From Tim Vosnick

Discussion in 'General' started by VosnicksGirl, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. VosnicksGirl

    VosnicksGirl Active Member

    Hey Friends,

    Tim Lost his job today. His company cut about 3,000 jobs and Tim was one of them. We were having a hard time with me loosing my job, but now we are in trouble. Anyone who can help please let us know we both need a job. We don't have a pc at home so getting on here to talk to you all will be few and far between for a while, so those who know Tim and I can text or call us.

    We miss you all.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    What does Tim do?
  3. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Sorry to hear about this, Barbara. I know you'll both get back on your feet soon and hopefully someone in BBS land can help out.

  4. VosnicksGirl

    VosnicksGirl Active Member

    He was a supplier for Honda.
  5. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    He worked for Honda manufacturing plant. Sorry to hear about the job cuts
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Oh...sorry to hear about the job loss. I don't think I have any job openings that would interest him.
  7. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    Tim was a contractor to Honda.

    I'll keep my ears open for you Tim.
  8. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the text Tim.... I hope u guys find a better job soon.
    Keep ur head up ;)
  9. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Acree what kind of work do you do?
  10. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    If Tim is interested, have him send me his resume and I can start networking it. If you all are interested in moving to Louisville that is...

    I wish you all the best.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Facilities Manager. I have carpenters, electricians, plumbers, HVAC techs, painters and groundskeepers working for me.
  12. VosnicksGirl

    VosnicksGirl Active Member

    Tim is working on his Resume. I have been looking for a Job for 3 months and I haven't gotten but 2 calls, so the market around here might not be that good. If we need to move we will so I will tell him to send his resume to you once he gets it together.
    Thank you all for your help.
  13. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Big $$$$ ;)
  14. Sprinky

    Sprinky Well-Known Member

    I thought it was whipping post for all the local elected officials :D
  15. gixxerfever

    gixxerfever Well-Known Member

    well he worked for honda and raced suzuki's the lay off is a cover up :) just a little humor to the situation. Hope you guys find something soon...
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    A certain level of masochism is beneficial.:D
  17. Sprinky

    Sprinky Well-Known Member

    You hang out here, isn't that enough? :D
  18. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    So, in other words you are the boss. Me i build a lil truck called Freightliner and as soon as the doc releases me, i will be layed-off too. :(
  19. JohnS

    JohnS Well-Known Member

  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I'm in the middle and contrary to popular belief, when you have employees sh&t can flow uphill.

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