Brain tease.

Discussion in 'General' started by G 97, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    +1.....actually Mongo had it right all along, it is a BS scenerio meant to confuse ppl as this thread demonstrates. :D

    It's confusing because most ppl compare it to say a car which is driven by it's wheels, in that scenario the car wouldn't move much, planes are a different story.

    And no I didn't read through the entire thread so I'm sure it's been covered a million times already........I hope.
  2. fullmetalF4i

    fullmetalF4i C. Lee #826

    Holy blast from the past batman!
    We're still arguing this?
  3. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

  4. nikponcherello

    nikponcherello EX #688

    I forgot, what color was the polar bear supposed to be again?
  5. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    No, only some of them are arguing. The rest of us are laughing our asses off at the sheer stupidity.
  6. backMarker01

    backMarker01 Well-Known Member

    How can a plane move forward if its wheels do not move forward, while on the ground?

    Ive read a couple pages and people seem to agree that a plane wont move forward if its wheels were locked in place, while on the ground.

    What is the difference between wheels locked in place and wheels spinning in place, as would be the situation of a conveyour runway? I know the thurst isnt directly powering the wheels but the movment of wheels is what allows the plane itself to move forward, if every movement of the wheels is countered(sp?) by the runway i just dont see it happening.

    Ive never taken physics but this doesnt seem to by very complicated. Unless I am missing something huge....
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  7. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    How does a plane more forward in the air?

    Locking the wheels is different than they just spinning freely. If they are spinning freely it is like the plane is in the air. Now the wheels are providing vertical support for the air plane until its wings can provide lift. If you lock the wheels you essentially now make the air plane pivot at the wheels with its pulpusion source trying to pivot around that point. Due to the structure of the plane it may not be able to do that. If it could the plan would nose into the ground.
  8. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I just wanted to save that for posterity. :crackup:

    Edit: this thread needs to die.
  9. backMarker01

    backMarker01 Well-Known Member

  10. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    The easiest way to demonstrate is to get on a treadmill with rollerblades and hold on to the grab rails in front of you. Think of your arms as the airplanes engines. No matter how fast the treadmill goes you won't go anywhere when you are hold on. Now pull yourself forward, again no matter how fast the treadmill goes in the oppisite direction, you will go forward because your arms are pulling you forward indepentantly of the wheels.

    I hope this explanation helps.
    Sean Jordan likes this.
  11. vance

    vance *

    I think once a year, someone need to post:

    "no, it won't fly":D
  12. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    I hate types...more should be move.
  13. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    What about a ski plane? Will it take off in a avalanche?

  14. vance

    vance *

    Hell no it won't take off!!

    Common sense dictates the avalanche is moving down the hill.
    Who's gonna try to take off UP the mountain?
    Plus with the trees and rocks....aint happenin'.

    I say no way a plane takes off in an avalanche!

  15. bcc

    bcc painter /fabricator

    i can't believe Myth busters even entertained this idea and were surprised that the plane took off .

    pretty easy to figure out a plane has nothing to do with the wheels .How did they think float planes took off with a current ?

  16. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

  17. vance

    vance *

    Remember the old dude flying the plane didn't even think it would take off!:D
  18. vance

    vance *

    Hell no it doesn't take off!
    If the platform spins at the same rate as the blades....
    I don't know how fast heli blades spin, but I guesing at least, oh, 5,000 miles per hour?:confused:

    That means you gotta fasten it down to the platform to keep from flying off the side and killing either Adam or Jamie.
    Fastened down copters don't fly!:D
  19. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Good Lord.......82 pages?!:beer:
  20. bcc

    bcc painter /fabricator

    i was watching in disbelief that these reasonably smart dudes were in a bit of shock when it took off like normal .You'd think they would have had one of those little balsa wood stick together elastic band propeller planes as a kid and let it pull away from their hands without effort .

    I thought it was elementary that planes are pulled through the air not driven by the driveless wheels,i guess common sense isn't always that common

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