion and the other is exploiting. :D
  5. NOS-Nelson

    NOS-Nelson Well-Known Member

    QFT. Hell they showed all the fake documents she had. They even said Gloria Allred pulled the same publicity stunt when Arnold was running.
  6. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It's CA and you have a LW nutter running against a RW nutter. You guys are screwed either way.
  8. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    I call BS on this. LWN's are famous for having illegal immigrant nanny's. They just don't pay them $23 per hour like the RWN did.
  9. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Is it even possible to hire anyone in CA who is NOT an illegal to be your maid?
  10. ASMATech

    ASMATech Well-Known Member

    You'd think this would be a positive considering it's California.
    I love the crocodile tears shed for a $23 an hour job lost.
    Food for thought: If she's an illegal, why is she still in country?
    Shouldn't Gloria be arrested for harboring?
  11. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    dude, why would we care about what happens in a foreign country?
  12. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    This is what really chaps my ass. If youre going to be so bold and go all over the news and say you're here illegally, why are you not booted out of the country in 10 seconds?
  13. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Victims/Exploited individuals may benefit from special circumstance specially when an investigation/law suit is ongoing? Maybe!
  14. noeyes

    noeyes Well-Known Member

    Why would she have paid the Social Secruity withholdings on an illegal if she knew she was an illegal?
  15. gothicbeast

    gothicbeast Back by court order

    Just a few holes in what appears to be an innocent mistake on Queen Meg’s part..........
    While a “Placement Agency” was used to find her, Queen Meg reported her as an employee on their tax return. It appears Nicandra Diaz-Santillan was hired in November of 2000.
    ABC30HD : Former housekeeper files suit against Meg Whitman

    It looks like that the IRS in 2003 sent a letter to Queen Meg and her husband King Griffith.
    Whitman's husband says it's 'possible' he saw Social Security letter

    Probably true as Diaz Santillan alleges in the phone call that Whitman fired her and told her : "From now on you don't know me, and I don't know you. You never have seen me and I have never seen you. Do you understand me?"
    LA Times : Missing the Whitman story

    Should Whitman have contacted the INS to have her deported? If Whitman is so strongly against illegal immigration and holding up the law, why did she not report Diaz to the proper authorities?

    In the press conference the illegal claimed that Queen Meg demanded she get paid for a maximum of 15hs of work a week no matter how long it took to get the housekeeper work done.
    Maybe Queen Meg had a new worker classification part time salary worker.
    Meg Whitman Housekeeper Nicky Diaz Santillan Claims Mistreatment, Unfair Termination

    Yes and as the unanswered questions are answered, Queen Meg’s story may be falling apart. First Queen Meg will do a lie detector test, now she may not do it. First neither her husband nor her saw the IRS letter, now maybe her husband knew about it. So many questions that need to be answered and it is sad that FauxNews is not covering this story with 27 commentators and analysts making 3x5 cards with hypothetical links to birth certificate documents.

    Why is the timing so important? Seems like the same old politics that both sides enjoy playing.

    In the end, I love this document that Allred held up with the hand written note at the bottom “Nicky please check this thanks
  16. gothicbeast

    gothicbeast Back by court order

    How is this even in the same ballpark to the likes of a parent company of a Cable news channel giving 1 MILLION dollars to Republican Governors Association.
    NY Times : News Corp. Gives Republicans $1 Million

    Or how about another donation of 1 MILLION dollars to U.S. Chamber of Commerce...
    NY Times : With Another $1 Million Donation, Murdoch Expands His Political Sphere

    It's not like Allred has a cable outlet and several news papers to promote a political agenda.

    Is it not time for FauxNews to put a banner at the bottom of the screen saying :
    "FauxNews Parent Company has provided Multi Million Dollars in donations to Republican Action Committees"
  17. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Non-sequitor, party of one, your table is ready. :confused:

    What does an attorney with ties to former Gov and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown elevating a senseless lawsuit over an illegal alien who falsified federal documents and perjured herself against his GOP rival have to do with where Murdoch spends his money?

    Allred is a gloryhounding profiteer, and her disclosure of the plethora laws her client has broken ought to land her a nice legal malpractice suit after Whitman's lawyers get through handing her her ass in the civil suit.
  18. gothicbeast

    gothicbeast Back by court order

    When was disjointed logic NOT the norm in the dungeon????
  19. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    And living in AZ this affects you how?

    Much ado about nothing... :rolleyes:
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I don't care about your daddy issues or your ingrown toenails, but when you bring the baby Jesus and Pop Rocks into the discussion, you're just itching for a fight! :Off:


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