Big THANKS to Bioweapon fuel racer #725 David Ur

Discussion in 'General' started by Carnage R1, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. UR35

    UR35 David

    Nicely said Buck so I'm going with the Villain at the GNF then Justin Case anyone whats to know. Here is some more Info for you cry baby's I'm going to treat you like B group out side passing only or would you like me to pass you straight up and down.
  2. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    Do you have a fuel sponsor?
  3. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    At least you caught my meaning. Now about looking up the definition of multiple, can you explain what you meant there?
  4. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    Straight up and down like this?

  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Not fair. He didn't have a brake marker, but we solved that issue. several posts back.
  6. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

  7. UR35

    UR35 David

    being your not going to be there I will save that pass for you next time I race you ok pussy boy if its a money thing I will pay for your race even give you a set of tires hell I will give you fuel money to get to the track let me know.
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Now that would be smack talk
  9. UR35

    UR35 David

    No Smack here thats the truth put up or shut up kid


  11. UR35

    UR35 David

    Justin Case you can bring your boy friend it's 2010 being gay is ok who knows you might ride better knowing he's got your back
  12. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    :crackup: Nice. Your sponsors should be proud. :D
  13. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    You should dedicate your victory to the Victims of David Ur Support Group / Non-Competitive Pussies for a Safer Race Environment

    More simply VDUSG/NCPSRE

    You could have a board of directors

    Justincase Chief Inquisitor
    RAcree Homosexual Relations Officer
    2Fer Relationship Councilor
    svbadguy Slow Bike vs fast bike handicapping expert
    wicked1 hypothetical/armchair race promoter
    davesv dumb/obvious question expert

    The first big case could be to find the guy who crashed Buck with a tear off.

    Whoever threw down that tear off should just come out now and admit it. It will be easier on everyone this way. Otherwise we will have to start water boarding people to get a confession.
  14. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate


    I especially liked the put up or shut up part.
  15. SurfingRools

    SurfingRools Well-Known Member

    I'd like to throw down a gauntlet at RRR
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I am honored to be considered, but I refuse to work for someone with no wit.
  17. UR35

    UR35 David

    Jack ASS I'm my own Sponsors so yes I'm very proud of my self and all of the riders I help this year 20 in total. unlike you sitting behind a computer talking shit and not able to back it up. So tell what have you done for this sport this year do tell.
  18. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Do I get a cool hat to go with my title? Hats kick ass
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I'm sure they can spare an asshat or two. They seem to have an overstock.
  20. northern_lights

    northern_lights ..\m/..

    urban dictionary for punk card-An imaginary card authorizing one to "punk" someone or to be called out (see punk for a better definition).

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