Grand Dyno Finals

Discussion in 'General' started by lizard84, Oct 15, 2000.

  1. joey-95v

    joey-95v Registered

    after thinking about this moving the gnf around thing a little more this is what i've figured. there is no way any of the north centrals tracks could hold an event this big.
    putnam - pits way to small (unless everyone doesn't mind being in a field.)
    gingerman - pits again and lack of hotels.
    gateway - see above.
    nelsons - list way to long.
    i.r.p. - pits and track.
    i think that all of em. plus you have the weather (had to mention it) to worry about, not just rain but temp. and the possibility of snow. it was doing that while i was loading the trailer to go.
    plus what's really wrong with road a? it has everything to challange every rider, fast sections, slow sections, elivation changes and hard braking. what more could you want?

    ok enough "ass kissing" for one night [​IMG]
  2. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    First off, thanks, I'm up 10 bucks on a side bet that I could get to post again after you said you were done.
    I never said anyone was wrong, not once,pay closer attention to the posts and quit putting words in peoples mouth. all I'm doing is throwing out ideas for debate.
    I think RA is a great track... Calling it a Hp track is not a slam.
    Wera is a business, and you guys need to make money, races have to be run and you guys have to make money to live your lives.
    But there are other markets out there.
    The race could be moved up four weeks to Mid-Sept because of weather concerns, opening up untaped markets. Races could be run after as well as before the GNF. Why not year round?
    In business, if your not moving forward your losing ground, there is no standing still.

    Later, I have to pack, Key West awaits....
  3. alienator

    alienator Well-Known Member

    And so sayeth the Newt. Some debate when people offer reasons for their decisions and some, I'm sorry, 5 time champeen with 29 or so race victories...dismisses all contrary reasons as excuses. Yah, good debate alright, especially good since anyone who agrees with those not possessing the immense experience and vision of the Slimymander is automatically an ass kisser.

    So I guess ol' Lizard 84 is the only lumpy excretion with a well formed, truly independent opinion.

    George W. Lizard, coming soon to a theatre near you.
  4. boaide

    boaide Well-Known Member

    Come on, I don't know Lizard, but he's from WV and Summit Point is my favorite track. He has a point of view, expresses it well and articulately. My only criticism is that managing a race organization well doesn't require former race track experience, look at Bernie Ecclestone. Oh shit was Ecclestone a F1 champion???


  5. WERA

    WERA Administrator

    Lizard - reread your own posts, your calling WERA's reasoning "excuses" is tantamount saying that we are wrong.

    Glad I was able to help you win some money, hope you got your jollies as well since that truly seems to be your main motivation for posting. Luckily most others seem to see this as a place to post questions and ideas rather than a place to troll for arguments. I do have one question though, why did you keep this whole thing going? Do you truly believe that you are right or was is just because you have something against me or WERA? Betting on whether or not you can get someone to post by making inflammatory statements seems to make it the latter. If that is the case then why do you race with us?

    To everyone else - I apologize for continuing this thread but seeing as it's the off season I had nothing else going on this weekend...

    For Fred - you are correct, running the business side of WERA has nothing to do with racing, it's strictly customer service. The fact that Evelyne's business decisions have kept WERA a profitable business for so long prove that. So I guess as long as our customers keep coming to the GNF in ever greater numbers our choice of location must be correct, after all the customer is always right. Of course Lizard wasn't a customer at the GNF so what does that make him?
  6. boaide

    boaide Well-Known Member

    Don't want to quibble but I think you'd get a good turnout for a GNF at the go-kart track down the road from me. Hmmmm, no blind corners, really technical, not power dependent. Sounds like a winner.



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