Beware of Rick Merhar, ebay seller Accu-Rick.

Discussion in '2-Stroke Machines' started by Dragginass, Feb 15, 2007.

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  1. infinityreplica

    infinityreplica Well-Known Member

    Okay Shane,

    I offer the following only meant to help...use it or not.....but the one thing I think your overlooking is what a few have already mentioned....

    It is a small community, and believe me I know (from very personal experience) what its like to be the "whipping boy" of this group, and all I did was speak my mind (much like your doing) and was rapidly told in no uncertain terms if I didnt like it, go play I did, Im in Europe complaints.

    You sir ( IMHO) have already boxed yourself out of the community before you ever got involved with it.....after your earlier harrassing of me and now Rick ( right or wrong is not the point here) I know I would never sell anything to you ( not that you would buy it ).....only for the fear of being your personal "whipping boy" for all the world to the event things did'nt go EXACTY as YOU think they should....and its quite possibly many others are thinking the same thing. Most people involved with this community do so as a personal passion and hobby, and committ time to support that passion and hobby....( the GP Racing community), so they can get just a little bit "bent" when someone else tells them their efforts are "less then acceptable".

    Just an opinion. Do as you please and deem is after all still a "semi free" country.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
  2. ecumike

    ecumike Relocated Yankee

    Man I hear ya, but it's not like the forum is Rick's email inbox. I know sometimes we think that if we call out people in public, it'll eventually get their attention, but that's not the best way to go about it.
    He's got a Web site with his phone #. If it were me, I woulda just called every 3 days until I got an answer.
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    You are 1000% correct and it's here because Mongo, Papa, WERA and I love 2 strokes.

    I let you guys do a lot of things here that would get deleted on all the other forums because of my absolute love of 2 strokes (I love them with my entire body, right down to my pee pee).
    When this forum starts to become a hassle, it goes. I'll get my fix some where else.

    Everyone, don't make it a hassle for me because you'll be the ones to suffer.
  4. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    Dave, point taken. If its ok, I'd like to continue a gentlemanly discussion. If not, then I guess you can wax this thread too.

    To offer a point of perspective....

    Several people have mentioned how a lot of people are in this business as a hobby/passion, and to give them some slack. I agree 100% actually. I run a small trackday company in South LA called Tiger Trackdays. I go through the hassle of doing the events because nobody else will. I'm the one who has the relationship with the track owner, and if I didn't do it the events wouldn't happen. The few thousand dollars I made with it last year was donated to our Airfence fund. Regardless, I have a professional job, and the trackday stuff has to be second fiddle. I'm not always able to do what I wish, but I do my best.

    The key however is communication. If at any point within a month after my giving him the funds, if he would have actually bothered to contact me in return so that I knew what was going on....I'd have been fine waiting as long as it took. Rick will even agree, all the messages I Sent him were of a "patiently waiting" nature, as I was just trying to "remind" him if you will of what was going on. Secondly, Rick made it abundantly clear to me that this is how he makes his living, and that someone with one tool on backorder was not a priority for him.

    If this is how he does business, thats fine by me. However if I would have known that I would have never purchased from him. I'm trying to give others the potential heads-up that I would have liked to have back in December when I sent him money. I may be new to 2-strokes, but this is not my first rodeo.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I can understand where you're coming from and I didn't do up my post just for you. I posted it because I like this forum and love 2 strokes and I want it to stay.
  6. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dave--- I love my bike too:) I finally got to ride it for the first time last Sunday. I told all of my friends it was like re-learning to ride, a different sport if you will. It was easy to ride, but unlike anything we are used to. I felt like I needed to go take Ballet lessons afterwards:D
  7. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    For those who think I'm an ass, I'll leave you with this last quote from Rick. I wouldn't even do this, but quite a few of you seem to think I'm wrong somehow for my actions. This is from the last e-mail he sent me. Basically, because I didn't get pissed in my e-mails and messages, he sent out tools to other people first. You would think an ebay purchase would guarantee something (as I recall, you are supposed to HAVE what you sell). Judge as you will.

    "I just don't get along with everybody. As a matter of fact I like to choose who I will work for, What I do takes a lot of talent, concentration and will power, its not a cushy desk job with a fat check every week. I really think there is a type of person out there that does not have a clue. As for you, I did not get any warning that you were going to loose it and start blabbing like a girl. Why didn't you call again? Why didn't you say, "Rick, I'm getting a little ticked, need my tool soon". I sent out several tools to people who emailed me and said, I need it for a track day next week. I sell a lot more off ebay than ebay. My mother runs the ebay business and we were both under thew weather, her brother had major heart problems, do you think I care about a few people and customer service when i can't find the time to do much of anything but slave at getting things done when I can work."
  8. MarkClow

    MarkClow Well-Known Member

    Personally I have never had a problem with Rick.

    He has always given me good service.
  9. longnguyen

    longnguyen Member

    Anyways this is off the point of this thread but how is the npr track, cmra has a race there coming up....
  10. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    NPR is...."what we got" as I say. It's a fun little track. The main issue being the wall in turn 14 going on to the dragstrip, but I'm assuming CMRA will be deploying Airfence there. The surface has gotten bumpy in a few places over the years, but overall its still a fun track.
  11. rbenson19

    rbenson19 Active Member

    Just my two cents- but once a person gives up their hard earned money for a product, communication is key. Everyone wants to feel like their money is in safe hands, and Dragginass being new thought he might have been taken for a ride. So, he had every right to try and communicate with Rick and anyone else who might know Rick. Like you all said, forums like these are so tight knit that people tend to stick up for a person bc they know them rather than stand up for what is right, and i believe this is a very good example of one of those times. Try putting yourself is Dragginass's shoes and see how you like waiting on a product for months while receiving no communication from the person you bought it from. Not trying to bash Rick at all bc i dont even know him; however, when money is involved, a person should make every effort to communicate with that person.
  12. infinityreplica

    infinityreplica Well-Known Member

    Isnt it interesting that this string has had over 800 views......shows me we all have way to much time on our hands, and need to get some REAL time on the track! This isnt even bench racing, its....?? I have no idea.....
  13. ncr160

    ncr160 Member

    No problem for Rick. For me it's a good dealer!!
  14. hammy56

    hammy56 Member

  15. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    You just make sure you keep your Pee Pee away from our 2 strokes.:D
  16. peterz84

    peterz84 Well-Known Member

    Infinityreplica wrote:

    "Isn't it interesting that this string has had over 800 views..."

    Didn't someone say "bad press is better than no press"? 800 more potential customers for Rick. Maybe a few more of us know where to get our parts from. Guys like Rick sure as hell aren't in it for the lucrative financial rewards for their efforts. You must understand you are not dealing with Yamaha Parts and Service. Rick is head of customer service, sales, tech support, marketing, accounting, shipping and recieving... Have some patience, you will get what you paid for. Where will you go if the very few guys like Rick close their doors? Think about it. You will have many a "Two Stroke Junkie" pretty upset that we now have to ride the diesels. Been dealing with Rick for the past couple of years, never had a problem. Shane, as you spend more time on your new bike, you will soon realize to keep this bike running on the track is well worth your wait.
    Good Luck
  17. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    Peter and others et al:

    For the bagillionth (not to be rude) time I don't have a problem in the world waiting. I'm one of the most patient people you'll ever meet, especially when it comes to things worth waiting for (any 2-smoke stuff!). The problem was this: rather than Rick asking me to be patient and informing me there was a problem.....I got ignored! I have all the patience in the world, all you have to do is ask for it. He took my money per our ebay transaction as if he was going to ship......and instead I had ZERO CONTACT FOR WEEKS! Thats not right.

    It really pisses me off that everyone wants to defend things and say be patient blah blah. You would be pissed too if someone took your money, and instead of taking 10 seconds to send an e-mail or other contact advising there was a get ingnored for weeks. That blows and you all know it. If ya'll don't want to admit it, fine. But you know EXACTLY how you would feel in the same situation. Be it Rick or anyone else, its not ok.

    It's great that we have people who are producing great parts for us, but it doesn't excuse common courtesy. I'm sure many others have had great experiences with Rick, I don't doubt it. That said, I'm not wrong for being upset by what happened to me, and the subsequent attitude I received afterwards. I'm not saying Rick is a bad guy, only that what happened to me was bad. There is a difference....
  18. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    This might be a silly question, but was there ever the option of just getting your money back? Or, is the Rick the only guy who sells these tools, and therefore you have no where else to go?
  19. infinityreplica

    infinityreplica Well-Known Member


    You got HOSED!!! THAT SUCKS!!!

    SHAME on you RICK for not emailing Shane Back. Tsk, tsk!!

    There do you feel undertstood now Shane??

    Rick I'll still do business with you and so will many others so it seems. We love you man.

    Goin back to my mediatative state now.

  20. infinityreplica

    infinityreplica Well-Known Member


    Rick is the Only guy who makes the custom tool that Shane needed.....and Rick invented it I believe along with a few other neat inventions.....
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