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Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by tcasby, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Hate to say it but it's true. Bush has handed him everything he could possibly want. Enormous prestige in the middle east, enormous influence in the US, and the clash or cultures he wanted.
    Why should he bother with an attack in the US. We are bleeding far more lives and treasure in Iraq then any terrorist attack that he would be able to mount is likely to cost. Hell, he's probably squirreling away additional millions from the new Afghan opium crop. He's clearly not hiding in some cave as we all like to think.

    As evil as he is, Osama is far brighter than Bush, his tactics are more effective, and he is more adaptable.

    The truth really sucks sometimes.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2004
  2. Steve Karson

    Steve Karson Tcasby is my Bitch !!

    The only thing that sucks is your bizarre and twisted logic.
  3. TeamNuclear

    TeamNuclear At Least I'm Not Lever !

  4. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Spamming the board. Aren't you clever.
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    you really are witty casby. :up:
  6. ZebProctor1

    ZebProctor1 Well-Known Member

    SSUUURREEEE, which is why Bush (or the US) has an enormous army of dedicated, trained, and equipped soldiers, and Osama has a handful or morons who are following thier faith and performing cowardly acts of terror... but you're right, his tactics ARE more effective, if you define effective as making the entire world want you in jail or dead...
  7. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    yep. can't remember our soldiers having to cover their faces.

    even when they were handing out the beat down at abu garib, they were smiling for the camera. :D

    fuck you casby, by your summation, everyone here on this board owns you.
  8. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    so you are saying that we have lost more people in Iraq then in 911 I want to see where you got this info.
  9. ZebProctor1

    ZebProctor1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Osama OWNES GWB

    Not from anywhere that speaks the truth....

    Military Fatalities: By Time Period News

    Period US UK Other* Total Avg Days
    3 269 10 14 293 2.33 126
    2 715 27 58 800 1.89 424
    1 139 33 0 172 4 43
    Total 1123 70 72 1265 2.13 593

    THat compared to almost 3,000 in one day alone on sept. 11th.... and let's not go adding up deaths due to previous terrorist acts..... the simple fact is terrorists were free to roam in Iraq, just as they were in Afghanistan... the elimination of this freedom makes gathering, training, and funding terrorism harder and harder every day, so we are clearly winning... the "war" will only be won when there is NOWHERE that a terrorist can go for refuge, then and only then will this become a law enforcement war, just as the "war on drugs" is now.... but clearly, we need to ensure that every country that harbors terrorists either changes their policy, or faces a regime change.... iraq was just the most hard headed....
  10. bentbryan

    bentbryan no more pre-race jitters

    Hey cas, if you actually had any conviction for your ideas you would strap on a bomb and blow up a bunch of innocent Jews and Christians. BTW, how long have you hated America?
  11. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    let's not forget the intened fatality count for 9/11 was 50,000 or so.

    and you say there is no god on that day. ;)
  12. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    intended don't count. you are my hero so don't fall to Cas's level.
  13. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    my point is....... osama got a stick in the eye on 9/11. he's more evil than casby gives him credit for. but, he WANTED to kill 50,000 that day, not the measily 3000 that he got.

    i'd have to rent an industrial earth mover to get to casby's level.
  14. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Re: Re: Osama OWNES GWB

    No, I said "We are bleeding far more lives and treasure in Iraq then any terrorist attack that he would be able to mount is likely to cost".

    After 9/11, he was in no position to personally orchestrate a major terrorist attack in the US. He doesn't need to. Every thing he could hope to accomplish by such an attack is being realized 10 fold by the war in Iraq. We took away his ability to attack, then immediately handed him a victory far greater then he could have ever dreamed of.
  15. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    in your warped, rediculous mind, yes. :rolleyes:
  16. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    Re: Re: Osama OWNES GWB

    i for one agree with you casby, osama's cause has greatly increased. mid east countries that were once allied with the US are now starting to sympathize with the iraqi's and feel that the US is occupying. they are turning against the US. the war has nearly crippled the economy with a huge debt which is riseing as we speak. oooh and ZEB, your post above. an army of trained and dedicated, and well equipped soldiers is having a hard time over there. yes the insurgants tactics ARE more effective. the US hasnt seemed to be able to adapt. looking at the 2 opposing forces you would think the US could just go in and get it done easily. but they arent. ya cant fault the men doing the fighting. it is just the nature of the beast there,a nd the fact that the tactics used (no matter how wrong or cowardly they are -btw i totally agree with that) are effective. if they werent effective the situation would be finished by now. and they know that the longer it takes for the US to finish the task, the more they look like an occupying force, and then the more recruits they get to fight.
  17. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Re: Re: Osama OWNES GWB

    You're not very bright, are you?
  18. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    OK genius, tell me, from OBLs point of view, how could things have gone better?
  19. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    he alread told you 50k dead.
  20. ZebProctor1

    ZebProctor1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Osama OWNES GWB

    blah blah blah..... we ARE adapting, and we ARE winning... and the US economy is recovering from a terrorist attack, and is at one of the best points in history, end of discussion.... and about this effective crap... let's say you and I are playing, say poker, and instead of playing by the rules, and taking 5 cards, you take 20, and lay down your best 5, of course it will seem like you are winning, until you acknowledge the fact that you are cheating.... that's what OBL is doing, he's not fighting a morally fair war, by beheading, and attacking women and children (9/11), so you can argue he is effective all day long but until you acknoledge he is "cheating", you will never reveal the whole story....

    oh yeah, forgot to mention that OBL is not even fighting a war anymore, he's hiding in the friggin mountains like a little bitch... he has done nothing lately, he has no control over anything in iraq, and for all we know all his efforts are now used to save his diabetic little ass, so don't tell me that he is effective, we're not the ones having to live in our own piss and crap in a cave somewhere....
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2004

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