Must see TV for P&R denizens: Koppel: Iran - The Most Dangerous Nation

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by tcasby, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

  2. 92excel

    92excel Well-Known Member

    Glenn Beck just did an awesome show about the subject last night. I'm sure the libs will want to talk about it...pussy's.
  3. Trent

    Trent I just wanna ride motorcycles and eat pizza

    Koppel was interesting and actually funny on the daily Show the other day. I might check it out.
  4. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

  5. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Great show. Really a shame that the networks and cable news channels can't do this kind of stuff. Of course, I'm probably the only one here who watched it which may explain why.
  6. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    The networks and cable news channels don't cater to idiots?
  7. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Did you watch the show?
  8. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    With two boys who like to play all day? No time to watch much TV.

    Can you tell me what it was about in 25 words or less?
  9. ginko

    ginko Well-Known Member

    I Tivo'd it in advance, watching it now, very interesting stuff
  10. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Doubtful, but he can probably start telling you how he's smarter and better than the rest of us in 25 words or less. :D
  11. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    What do you think I am, Fox News?
  12. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I don't think you're smart enough to be Fox News.

    You might be smart enough to be The Cartoon Channel, but I'm not sure.
  13. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    HOLY SHIT!!!!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  14. stabber

    stabber Well-Known Member

    I TiVo'd it but haven't watched it yet.
  15. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    I watched it but I bet I came away with different conclussions than you.
  16. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    I guess I came to the same conclusion as Koppel's.
    Of the 3 options, continued sanctions with no engagement, military attack, or limited engagement, the last has the best opportunity for a good outcome while keeping the other options on the table.

    The Iranians have already demonstrated they are willing to absorb more punishment then we could dish out without direct provocation or imminent threat.

    Obviously the sanctions aren't going to work as long as the world is oil hungry.

    Actions that radicalize the largely pro-American, politically and religiously moderate, urban middle class and youth don't make much sense.

    The show also illustrated how meaningless much of the anti-American/Israel rhetoric is, how little power Ahmadinejad actually has, and that his base is mostly illiterate farmers who like his rhetoric but have little idea what in means.

    This is certainly not the Third Reich that Roger thinks it is, but it is a hugely influential force in the middle east, and one that is mostly immune to our threats and sanctions, but also one that deeply wants respect in the world community.

    No matter what we do they are many years from a nuke and we have plenty of time to deal with that problem. In the meantime they are in a better position to help stabilize the situation in Iraq than we are, and right now we need a stable Iraq.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2006
  17. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I have heard both Parties in the US make similar claims about each other's base.

    So, you agree this time in chosing the worst of two evils? I just want to make sure of this because you seem totally against this solution in the past. Again, I can me mistaken in my recollection.
  18. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Why?? Because they hold a "martyr" in such high regard? Personally that just shows they are a people that can't be reasoned or negotiated with. They think killing themselves for their cause is more honorable than working with other leaders to effect real change. Being a Martyr is the easy way out.

    Who was the largely pro-American people they talked to? The ones that were chanting "kill bush, kill America" in the morning then when talking to Koppel saying they liked Bush?

    The illiterate farmers?? Of the 2 "farmers" they talked to (one was a brick maker not a farmer) one liked Ahmadinejad, the other just said they haven't seen anything he has done.

    The truly scary part is the hatred that is taught. People like you like to say that the U.S. has done things to "deserve" the hatred. I am curious then how do you explain the fact that the hatred is taught and fostered everywhere in Iran. Children on their first day of school are taught "kill america, kill america". That is their first lesson they learn before even entering the school. Also during public prayer they do not only praise god but chant "kill america, kill america"

    I find that disturbing because it is not a choice that they people have made. News sources, TV, papers, and Internet sites containing anything about the U.S. and what the people of the U.S. believe is blocked. They only have what their own government tells them to rely on.
  19. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    "They only have what their own government tells them to rely on."
    Oh my! Thanks goodness that could never happen here...
  20. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Hey PC you better get in here....Casby stole your login and posted something dumb.;)

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