The Season end BIG GUY thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Buckwild, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    Alright, all you Plus-sized folks. What are your goals for this off season? Weight in and post your progress/method here.

    Buckwild - 275lbs.
    Started a cardio program and added spinning at lunch 3 times a week.

    Man Law
    Anyone under 200lbs caught in here un-escorted will be shot & eaten.
  2. Jugglenutz

    Jugglenutz Well-Known Member

    Lever - 210

    I'd like to get down to 195-200 being 6'3

    I'll probably keep spinning this winter...
  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

    About 250lbs. here. If I can come back to 220's, I'll be content. Anything around 200's I'll be pretty damn happy.

    I'm starting today. Need more endurance on those 100+ degree days. :)

    p.s. I'm generally planning to starve myself. It's all or nothing for me, since I have no discipline.
  4. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I feel fat.
  5. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    I managed to keep under 280 all year this year. I know that isn't much of an accomplishment, but as I was 330+ when I started racing, I'm happy about it...a little.

    This year I"d like to do the same thing, but get under 260 consistently. I haven't weighed under 260 since HS, so I don't know how hard this will be to accomplish...we shall see.

    Oh, and as usual, I really need to f*cking quit f*cking smoking. Goddamit that's a gross habit.
  6. slaw0002

    slaw0002 Not as fat !!!!!!!

    I Was 210 3 weeks ago !!!

    Now Im 198 so I wont post here again !! :D
  7. Dezmo

    Dezmo addicted to the trackpipe

    Anthony - 265

    my goal is to get my 48 sized leathers to un-shrink :D
  8. Brian129

    Brian129 Too many projects

    been lazy all sumer, now im at 220 again, still aiming for 185, but the dust layer on the bicycle isnt helping any
  9. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    170 as of right now.

    i plan on coming back around 150-155.
  10. evakat

    evakat Well-Known Member

    210 as of 2 days ago... 6'-1"
    Started watching what I am eating this morning (11/1/06)...
    beginning some training (Walking/running & weight lifting) tonight...
    Goal is to be at 180-190 by 1st race of year...
    Training to be in overall better shape... Not just lighter...
  11. slaw0002

    slaw0002 Not as fat !!!!!!!

    But you are 4"11 .:Poke:
  12. gixxernaut

    gixxernaut Hold my beer & watch this

    280 here. Instead of losing weight this winter I was thinking of lobbying for Mongo to let me to use Nitrous in B SuperStock just to even things back out.
  13. Sunny

    Sunny Banned

    :wow: Did you really lose that much weight? :Poke:
  14. Sunny

    Sunny Banned

    How about posting your "weight losing" program/plan also? I would love to lose 20 lb also............ :p
  15. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    see my previous link for tips,lol.

    seriously i have weight trained my whole life. go to the gym and EAT RIGHT. there is no secret way but hard work and doing it steadily over time. eat low glycemic carbs and good protien and train hard and right. too many people simply dont train right and get nothing.

    or you could just do the link above HAHA
  16. slaw0002

    slaw0002 Not as fat !!!!!!!

    Thats only from not drinking any beer !!! :rock:
  17. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    You should also take a math class. :D
  18. 418

    418 Expert #59


  19. skee

    skee # 358

    Currently 230lbs....
    Goal to get down to 200-210 by march/april timeframe.
    " I have got to stay away from those jewish deli's, pastrami is killin me":D
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Was 331.8 just before Mid-Ohio. Down to 320.2 this morning. Been doing 2-2.2 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical the last two mornings and 3 (4?) times last week, basically whenever I'm home and my knees aren't screaming too badly.

    First goal is under 300....

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