Alcohol...half a fifth a day.

Discussion in 'General' started by sdg, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    IMO not enough if you asked that question and came here to ask it. Unless you're on your second DUI or lost job etc, relationship break up etc... YOU must motivate yourself. This BBS cannot do it for you.

    I used to binge drink....I mean for Christ's sake I have been thrown out of the grattan bar and grill for being too drunk. I didn't like the way my life was heading with alcohol involved in it and health was a big part of that. So I decided in July of 2002 to remove it from my daily list of things I have to manage.

    Do I miss it? Ya... beer with Pizza or a beer after a day at the track would be good and I am 98% sure I could manage it BUT I have a 2% doubt and that 2% is not a risk I am willing to take. I still taste different beers (a sip of this a sip of that because I happen to like micro brews and a sip is ok for me). Bonnie drinks a little wine and beer (a six pack last 4 months in our fridge) and that's it.

    I tell ya, it sure makes it a lot more economical to go out and eat without $30extra in booze on the bill.

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
  2. Black89

    Black89 Well-Known Member

    Go one single day without drinking. It will make you want to never drink again. Than learn how to manage your drinking.

    PEKENG Well-Known Member

    Here's another angle on it... How much would you spend to shave 25 lbs of weight off your bike?

    I was drinking 2 or 3 glasses of wine a day from June - Dec 08, weight was up to 205. My wife and I decided to go on a health kick, started in Jan 09.

    Gave up the wine, (2) bags of chips a week, and try to hit the treadmill at least 3 times a week.

    I'm now at 180, lots more energy, and my leathers fit way better. Plus saving $200 a month in liquor bills.
  4. jschmidt

    jschmidt Well-Known Member

    Don't get your addictions advice from a motorcycle forum.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Why not, we're all pretty much experts on addiction :D
  6. RickJohnson#29

    RickJohnson#29 Well-Known Member

    About 5 months ago I went from drinking about 4 to 5 nights a week to maybe
    once a week and only about 8 beers if that.I feel 10 times better.It saves me aleast
    $500 a month since I usually went out to drink.Your body will thank you if you cut
    way back on the bottle.
  7. Ryan Kingan

    Ryan Kingan Well-Known Member

    Here's a little motivation to stop drinking. The number one cause of cirrhosis (AKA liver damage) is alcohol abuse. It's not a pretty way to die. A couple things that happen as a result of cirrhosis: Hemorrhoids (The nurses will love you for this one), hypogonadism (your nuts shrink), gynecomastia (you grow tits, yes, just like on fight club. Men have mammary glands :up:).

    And if you want to stop drinking, you need to slowly cut down on your drinking. Don't go cold turkey, unless you want to go crazy, have seizures and possibly die.
  8. Rico888

    Rico888 Well-Known Member

    I for one, question your motive for posting this on the board.

    Tying your 2 statements together makes no sense. Comes across to me as being somewhat cavalier regarding your alcohol consumption.

    I have a few questions to ask you and only you can answer them, not any individual on this board.

    Do your drinking habits have any effect on your day to day life?

    What is the purpose of your drinking?

    Do you DO things you would normally not do had you not consumed alcohol?

    Does your drinking impinge upon any of your personal relationships?

    Do you look forward to drinking in the evening?

    Do you drink alone on a daily basis?

    I ask you these questions because 29 years ago I was asked a similar set of questions and answering them honestly changed my life......for the better......

    I wish you the best
  9. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Did. It didn't. Managed it the same way for decades now.
  10. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    People who are not addicts/alcoholics never ask the question. So, if you gotta ask...

    Help is available, if the desire to change is flickering in you like a candle flame in a typhoon.

    Want to know more, PM me.
  11. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    I quit cold turkey 2 1/2 yrs. ago but not by choice at the time. I nearly died in jail. If the SGT. hadn't come and taken me to medical when she did, the supervising C.O. was gonna put me in isolation, where I was told I probably would've died.
    DT's stand for 'delirium tremenas' as in delirious/crazy and tremors/trembling/shakes. I saw things and experienced some shit that will blow everybody away. So vivid so real, to me anyway. I was on 24hr. surveillence for a week.
    I was on lithium or lithrium, 6-8 times a day. Little yellow pills. And one night, no less than 10 C.O.'s , the sheriff, the warden, etc... came in and gave me a shot of something that knocked me out for about 5days , i think.

    I was an easy fix. I don't have to go to AA , i still go to clubs and bars, and cookouts and parties. I do drink a cold O'douls at the end of a hard days work or after the races. I may buy a 12pk of the N/A beer a month. That;s it.

    I did have an 'experience' while sitting in jail waiting for church one sunday morning. PSALM 143. I was 'fixed' by something bigger than steel bars and concrete walls. I do have a TESTIMONY for sure.

    AA counselors and such, will tell you that if you drink a beer a day, you're an alcoholic.Or if you binge drink once a week or month. It doesn't take much to be considered a 'problem' drinker to those that analyze and evaluate.
  12. PhiliDad

    PhiliDad Well-Known Member


    Would it do any good to remind him that alcohol is a toxic poison :confused:

    I wonder, if it gave him a buzz, how much D-Con rat bait would he eat daily? :Puke:

    I was a very heavy drinker/user till my late 30s; the damage was definately there, I just didn't notice till years later. :( Fer Sher, if ya' have to ask...
  13. sdg

    sdg *

    Still here - still reading it.

    Again, thanks for the honest responses.
  14. Ryan Kingan

    Ryan Kingan Well-Known Member

    Wow, you're lucky the sgt got you to the hospital. Going cold turkey from alcohol is more dangerous than going cold turkey from crack, heroin, cocain, you name it. Lot's of people die from it alcohol withdrawal.
  15. dragon

    dragon Well-Known Member

    A fifth a day means you are an alcoholic. Get some help...or don't.
  16. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    If you have had a blackout once it, well, it could be you were coming down with something or very hungry and tired. But, if you have had 2 blackouts either your an alcoholic or a asshole.
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Or you're a Type II Diabetic. Or you're hypoglicemic. Or any of another dozen or so medical conditions. Butt, don't let that stop the judgement calls...
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    So how `bout a half a fifth?
  19. mkesler

    mkesler Active Member

    I wonder why the liquor industry chose to use that unit of measure. It's not like you go to the grocery store and get a fifth of milk or juice. Don't think I've ever heard it used except when talking about booze.
  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The best answer I found was this.
    I don't know if it is factual.

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