Talus fracture?

Discussion in 'General' started by puckwhore, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever fractured your talus? Got mine today as a anterior avulsion chip. How long it the healing time on one of these. I've got a meeting with the orthopod next week.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. JohnnyTheboy

    JohnnyTheboy Well-Known Member

  3. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    That's what I said. Its the bone between your heel and leg bones.
  4. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    I did and it wasn't pretty. 6-8 weeks general healing time, i took 4 years and 6 surgeries to heal.
  5. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    i was 37 when i broke mine. You should be fine in 6 weeks or so.
  6. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the ubeat thoughts. I'm 31 and never broke anything except ribs. We were clearing some land for our new office amd one of the guys hit me from behind with the skid steer tire, driving my leg and foot into the ground. Lucky that's all that broke I guess.

    Thanks for the info.
  7. cb500

    cb500 long hair hippie freak

    I broke mine 10years ago still hurts every day. I do have hardware in mine. it really depends how bad the break is. hope all is good with yours.
    mine took over a year to heal.
  8. bestrick

    bestrick Member

    My friend did this and we got him surgery straight away, that was in May he is now only able to put light pressure on his foot. its not a fast healing bone its alot like the scaphoid not much blood flow to it.

    Sorry to hear that.
  9. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    You let a skid steer sneek up on ya? :wow:

    Your right about lucky, Tenderfoot.

    Just kidding, hope it all heals fine. :beer:
  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Rain Man

    Fractured mine in a street crash... I was walking again in about 6 weeks. No surgery, either!
  11. Brian139

    Brian139 Well-Known Member

    Exploded mine about 7 years ago and was locked in an external fixator for a year, actually healed up real well considering they wanted to just fuse the ankle and be done with it, finished off with a screw.

    Like they said real low blood flow anything you can do for the blood flow or bone healing is worth it. I used a vitamin supplement called Pro Trauma that I got from a chiropractor. The doctors were amazed it actually healed like it did!

    Heal up :up:
  12. Roger@Arroyo

    Roger@Arroyo Well-Known Member

    11 months for mine to heal, still feel it every day since and it's been 13 years.
  13. Steve Karson

    Steve Karson Tcasby is my Bitch !!

    Had mine pinned back together in '91, 12 weeks in a cast, pins removed, then rehab. I was able to work again in 6 months. That foot always aches.
  14. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Tenderfoot huh....lmao. my mechanic called me the same thing.
    I was on the phone giving directions to a driver and the operator backed into me. Oh well. Riding is out for the rest of the year.....boo and I've got a shit pile of wood that needs split. Oh what a wonderful fall it will be.

    All of you guys and gals be safe out there!

  15. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Out of all of us that had the injury, I'm the lucky bastard that got my ankle completely fused! F@ck me!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
  16. Roger@Arroyo

    Roger@Arroyo Well-Known Member

    My doc talked about that as well. I'm thinking it must have been a small fracture for those that were walking at 6 weeks. I broke mine when I was in my mid 20's so it wasn't old age that made mine heal slow. I was in a cast for 3 months and had to use that damn bledsoe boot for another 5 months. I still used that boot occasionally for the next year or so. IIRC, I was off crutches after about a month and a half.

    I did however put the street stuff on my racebike a week after I broke my Talus, because it was WAY easier to ride the bike and hop around than attempt to drive the manual pickup with the right foot in the cast. Some people looked at me funny :D
  17. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    yeah doc said mine was one of the worst if not the worst he had ever seen, plus i had a dislocated ankle. Poor blood flow is a bitch when it come to feet and hands.
  18. twodocs

    twodocs Well-Known Member

    Anyone else do this recently?

    I fractured and dislocated mine, Hawkins 3 in ortho lingo has >90% chance of AVN!

    It's been 12 weeks, just started walking today without a boot. Has been a bit of adjustment.

    Also fractured and dislocated my right shoulder and fractured my left wrist...on a brand new R1 practicing for the season on my second time out on a the new bike and had a big tank-slapper which lost me the brakes I found out at t1 going ~160. Had to bail before I hit the steel Armco which I did anyway. But whatever.

    Surgery went good, 3 pins holding it together. PT sucks, tried riding...but shifting is tough.

    For those who have been there, is the return to normal or function really a year plus? What has helped you? Thanks!
    S Tsotsoros likes this.
  19. cb500

    cb500 long hair hippie freak

    I did mine in 1998. Got a screw to peice it together. B4 my last car accident, i had my back fused to tail bone. it is the longest healing bone i broke.,sholder,ribs,wrist, pelvis,head,clavicles, hip,neck. Sry to hear. I was lucky it was my right foot. It took me a year to walk with out some kind of brace.
  20. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Good luck in your recovery, hope all goes well

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