'08 Schedule, Real Vintage & Obsolete

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by El Skwid!, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. fullmetalF4i

    fullmetalF4i C. Lee #826

    could we possibly get the schedule constructed more like this?
    North Florida region was kinda funky last season. The March 24th kick-off followed by a 2 month layoff which is followed by the remainder of the races run every 2 weeks....
    I'd just like a more balanced schedule, ya know? One race a month starts you in March and finished in August like the region does now
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Can't do much on the NF - it depends on when I can get dates and I have to factor the SE races as well since the riders and officials tend to do both.
  3. El Skwid!

    El Skwid! Old guy, old bikes

    I like the current points system just fine.
  4. footwork

    footwork Honda Research Analyst

    SE and NF does seem a little redundant. I am sure that there is a reason but it does seem like they could be combined.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    They could be but then I'd be requiring the racers we do have in FL to drive to Nashville etc... which is a bit much.

    It's like the MC and NE regions - they all cross over into another region.
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Many good insights here...As I see it, a bit more effort by all current racers and some incentives might create those larger grids...this season saw tight battles in Formula 500, V3, and Formula 2-stroke, going down to the wire at the GNF to decide, nothing wrong with that at all...there is much to be said for the future of V6, V7 and maybe a V8? Those bikes won't satisfy thevintage/classic 'purist,' but there are plenty of them...I always thought fewer events with better attendance was a good direction, but maybe it ain't so as per WERA expectations and planning...let's face it, whenever there is a money squeeze in the general population, it affects racing attendance...there's plenty of AHRMA guys we don't see in WERA vintage, why not, and what could be done to attract them and accomodate their machines? For those who attended many races to attempt a championship win, good on them, they did what was needed to be done...I enjoy vintage racing, I may never win any championship or even a race in my classes, but i'd like to see more riders and new riders coming out. If that is important, how can that be accomplished?
  7. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    More PIE. :up:
  8. racertex

    racertex vintage dude

    for more ahrma and uscra'ers........bring back 250GP!

    please don't shoot the messenger!

  9. WERA33

    WERA33 Well-Known Member

    i have one almost ready(250GP)...just in case!!:)
  10. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Just bump up to the next class. Not having 250 GP in WERA is not a good reason to stay home. There's enough other classes to run in.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    They didn't run all the years we had it, why would they all of the sudden start if we brought it back?
  12. charles

    charles The Transporter

    PIE! :up:

    The Breakfast of Champions!
  13. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Thats a good question. I've been comparing classes and bikes...Buff or other AHRMA guys:

    I know there are little details, but in general is what I have below correct?:

    WERA 350GP Honda 350 = AHRMA novice historic production

    WERA V1 Honda 350 = AHRMA Sportsman 350, UN-FAIRED.

    WERA V1 Honda 350 = AHRMA Formula 250 FULLY-FAIRED

  14. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Reference to AHRMA and USCRA racers? Just looked at the pre-entries for
    AHRMA's Barber event, held this past weekend, and here's a few of their
    better subscribed classes and pre-entries: 200 GP- 20; 250 GP-30;
    350 GP- 19; Formula 500- 13; Sportsman 350- 20; and Production LWT- 15...
    there are of course other classes not accounted for here...I believe AHRMA
    had four (4) events here on the East Coast this year, counting Daytona...
    perhaps there is better class participation due to fewer races? Yes I realize
    AHRMA has different rules, etc. and they get two days of racing, and so on...
    USCRA guys are most likely are too far away to make all WERA rounds nearest to them...
    best bet is to offer PIE to winners.:up:
  15. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    PIE! It's not just for breakfast anymore :up:
  16. WERA33

    WERA33 Well-Known Member

  17. WERA33

    WERA33 Well-Known Member

    they're not staying home joe. check the ahrma grids you'll recognize some names in a few classes......dont shoot me!!
  18. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    No Honda 350's allowed in AHRMA 350GP...indexed OUT.

    That leaves 3 classes a Honda 350 fits...Nov Hist Prod, Sportsman, and F250.

    My WERA 350GP bike fits best in the Hist prod, but AHRMA dis-allowed a friends entry, saying since he was a back marker on an ex, he wasnt eligible.

    They bumped him and his WERA 350GP bike to the sportsman class, which was essentially V1 bikes W/O fairings....tough crowd.

    Anyhow, it appears there are alot of AHRMA options for a highly worked Honda 350....but options for a fairly stock CB350 may be better in the WERA.
  19. footwork

    footwork Honda Research Analyst

    am i having deja VU? This thread is turning into the SAME thread that started 4 years ago... Sorry to be jaded here but people are either going to race or they aren't. Generally speaking, advertising or restructuring is NOT going to make a bit of difference in turnout or grid sizes. There is little crossover from AHRMA to WERA V and that will not be changing anytime soon. Look at our spring classics in Jennings a few years back. 90 percent of the AHRMA guys did not run the WERA races... why?.... who cares? Truth is- there is nothing anyone can do to change their minds...(or the billions of other americans that dont race wera vintage) it the status quo- get over it. Bring you bike to the track- race it and have fun... everyone else that does not show up.... who gives a shit- it's their loss.
  20. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    I'm curious as much as anything as to why the AHRMA riders generally have little interest in WERA Vintage. I've asked the question of many over the last few years and have never gotten an answer that made any sense.

    As to why any of us would give a shit - its simple economics. If WERA Vintage gets too small WERA is going to make the logical business decision and replace it with something with more interest and income. WERA has to pay the bills just like the rest of us.

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