Rust on my driveway??

Discussion in 'General' started by Frenchier6, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Couple weekends ago some friends parked their van in my driveway overnight (which BTW they are "Skinny" and they are an awesome band :up:)

    Now, two weeks later, their "TRAIL" is still on my driveway and it's driving my nuts... Some of you know what I'm talking about with my OCD :crackup:

    Any suggestions on how to take this crap off?



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  2. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    get nekkid and stand outside , the marks mite not go away immediatly but they wont look like hell to the nieghbors no more :D:Poke::rock:
  3. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member


  4. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Are you not getting any at home these days??? You sure have your mind in the gutter :crackup:

    Do I need to use a toilet brush? :p
  5. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member

    No, but if you do, please get pics. ;)
  6. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    LMAO just trying to help out your nieghbors :beer:
  7. yetidave

    yetidave Well-Known Member

    Go to a masons supply house and pick up some muriatic acid. Pour it on the effected areas and wait about 30 seconds, then rinse it off with the hose. Repeat this process until it's gone. Just don't leave the acid on for too long as it will scarify the surface of the concrete and shorten it's life span.
  8. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    I can only imagine :crackup:

    Hmmm wonder if that could scare some away :crackup:
  9. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Wow... sounds complicated LOL
  10. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    it just might cuz i sure would move after that :Poke::Puke:
  11. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    You just want me to go try so my white butt is in the open :crackup:

    OK... gonna try the toilet cleaner stuff and let you guys if it works or if my a** really looked stupid from trying :crackup:
  12. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Muriatic acid, think Homey Depot and Lowes still carry it or try a local hardware store. Dilute it with water at least 50-50 to be safe or chances are you're going to etch the concrete. Rinse it off after a few minutes, repeat as necessary. Sprinkle baking soda on it to neutralize the remaining acid when done. Be a good citizen and don't let the runoff go down the sewer. And wear gloves, eye protection, a respirator and a yellow hazmat suit. ;)
  13. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member

    The toilet cleaner is just a milder acid, you'll still want to rinse. I'm on a well here and the local water has a high iron content. That stuff destroys iron stains.
  14. CRA_Fizzer

    CRA_Fizzer Honking at putter!

    Would CLR work?
  15. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    I will try the toilet cleaner and if it doesn't work then while out tomorrow i will stop at Loews which means I will come home with more stuff... I can't resist when I go there...always buy goodies :D
  16. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    what's that? I am afraid to ask :crackup:
  17. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

  18. Nick_OMC

    Nick_OMC Will crash your bike

    there is a product called Rid o Rust. They have a cleaner solution that works pretty well for that kind of stain.
  19. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Cool I will try anything at this point... I can't stand it :rolleyes:

    Just to show you how much my friends like me :crackup:
  20. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

    Pool supply has muratic acid cheap. A heavy synthetic bristle broom is best for not melting and giving the rust a good rubbing. The idea is to have the driveway the same color/shade when your done. Wet the entire driveway first. 50/50 is strong so you'll have to work fast. Hit the rust spots hard and fast but the rest not so much. Have someone follow you with a hose and rinse it off quickly. It's better to be cautious the first time so you don't ruin the concrete. Muratic acid will evaporate. Cover your eyes or you'll be sorry.

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