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More trouble from you Georgia people...

Discussion in 'General' started by dtalbott, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

  2. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    That was on the news here a few weeks ago..

    My feelings are, it's a private club, so they can do whatever they want to do.
  3. jeffrop

    jeffrop Well-Known Member

    Hey if the Hetero's who aren't married dont get the benefits why should being gay be any different?

    If anyone is being discriminated against it has to be UNMARRIED people!

    As a former member of this highly discriminated against group (the UNMARRIED one I mean) all I can say is GET THEE LEGALLY MARRIED!

    Then watch how many "benefits" are bestowed upon thee! :Poke: :rolleyes:
  4. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Correct yourself sir. This issue is in the city of Atlanta, not the state of Georgia.

    I can assure you 90% of those living outside of the city limits of Atlanta never cross that line unless absolutely required.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I like it ITP - fun place to visit and watch the show :D
  6. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Re: Re: More trouble from you Georgia people...

    Well, that explains everything.

  7. Liar Liar

    Liar Liar what did you say?

    ain't this the truth, why does a "lifestyle choice" give 'em the right to this kind o crap:confused:
  8. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    In the past haven't these issues usually centred around not letting certain people join?

    I don't think because a club is private it should be exempt from following the law, but the article didn't mention anything i can see as discriminating against gays.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The deal as I understand it is as follows - the club does allow gays to join. However once they join the gay couples do not get the same rights as other married club members - hence the discrimination. Basically you have a couples that as far as the city is concerned get the rights of married couples, yet the club is not granting them those rights. Also AFAIK the city does have laws to the effect that anyone the city sees as a legal couple should have all the same rights as any other married couple - not sure of the exact terminology the ATL uses tho.
  10. Liar Liar

    Liar Liar what did you say?

    give this an inch.........and wait for the mile:rolleyes:
  11. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Well I didn't think a city can legally decide who is a couple. But i don't really know much it.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    They issue marriage licenses so why not? Anyway, if this is to be taken to the argument level rather than just a comment about news level it needs to go to P&R so I'm out.
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Does the city issue marriage licenses to gay couples? If they don't, I am not sure how they can argue along those lines.

    Either way, I agree that if it's a private club they should be able to do what they want. If you know the rules before you join and later decide they don't like them, you should be kicked out with no refunds.
  14. Bo Morgan

    Bo Morgan Well-Known Member

  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I think the city has some sort of deal where they recognize same sex unions to be the same as marriage but don't call it marriage so as to not freak people out. Either way if they do recognize them the same then the city is still well within their rights to enforce the laws - on the same vein as PT's response, if the club don't like it - move :D

    ISM! :D
  16. rabidsquirrel

    rabidsquirrel Well-Known Member

    YamaRick -
    YamaRick, what line is that? Civilization? Human Rights? The Dentist?

    Judging by what I've seen Outside The Perimeter, I see what you mean.

    To the other assclown that said 'lifestyle choice'... News flash! They are born that way... They same way that different ethnic groups are born with certain phenotypes.

    The good news in your case is that even though you were born and raised ignorant and intolerant, you may actually be able to be educated by getting to know some gay people, and quite possibly even realize that if it was a choice, no one in their right mind would chose to deal with the BS those guys and gals have to put up with from ppl such as yourselves, all because they are being who they really are...

    "I think I'll turn Gay today! It'll be great fun!" - doesn't happen.

    So, unless you were born stupid too, try getting to know some of the ppl you are denying rights too. And maybe, just maybe you'll see that it isn't a "Gay ON/Gay OFF" switch. They are gay ALL the time. While you are at it, speak with their families, they will also confirm that even when looking back to the time their gay kid, brother, or sister was growing up, the straight family member didn't know what 'gay' was, but in hindsight the gay relative was always 'different', always gay, from the 'get go'...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2005
  17. YSRkid70NC

    YSRkid70NC Banned

    It isn't the clubs issue. In Georgia same-sex marriages aren't recognized there was a big thing about people voting on it on TV. Gay people can't be married so if the club doesn't give unmarried straight people these priveleges then those stupid homos need to take it to court!
  18. rabidsquirrel

    rabidsquirrel Well-Known Member

    It ultimately forces it into the courts, that is probably why they are persuing it.

    I personally believe that private clubs can do whatever they want, as long as it is within the law... Would I want to join a club of intolerant ppl? No.

    But some of 'dem gay boys really likes da golf, so maybe it's really importent to them...
  19. Tiggerduc

    Tiggerduc BIG OL' DUFFUS

    I Loooooooooooove golf, because I get to play with all those balls and looooong clubs. Plus, I get to go back to the clubhouse and take showers with all those rich daddy types.
  20. belowtheradar

    belowtheradar Member

    You Are One SICK Marine. What makes you think those fine old upstanding citizens/Pillars of the Community/Fine Role Models are Daddy types? They might be rubber pants types...


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