A certain moderator...

Discussion in 'General' started by PrillerJim, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. PrillerJim

    PrillerJim Banned

    has disabled my posting ability and made every post of the last 4 years invisible.
    Not because I have broken any forum rules or made off topic or inappropriate posts, but because he doesn't like my political opinions as expressed and debated in a politics and religion message board.
    He is now threatening to permanently ban me if I bitch about it.

    I will not beg for my posting privileges back, so bitching is my only option.
    Venom51 likes this.
  2. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    sounds like davek

    ??? did i win?
  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Papa likes to ban people if he's having a particualrly bad day. :)

    And although I don't ever read your posts.

    You can get pretty annoying, from what I hear. :Poke:
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2006
  4. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Nah, Dave don't take it personal. :)
  5. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

  6. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    yeah seems like i heard something similar just yesterday i think ;)
  7. Hammer

    Hammer Well-Known Member

    If he is making all of your posts invisible???? Why can I read this one?
  8. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    well damn, i had a 50/50 shot him or papa :D
  9. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    cause you're special :p
  10. Moonpie

    Moonpie Yo Yo Yo!

    different user name maybe?? Brilliant ain't I?
  11. PrillerJim

    PrillerJim Banned

    No doubt, but my total post count in 4 years is only about 4500 and people who a free to not read or respond fall all over themselves to do so.

    I have never once been discourteous to anyone who has not hurled insults at me.
    Venom51 likes this.
  12. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    You know the last time a moderator told me to shut the fack up on here and I didn't listen, I got what was coming to me... His tonka truck, his sandbox...

    Don't walk into someone else's playground and just expect that they owe you the right to speak your mind without recourse. Unfortunately, ammendment rights don't apply to message boards.

    You want to speak your mind, do it on your playground and with your ball.
  13. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Nobody likes a Whinner.....:Poke: :D
  14. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Yes indeed, but you have to keep in mind that the WERA BBS law knows no logic. :) And it ain't your playground. It's Mongo's. Took me a while to figrue that one out...

    The thing that sucks is you piss one of these guys off, and you'll have about 100 other guys lining up to kick you straight in the ball sack just cause.

    Been there, done that.

    Have fun, spanky.
  15. scotth

    scotth Banned

    dude, seriously, who gives a %*#$? not about *your* ability to post (I don't think you're any more f-ed up than anybody else here), but in general. go play with your kid/grandkids/wife, read a book, work on your bike, whatever.

    if it was dave, he's just pissed because you called him stubby, or because you're always making fun of his stubby gay lover. occupational hazard.

    if it was mongo, he's just gone mongo on you. occupational hazard, and if you chill, he'll probably let you back in. hell, he'll probably let you back in no matter what if you don't make an ass out of yourself in the interim, if only because he probably enjoys the conflict in p&r.

    if it was papa, shit man, you're hosed. he seems pretty mellow. I don't know what you'd have to do to get him to drop you.

    but anyway, like I said, who give a shit? I'm pissed I'm still surfing this crap while I wait for my new newbie to email me some work I asked for around five. I'd rather *not* be sitting in front of computer right now. why not take the opportunity to do something more fun?
  16. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Don't let the door hit your ass on your way out of the house.

    You post exclusively in the P&R section, and have openly admitted that P&R is your only topic of interest here. I say the world is better off without you. And I reserve that statement for a select crowd, so consider yourself special.
  17. PrillerJim

    PrillerJim Banned

    Speaking my mind is all I am capable of doing. I don't rip people off or do eBay scams. I express my opinion when it differs from the board consensus about guns or abortion or Bush. For that, Mongo compares me to Dan.
    Venom51 likes this.
  18. PrillerJim

    PrillerJim Banned

    No quite. When I raced I posted mostly in general. The usual questions and topics. I don't race anymore because I suck.

    So why would you care what my opinions are? How has my posting in P&R done you the slightest bit of harm?
    Venom51 likes this.
  19. Sunny

    Sunny Banned

    I thought I am the only one who got turned "invisible" according to some. :D
  20. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Well, allrighty then...

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