Philosophical question

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by GoNavy, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    they have the ability to fight a soviet style war. the panzies here would never tolerate that.

    back to you captain geriatric. :D
  2. HNIC

    HNIC Well-Known Member

    This thread is stupid. You should all beat yourselves for posting in it.
  3. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    "Soviet style war" - are you referring to the WW II tactics of tank battles across the broad plains of the Russian steppe? Or the Cold War plan of rolling tanks across the plains of the former West Germany? Or perhaps the '80s Afghan war where they tried to develop air-mobility tactics?

    Not many plains in Korea. Yup, they got mountains there. And tunnels. Lots of them, to hide the jump-off point. But US surveillance can determine troop build-up as they mass towards those points, then suddenly disappear as they go underground.

    I worry about the vaunted NK air-mobile troops; are they on a par with the elite Republican Guard that was exposed during GW I?

    But we're talking about the NK Army, not the Red Army of the mid-20th century, nor the People's Army. Russia is more worried about Muslim factions in its former "republics" and about China taking over the Siberian oil fields.

    China has figured out it would lose money for its expanding economy in the US market. I doubt they would risk losing that money in a war to support their forward-thinking socialist comrades in Korea, who do not have an infrastructure that would benefit China’s economy.

    You score a big point on the "panzies". That's due to their belief that no war should take longer than an hour, or about the time they spend playing "Doom". But it is still only one point, no matter how big.

    4 for me, 1 for you.

    Your move, whippersnapper. :D

    Notice how he trusts the old guy to do the math.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2005
  4. GoNavy

    GoNavy Well-Known Member

    I still say there would be limited ground warfare, defensive at the 38th Parallel. The rest is all air power. We would just bomb them into submission. We wouyldn't try to take power and set up an iterim government or occupy. Why do you even think there would be a ground war? For the life of me I can't think of a reason.
  5. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    Eventually, some one has to walk into the dictator's house and throw him out. When it comes down to that, ya need grunts on the ground to get you to the dictator's house (or hole in the ground, in Sadaam's case).
  6. GoNavy

    GoNavy Well-Known Member

    No, I just don't see that as neccessary. You go over there and surgically bomb all the their stategic areas, and infrastructure, defend the 38th paralel and forget it. Why do we have to dipose him? Make em have to start from scratch. Take away the ability to be a threat. Send a message.
  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Civilian casualties?
  8. GoNavy

    GoNavy Well-Known Member

    Yup, that's why it ain't never gonna happen; (in my biased opinion lol). This war in Iraq has pushed the limits of what we will accept from a war. I could see some surgical strikes on strategic sites (not aspirin factories).

    I just don’t see us getting into any kind of sustained war with Korea, the ramifications to world peace what with Russia and Japan and China over there. In my humble opinion….
  9. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    senility seems to have rotted your old old brain. i meant that the N. koreans have plenty of bodies to throw at a war, while our liberal pukes would never go for it.

    take your medicine.
  10. bigx1384

    bigx1384 Banned

    " there will be only two parties".

    ,,,yep, purty narrow fellow that bradley feller iz,,,
  11. bigx1384

    bigx1384 Banned

    ,,,an another thing, ever one i know in this here country, no matter if they is green, red, blue, black, white, yellow, purple would sit still if"n some country tried to come over here to start some shit. ALL the Americans will stand up to any fight, anytime, and thats just MY patriotic ass spoutin off
  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    Re: " there will be only two parties".

    ore like "pretty realistic that bradley is'.

    <middle finger to dumbfuck>
  13. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    Forgot to take your Ritalin, eh? :D

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