Grattan LWTSB wreck update

Discussion in 'General' started by dobr24, May 17, 2010.

  1. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    First things first. Thank you everyone for helping me get everything together and loaded up. Kevin Calloway and his father, Tuna and Beard from the Assfault Junkies for getting me home, the Wera staff for their professional handling and care shown for the whole situation, the corner workers and ambulance staff for their care and help.

    I am fine, a little beat up and bruised, but that happens when you crash. The CT scans on my chest were negative, but I did fracture my Fibula when the bike landed on me. Apparently the shortness of breath was just associated to the trauma from being slammed into the concrete. I honestly felt a little silly being transported, but after finding out I did have a fracture I think I made the right decision.

    I'm obviously not sure exactly what happened, but I think the rear tire got loose coming over the bump in the kink between turns 9 and 10. This sent me off the seat and onto the tank. The bike was sideways when I landed on the tank and my weight forced the wheels back down onto the pavement. When the wheels made contact the bike was slammed into the pavement. (I bet this would have made a good picture.) I was still aboard trying to save it. I actually remember my last thought, until I came to in the grass, was "you can save this." I must have landed with my left leg under the bike and flat on my back. My head was slammed into the concrete hard enough to crack my Scorpion EXO 1000 clean through both the shell and foam which absorbed the force of impact from the concrete. The helmet undoubtedly saved me. My Komodo leathers protected me from all but one little abrasion on my elbow and even though I scraped the aero hump completely off I think they will live to race again. They now have lots of "character." I had Sidi boots on and I think they prevented what could have been a much more serious injury to my leg with a lesser boot. My back and chest protector took a both pretty good shot and those areas are not even bruised. I was a big fan of equipment before and I have to say even more so now. I will be buying a pair of padded shorts, my hip is sore!

    Once again thanks for all the care and concern shown. It definitely makes me feel more comfortable in knowing I have picked a great group to race with! I should be off crutches in a few weeks and hope to get the bike back together and see you all at Beaver!

    Oh yeah if anyone has a first gen sv tank please let me know. Mine seems to have a huge gash in it.
    Chris Dorn #66
  2. A.R.K.

    A.R.K. Well-Known Member

    Hope you have a speedy recovery. I hate that bump.
  3. Toxic Racing2

    Toxic Racing2 a.k.a. kamikazejane

    Was this the last race of the day yesterday? Glad to hear you are ok. I hate seeing the ambulance go out on the track. Always gives me chills.

    Heal up quick :up:
  4. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Actually second to last, I walked around a little and started loading my stuff up which I think exacerbated my breathing issues. When I realized the waaambulances were going to be leaving and that I couldn't get even a half breath I thought maybe I better be in one.
  5. Bandit730

    Bandit730 Racing neophyte

    2nd to last race (16).

    Chris, I'm glad you're doing ok. I rode by you right after you came to a stop and hoped it was nothing serious. I figured it was the bump that got you.

    Hope you heal up quick. :beer:
  6. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Hey Chris, it's Bill, I hope you heal up quick....
  7. chalyror6

    chalyror6 corky #193

    charlie here, heal up buddy. just rest and listen to some gansta rap!
  8. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    Pete Cline was right behind you, saw the whole thing, and he had an exciting story about taking evasive action and riding through the "debris field". I imagine he'll pop in here and give you his observations. I think he said you smoked the rear when getting light over the bump, and then it high sided.

    Glad you are doing OK.
  9. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    That sounds about right. Thanks everyone for the well wishes!:up:
  10. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    So i guess that pretty bodywork that i kept nice for so long is toasted? Glad it wasn't any worse, heal up fast so Matt doesn't cry about not getting to race you at Mid-O!
  11. Toxic Racing2

    Toxic Racing2 a.k.a. kamikazejane

    Doing what we do and impacting the ground like we do when we crash hard; it is always smart to get checked out just to be on the safe side. Glad to hear you are ok.
  12. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    As it unfolded in front of me I was just saying to myself 'DOH!' Glad you are OK.
  13. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  14. OGs750

    OGs750 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you're going to be ok. Trust me when I say your Komodo leathers will be fine, the tarmac and my lack of skill have embedded plenty of "character" to my set.
  15. Zephyr

    Zephyr Tank Killer

    I have three :D
  16. KMC


    hey chris. it was good to meet you this past week end. i'm sorry yours ended the way it did. yeah, that bump out there is pretty gnarly. good to hear that you're alright. fractured fibula? you're one tough sumbitch for walking around on it like you were. at first you said your calf was "a little sore" :eek:

    you don't need a new tank. just put some jb weld on it.....
    looked like a scratch to me...

    glad you had some folks to help you roll the purple flamed beast home.

    we'd help you out anytime. i'm sure you'd do the same. heck, i may have even helped the provisional novice who i caught sneaking his loud ass generator by the front door of my truck while sleeping saturday morning....

    hope you heal quickly.
  17. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    get well soon. i didnt get any shots of the wreck, but snapped one just after.

  18. ecell1

    ecell1 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you are ok. You and your bike were still sliding across the track when I came over the little rise in the sweeper. Fully expected to see the red flag out in the bus stop but didn't see it until coming up the hill. Heal up fast and get the bike back together.
  19. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Glad your doing good man. No problem with the help. I'm sure you would do the same for us man. See you at Beaver!!!
  20. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Good to gear you are OK. Great trick to get the other guys to load your trailer.

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