CIA Director appointment

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    John Brennan apparently is Obama's front-runner pick to head the CIA. Brennan was former chief-of-staff for George Tenet.

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

  3. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    He has a good last name family name on my mother's side...other than that I know nothing about him.
  4. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Brennan has waffled about the politicizing of Iraq intelligence, torture, rendition etc. After the campaign promises Obama made it seems weird to reward a guy like this.
  5. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

    Not weird at all, American foreign policy is dictated by "The Establishment" not the temporary administrations we "elect"
  6. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

  7. Chip

    Chip Registered

    Who runs Canada's intelligence service? Does Canada even have an intelligence service?
  8. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Were Rocky and Bullwinkle Canadian?
  9. Chip

    Chip Registered

    Rocky's from Georgia...I think Bullwinkle is from Alabama.
  10. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Dudley Doright?
  11. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Dudley is, in fact, Canadian. Another top rate policeman that used to be one of my heroes is Sgt. Preston of the Royal Mounties. He finds it difficult to get his walker up those mountain trails now, but he always gets his man. :up:

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