Annoying commercials

Discussion in 'General' started by Spyderchick, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    Don't ask me why, but the
    IliveIrideIam...Aaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaaah" thing from the Jeep commercial has been playing through my head repeatedly. :mad:

    Some commercials are meant to be muted.
  2. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Shouldn't it be IliveIdriveIam? You don't ride one of those things unless you are riding in it as the passenger.

    It is almost as annoying as the commercial for the new "GPS" feature on the tax software, that as far as I can tell has absolutely nothing to do with a Global Positioning System.
  3. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    yup, you're right, it's "Idrive".

    At least my addled brain modified it to fit my lifestyle. :D
  4. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    The stupid Staples or Office Depot one where they shout, wow that's a low price is almost annoying as Flo and those damn Progressive commercials.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Jeep does say I ride - and it's moronic. Other favorites of late - it is NOT PUNCH DUB!!!!!! It's punch bug damnit. You do not hit for any v dub out there you fricking morons!

    After last night I'm way over the Southwest bags fly free stuff.
  6. lyodbraun

    lyodbraun Sprocket

    hell yeah I cant stand those stupid ones either, I dont know who comes up with that crap.... I think I even heard that damn stapples one on the radio the other day...
  7. random hero

    random hero Banned

    I've had my fill of Flo at this point..... although I do wonder from time to time if the curtains match the rug :)
  8. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    So, I am not the only one that noticed that. Up here, it was "punch buggy" and it WAS only for the Beetles.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2010
  9. Scuba Steve

    Scuba Steve Wheelchair Pimp

    the filet o fish commercials for mcdonalds piss me off
  10. Italiantwin04

    Italiantwin04 Well-Known Member

    The Burger King, "little hands" commercial is just creepy. I hate that one.
  11. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    We always said, "Slug bug."
  12. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    The Lowe's commercial where the race crew guys are lip syncing is just dumb as well. Does the dude on the left look like a zombie or what?
  13. FatFarthing

    FatFarthing Guest

    i'd love to have my fill of flo....just sayin.
  14. Josh Whitehead

    Josh Whitehead Crash Test Dummy

    They may be annoying but the companies are smart for doing them, why you ask? Cause you are talking about them, you remembered them so in their eyes they worked. Commercials are all about grabbing your attention and getting you to notice the product. So they may be annoying and out right piss you off every time you see one but guess what it got your attention.
  15. No shit. I went down to the DMV to get the personalized tag for my '69 Bug -with Porsche Turbo whaletail:rock: (PunchBug) and the idiot there tried to argue with me..shouldn't it be "Punch Dub?" I'm like faack no, lady it's Punch Bug!" didnt you have a friend or brother that played the game with illiterate backwoods redneck. Reminds me of the morons that can't get the words to a song right and sing out the moronics to the world!
  16. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    "Excuse me while I kiss this guy..."
  17. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Alexa - Just to clarify, I was saying the commercial has it wrong, not you and it was always "Slug Bug" near me.
  18. Black89

    Black89 Well-Known Member

    In my psychology class I was informed that if a commercial makes you mad you will remember it. That made me hate those commercials that piss me off even more because they are so effective.
  19. black

    black Ride...Crash...Repeat...

    for some reason i think Flo is kind of hot...
  20. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    there seems to be some debate in my family as well about the VW thing. in the superbowl commercial, they smacked each other and said 'red one', 'blue one', etc. when they saw a 'volkswagon', not specifically a bug. i agree, punch buggy is played only when you see a vw bug....howwwweverrr...playing the other one, blue one, gray me a legal excuse (and more frequent excuse) to smack the wife. :D

    FWIW, they don't like playing with me anymore because i can spot 'em a mile away. i told them due to legal ramifications, they only way to get out of they game is to state, in these exact words, "i suck at this game and my husband/Dad is the best". needless to say they won't say the words and i'm still smackin'. :cool:

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