Cops taser women video

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by 748m0n0, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. 748m0n0

    748m0n0 bla bla bla

  2. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Thong,th,th,th,thong..she still said at the end i'm gonna get you.she may have a few issues
  3. busteriscool

    busteriscool squidzilla

    well i have a similar story, i was working as a valet, parking cars in the downtown orlando area and a coworker was greated by a large black woman who was obviously drunk, but didnt seem over the top drunk. Ten minutes later she is running down the street in nothing but her panties screaming "you aint never seen tities like these!" the cops couldnt stop her so they tazed her in the middle of the street, she fell over and when awoke, looked at the cop and said "officer you hurt me so bad..............., mother fu@ker!!!!" now both of these make for good entertainment
  4. bluedogz

    bluedogz Loooooooo budget

    'Taint nothin' like a tazer to make for an entertaining evening. These people must think "Oh, he'll never actually USE that thing..." in the split second before it goes off.
  5. busteriscool

    busteriscool squidzilla

    and if you have ever seen it before you will always remember the click it makes before it shocks the hell out of them, i still cringe when i hear that sound
  6. bluedogz

    bluedogz Loooooooo budget

    If you're on the receiving end you don't hear the click.
  7. busteriscool

    busteriscool squidzilla

    I'll try and stay away from the receiving end.
  8. LookOutRossi

    LookOutRossi Banned

    reminds me of not another teen movie..... "janie's got a gun...":D

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